Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 635

The speaker is a middle-aged man. Li forgets worry and doesn\'t know him.

Today is a festival. You don\'t need to wear a royal robe when you enter the palace. Li forget you can\'t see the identity and grade of the middle-aged man who speaks.

"Who are you?" Li forgot to worry, his eyes narrowed and asked. What\'s the matter with you and three novels?

The middle-aged man replied arrogantly, "Yu Zhining, the prince and the concubine of Xiafang."

The reason why he stood up to provoke Li forget worry was naturally because of jealousy. Jealous that Li forgets to worry so young, he can be granted the title of founding County uncle; Jealous of the intimate relationship between Li forgetful and the crown prince.

As a concubine of the crown prince, he felt that he should be close to the crown prince. Naturally, he couldn\'t bear to see Li forgetful and Li Chengqian so close.

Hearing the speech, Li forgot to worry and couldn\'t help raising his eyebrows. The crown prince, Zuo Shuzi, is the official product on the fourth grade. He is an official of the East Palace and a senior official who assists the crown prince, Li Chengqian.

In the words of later generations, he is the director of the general office of the prince and has great power. It can also be said that it is Li\'s "colleague" who also has the responsibility to teach the prince.

The difference is that although the prince Zuo Shuzi has the responsibility to teach the prince, he does not belong to the prince\'s teacher. But Li forgot to worry, but Prince Li Chengqian kowtowed to his teacher with Li Tai and Li Lizhi.

The ancients said that heaven and earth are close to the king\'s teacher. The last teacher refers to the relationship between Li QIAOYOU and Li Chengqian, and the prince Zuo Shuzi is not included in the category of "teacher".

To be true, only the crown prince, the crown prince, the crown prince, the crown prince and the crown prince, the three divisions of the east palace can really be regarded as the teachers of the crown prince, but they all have empty titles and no real posts.

Li Er had joked that he wanted to make Li forget you the crown prince and master. He almost scared Li forget you to death.

Are you kidding? I\'m only sixteen, and I\'m only seventeen after the year. How dare I get this reward. The third division of the crown prince is a special honor only from the first-class leaders. He is a young boy. It\'s strange if he should really follow what Li Er said and not be sprayed by the saliva of the leaders in the court.

Fortunately, Li Er was just joking, and he knew it was impossible.

Therefore, although Li Chengqian and his disciples worship Li forget you as their teacher. Li forget you is nominally "emperor teacher", this is a private relationship, not an "official relationship" recognized by chaotang.

The prince, Zuo Shuzi, whose name is Yu Zhining, has read about him in history books.

According to historical records, this man is also a loyal minister. When Li Chengqian was arrogant and indulgent, Yu Zhining always advised, and even wrote 20 volumes of Jianyuan to advise. Li Er was very happy at that time. He not only rewarded gold, silk and silk, but also promoted him to crown prince Zhan Shi.

Then his mother died. According to the system, Yu Zhining needed to resign and be filial, but he was robbed of his feelings by Li Er and returned to his original post.

It is also recorded in the book of the new Tang Dynasty that Li Chengqian sent assassins to assassinate him because he was angry with him. As a result, the assassin couldn\'t bear to start, and Yu Zhining escaped.

When Li forgets to worry about reading history books, he feels that Yu Zhining is not a good bird. In his bones, he is just a person who deceives the world and steals fame.

Otherwise, as a concubine of the prince Zuo and an official of the prince, he not only did not give advice to Li Chengqian, but also tried his best to "persuade" Li Chengqian under the pretext of so-called "luxury and indulgence" in order to please Li Er.

The 20 volumes of Jianyuan are even more ridiculous. As the crown prince, Li Chengqian was just addicted to singing and dancing and lived a more luxurious life. As an official of the crown prince, he actually wrote 20 volumes of books to "advise".

In Li\'s opinion, where is this advice? It is clear that he is writing black materials and small reports to Li Chengqian and submitting them to Li Er for complaint.

After Yu Zhining\'s mother died, it can be seen that this man is obsessed with his official position. Li Er just persuaded him, and he happily sat down again in the position of crown prince Zhan.

