Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 636

Seeing that Mituo came to greet himself, Li forgets worry and is too lazy to continue to pay attention to the prince\'s left Shu\'s son Yu Zhining. He directly led three Xiao to the front of the imperial rank.

Li Erzheng was going to go down the imperial rank with empress Chang sun, so he squeezed Yu Zhining out of all the officials and fell to his knees: "Your Majesty, if you want to impeach Huxian Bo, you don\'t respect etiquette and law, don\'t respect the way of kings and officials, and disrespect the crown prince, it\'s really against the law!"

Yu Zhining was also scolded by Li forgetful and fainted. He ran directly to Li Er to complain.

But he didn\'t think about it himself. Prince Li Chengqian, Li Tai and Li Lizhi paid homage to their teachers. They kowtowed and offered tea in front of Li Er and princess changsun. Can his words provoke the relationship between the two sides?

Li Er didn\'t even lift his eyelids. With a little impatience in his tone, he asked, "Yu Zuo Shuzi, what do you say?"

"Tell your majesty, Huxian uncle went to the hall. When he saw the prince, he didn\'t salute and beat the prince on the head with his hand. It\'s disrespectful."

At this time, Li Er thought about it in his mind, just like Li forgetting sorrow. He didn\'t say a word. It\'s none of your business!

But as an emperor, he can\'t be like Li forgetful, so he can only nod and say, "I know."

Yu Zhining didn\'t know Li Er\'s impatience, so he continued to chatter: "Your Majesty, your Highness the crown prince is the prince of the crown prince and the princes, like Huxian bo..."

Before he finished, Li Er slapped on the handrail: "I said, I know! Get back!"

Yu Zhining stopped in amazement. His old face turned red, but he could only bow to Li Er and retreat silently. However, looking at Li forgetting his worries, he was still full of resentment.

Li forgot to worry, but he always smiled and watched Yu Zhining make a fool of himself. He was really too lazy to talk to this person.

In his opinion, the prince Zuo Shuzi is really pedantic to the extreme. He doesn\'t know what Li Er thinks. He chose such an east palace official for his son.

Li Er also has a lot of dissatisfaction with Yu Zhining, the son of Zuo Shuzi, the crown prince of the east palace.

The reason is that goods have to be thrown away, and people are more popular than people.

It is also responsible for the education of the crown prince. The gap between the crown prince Zuo Shuzi and Li forget worries is too big.

Originally, Li Er had great expectations for Yu Zhining, Du Zhenglun and others, the left concubines of the crown prince of the east palace. He even ordered him: "when you coach the crown prince, you often have to talk about the interests of the people... When the crown prince grows up in the deep palace, the people are difficult, and you don\'t hear it... You and others often have to talk about it in common. Whenever you see something wrong, you should advise him very much to make it beneficial."

But Yu Zhining and others can only talk.

After teaching Li Chengqian for two years, he kept complaining to Li Er because of Li Chengqian\'s small mistakes, leaving only Tang Monk\'s nagging.

But Li forget worry is different. He not only directly threw Li Chengqian and Li Tai to Dingzhou village, allowing them to communicate directly with their peers, but also good at guiding the three small children to think about problems.

Now Li Er feels that his three direct children have become not only polite but also virtuous. Whenever he remembered that he had forced Li to forget his worries and take three small children as his disciples, Li Er felt very proud.

Compared with the two, he naturally became less satisfied with these subordinate officials in the east palace.

Li Ergen didn\'t think there was anything wrong with Li forgetful\'s treatment of Li Chengqian. After all, he didn\'t come from an orthodox royal family and didn\'t care so much about these rites.

Therefore, the Confucianists of later generations will have smelly Han and dirty Tang, which means that the Tang Dynasty is too open in such matters as ethics and ethics.

After sending Yu Zhining away, Li Ercai summoned Li forgetful worry to himself: "Ziyou, your aunt asked you, how\'s the mirror making workshop? She\'s still waiting for the mirror."

The eldest sun empress betrayed her husband with a pale look and said to Li Qieyou with a smile, "Ziyou, the silver mirror is really rare. Not only does the palace like it, but all the concubines in the palace are looking forward to it. Erlang is stingy and refuses to give the silver mirror to the palace, so the palace can only count on you."

Yang Fei on one side also came over with a smile: "Ziyou, you can\'t forget to give me a mirror."

Li forgot to worry and said with a smile, "don\'t worry, aunts. It\'s not because of the new year, so the progress has been slow recently. However, there is a ready-made place in the mirror workshop, which is in the valley of Cuiwei palace. After the Shangyuan Festival, I will send the mirror to the palace within ten days."

He didn\'t talk nonsense. Now the valley where Cuiwei palace is located is almost becoming the "industrial base" of Datang.

The mint workshop and ordnance workshop are all in them. There is constant noise and black smoke every day. After Li Er visited them once, he was so angry that he stamped his feet and shouted that he was deceived. A good royal palace is abandoned. In such an environment, he won\'t live here again.

And the mirror workshop, Li forget worry naturally also arranged it here.

That is, there is copper smelting material in blast furnace, and it is convenient to use hydraulic forging hammer to create mirror. The most important thing is that the mirror is cast by silver amalgam. Mercury poison is produced in the production process. It is naturally more suitable to throw it into the valley far away from the population residential area.

This mirror making workshop is still the previous way of cooperation. The royal family accounts for 60% of the shares, and Li forget worry accounts for 40%, and the sale is naturally handed over to the beauty boss.

Now he has handed over the production process and method to the general craftsman sent by Li Er. He will start to officially build it after the Shangyuan Festival.

Empress Chang sun and concubine Yang were very satisfied with Li\'s reply.

The banquet in the palace on the Shangyuan Festival is naturally very relaxed. During the banquet, there is a continuous flow of good wine, musicians play music and palace maids offer dances. It is lively and cheerful.

When the lamp was on, Li Er helped his daughter-in-law grow up.

"Gentlemen, it\'s time to enjoy the lanterns again. But I don\'t know who Aiqing thinks his family\'s lanterns can be the leader this year?" Li Er asked the ministers with a smile.

Before others spoke, they heard Cheng Yaojin shouting in his broken Gong voice: "it\'s hard for others to say, but Li Ziyou\'s lantern must be the \'top name\'."

The old man bit the name very hard. But his words made all the officials in the hall burst into laughter.

Li forgot to worry and touched his nose. This old man is really not a good thing!

Li Er, empress Chang sun and imperial concubine Yang were confused by the laughter of the ministers.

"Why? But what\'s so strange about the lanterns made by Ziyou\'s family?"

"Yes, your majesty, Ziyou\'s lantern is quite strange, ha ha." Fang Xuanling explained, but he couldn\'t help laughing. Even though he was friendly with Li, he couldn\'t help laughing at the thought of Li\'s house\'s simple lantern.

Company commander sun Wuji bowed to Li ERGONG: "Your Majesty, Ziyou\'s Lantern Festival this year is really, ha ha, it\'s really unique."

These words naturally caused the ministers in the hall to laugh.

Li Er and the eldest grandson empress looked at each other. They thought the laughter was very strange, so they simply said, "in that case, let\'s have a look. I\'m also curious about what kind of lanterns Ziyou will make."

He and his eldest grandson, the empress, led several concubines in the harem, got up and went outside the temple