Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 634

On the Shangyuan Festival, Li forgot to worry. In fact, he didn\'t want to go to the palace for fun.

Shouldn\'t I take the smooth and tender hand of the beautiful boss and lead Aphrodite and Perrin to hang out in Chang\'an City?

Compared with that, it was very boring to go to the Tai Chi palace to drink and have fun with Li Er.

But people can\'t help themselves in the Jianghu. It is impossible for him, the founder of the country, not to go.

But fortunately, there is no curfew today. The excitement of the three days of Shangyuan Festival is almost all night. He can only make an appointment with the beautiful boss. After he has dealt with those things from the Tai Chi palace, he will go back to the house and take the three women out to visit the lanterns.

On Shangyuan Festival, the evening drum sounded as usual. Unlike in the past, there were no people hurrying home in the streets and alleys.

The sound of the evening drum was like a signal, which made hundreds of officials and aristocratic families in Chang\'an City open the door of the house one after another. A large group of servants raised the elaborate lanterns in the house and went to the Tai Chi palace.

Naturally, Li forgot to worry and led Niu Yong, Niu Wu and a series of episodes, carrying the lanterns hurriedly driven out from his house.

These lanterns need to be sent to the imperial city and lit again when night falls. Only then will Li Er and empress Chang sun lead the people in the palace to watch and comment one by one, and finally choose the most exquisite lanterns today to give rewards.

Hundreds of exquisite lanterns are arranged in turn in the imperial city of Nuo Da, which is very spectacular.

However, compared with the lanterns carved with dragons and Phoenix and complicated carving in other families\' houses, the lantern carried from Li forgetful\'s residence is really too shabby.

This is also very normal. After all, in three days, even if there are skilled craftsmen who will be the supervisor to help make it, it can\'t compare with those carefully carved lanterns that took half a year.

The lanterns with more than one person tall look very simple. Compared with the exquisite lanterns around, they are just like the ugly ducklings in the swans.

Not only is there no sculptor to speak of, but also the simplicity is extremely elegant.

Polyhedral prismatic lantern, in addition to the lampshade bracket painted bright red with red paint, there are seven or eight white gauze lampshades in the middle, which are extremely simple.

It is no exaggeration to say that even in the East and West cities, the folk lanterns sold by merchants are much more exquisite than the lamps carried from Li forgetful\'s house.

As soon as this lantern appeared, it naturally attracted the attention of all officials.

"Wow, hahaha, boy, what\'s this thing you brought here? It\'s also called a lantern? Are you fooling the ghost?" Cheng Yaojin did not shy away and directly laughed and mocked.

Cheng Yaojin didn\'t know about the horse lantern. Naturally, it was because Li forgot to worry and asked the dandies to keep it a secret. He is prepared to give a good look at what the "woodlouse" magic is like today, including Li two.

Therefore, the appearance of the lantern will be so simple and elegant. It is not that the craftsmen who will be the prison have no time to decorate, but that Li forgets to let go.

He deliberately refused to let craftsmen decorate lanterns in order to bring a strong shock to the contrast between the two.

The effect of the running lantern can be seen only after the wick is lit. The more people despise the simplicity of his lantern, the more they will be shocked by the running lantern. In this way, his lantern has a higher chance of winning the first prize in one fell swoop.

It has to be said that Li forget worry is also a tight belly. In order to win the lantern leader, even psychological warfare was used.

At this time, hearing Cheng Yaojin\'s teasing, Li forgets to worry, but smiles more and more happily.

"Ha ha, uncle Cheng, what are you talking about? I made this lantern carefully. It\'s the only one in the world. Today, I\'m here for the first name of the sage."

Cheng Yaojin was stunned when he heard the speech. He almost wanted to reach out and touch Li forgetful\'s forehead. Isn\'t this goods crazy? Carrying such a simple and humble lantern into the palace, how can you say that you want to get the first prize?

Not only does Cheng Yaojin think so. Hearing Li forgetful worry\'s words, but also looking at the lantern that he ordered to carry the episode to the Imperial City, he doesn\'t stop laughing.

He was close to Li Lianyou, such as Yuchi Jingde, Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui, Yu Shinan and others. Naturally, he shook his head and couldn\'t understand what medicine the boy was selling in his gourd.

People like Hou Junji, Wang Renyou and Zheng Yuanshou naturally scoff at his words. If it weren\'t for the Shangyuan Festival, people would have to be sarcastic if they didn\'t want to lose their interest today.

If the hall leaders don\'t speak, other officials below four or five grades naturally can\'t say much. After all, Li\'s identity is there, and they can\'t laugh at it at will.

But even so, the officials could not help pointing at the lanterns brought by Li forgetful. From time to time, a burst of light laughter broke out in the crowd, apparently laughing at the lanterns offered by Bo\'s house in Huxian county.

Fortunately, the time has come. They are invited into the Tai Chi Palace by the palace attendants. Li Er still gives a banquet to the officials in the Tai Chi hall.

Today is Shangyuan Festival, so there are not so many cumbersome etiquette.

Not only Li Er, but also empress Chang sun, concubine Yang and other imperial concubines attended the banquet in the palace. Even Li\'s three disciples, Li Er\'s legitimate sons Li Chengqian, Li Tai and the eldest princess Li Lizhi, also appeared in the hall.

After seeing Li forget you appear, three small immediately very clever trot over, respectfully saluted Li forget you.

The eldest princess Li Lizhi was very cute. She pulled Li forgetful\'s sleeves and complained angrily: "Sir, I bet with my brothers today that the lantern made by the teacher must be the best lantern in the world. Hum, they don\'t believe it."

When Li Lizhi finished, she didn\'t forget to spit out her tongue and make faces at Li Chengqian and Li Tai. The extreme appearance of Kawaii made Li forget his worries and couldn\'t help laughing.

"Ha ha, Changle is right. Since Chengqian and Qingque don\'t believe it, we won\'t show them our lanterns, okay?"

Li Lizhi nodded seriously: "yes, don\'t show it to my brothers!"

Li Chengqian immediately explained to Li forgetful, "Sir, don\'t listen to Changle\'s nonsense. Chengqian doesn\'t doubt that the lantern made by the teacher is not good-looking. Well, it\'s the green bird!"

Li Tai was also worried. The little fat man angrily said, "nonsense, it was clearly said by the prince\'s brother! Sir, the green bird naturally believes you."

Li forgot to worry with a smile and patted on the head of Er Xiao: "well, don\'t talk nonsense. Don\'t think you are a teacher and don\'t know who said it."

The laughter of the four masters and disciples attracted many interested people to look at the hall.

Everyone was surprised and envied that Li Qieyou could have such a close relationship with Li Chengqian, but they had nothing to say.

After all, as the prince, the prince and the princess, Li forgets worry. This matter has long been irrefutable. Li forgets worry himself as a member of the royal family and has a close relationship with the royal family, but others can\'t say a word.

But even so, some people were dissatisfied and said coldly, "Huxian uncle, the crown prince is a prince and a prince. How can you be so presumptuous and disrespectful of etiquette and law?"

Li Qieyou was stunned when he heard the speech. Where did this come from? It\'s really a toad yawning - what a big breath!