As for the so-called assassination of the crown prince in the book of the new Tang Dynasty, it seems even more absurd to Li forget you.

The grand crown prince Tang sent two killers to kill an old man, but there were still things that killers couldn\'t bear to do. How failed Li Chengqian was? Moreover, this extremely secret thing can be openly written into history books. Isn\'t it purely funny?

In Li\'s opinion, this kind of thing is basically the literati pouring sewage on Li Chengqian.

In fact, Li Chengqian didn\'t make a big mistake at the beginning, but his life was arrogant and extravagant. Is this a matter in his status?

In Li\'s opinion, the tragedy after Li Chengqian was forced out by the crown prince\'s subordinates and Li Er.

Think of a rebellious young man who can\'t do anything he likes. He still whispers in his ear every day about your stupidity, your debauchery and your extravagance. I\'m afraid he can\'t stand no matter how good his heart is?

And now that Li forgets worry and comes into contact with these three small children, he feels that the hearts of Li Chengqian and Li Tai are actually very good, which makes him like them very much.

Otherwise, how could he have taken such a big risk and stubbornly wanted to operate on Li Chengqian\'s appendix to save his life.

Now it\'s Yu Zhining, the prince\'s left concubine, who interrupts his conversation with Sanxiao. Li forgets to worry about him.

"It\'s none of your business for me to talk to Chengqian, Qingque and Changle!" Li forgets to ask who is opposite and scolds directly.

Yu Zhining was stunned. Then he was so angry that his fingers trembled. He pointed to Li forgetful and said angrily, "Huxian uncle, how dare you speak foul language? How dare you be so arrogant?"

Yu Zhining\'s shame and annoyance, but Li forgot to worry about him at all. He took three small hands and went to the hall. When passing Yu Zhining, Li forgot to worry lightly and left a sentence: "bitch!"

He was so angry that one Buddha came out of the body and two Buddhas ascended to heaven in Zhining. He didn\'t care to be on the hall and shouted: "Huxian uncle, how dare you humiliate me!"

This movement naturally attracted everyone in the hall to look sideways and cast their eyes one after another to see what had happened.

Li forgot to worry, but turned back and said with a smile: "Yu zuoshu, you made a mistake. I didn\'t humiliate you, but I didn\'t bother to pay attention to you at all. If you look like this, don\'t show off. You don\'t care, but it affects the appearance of Chang\'an city. That\'s your mistake!"

His vicious tongue attracted many officials around him, who couldn\'t help laughing. Although I don\'t quite understand what city appearance is, we can generally understand its meaning.

When Yu Zhining heard the laughter of his colleagues around him, his face turned red and his fingers forgot his worries. He would only come back and say, "don\'t be a son of man, don\'t be a son of man..."

Li Er and the eldest grandson empress were chatting on the imperial steps. After noticing the movement here, they couldn\'t help laughing at their daughter-in-law and saying, "Guanyin maid, what are you doing about that bastard boy you said you were worried about?"

Empress Chang sun also smiled: "Ziyou is not a naughty temper. Maybe someone has provoked him again. Erlang, don\'t let him suffer."

Li Er couldn\'t help turning his eyes: "he suffered a loss? Guanyin maid, you are too young to look at the boy. I haven\'t seen this boy suffer a loss since I knew him."

"Hee hee, Erlang is right. I don\'t know how Ziyou got the seven tricks and exquisite heart. My concubine thinks there is nothing he can\'t do in the world. By the way, Erlang, what progress has been made in the mirror making workshop that Ziyou told you last time? My concubine is still waiting for the silver mirror." the eldest sun empress covered her mouth and smiled and thought of the mirror again.

Since Li forgot to worry about offering a mirror on Li\'s second birthday, it has caused a sensation in the harem.

Neither empress Chang sun nor imperial concubine Yang could move after seeing the silver mirror in the attention hall. Now the concubines of the harem want to go to Li Er\'s bedroom to say hello. It\'s called greeting. In fact, they just want to look in the mirror.

Hearing what his daughter-in-law said, Li Er could only wink at Mituo and motioned him to summon Li forgetful