Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 633

For Li forgetful worry, he despised himself in front of the crowd. The beautiful boss just turned his beautiful eyes, turned around, twisted his slender waist, and pulled Aphrodite and Perrin, who were covering their mouths and laughing, back to the backyard.

Li Qieyou laughed: "well, please go back, brother. I have to start making lanterns. I don\'t have time to drink and have fun with you today."

Naturally, when he said this, all the dandies looked at each other and didn\'t know what to say.

After half a ring, Fang\'s last love began: "Ziyou, aren\'t you confused? Do you know how much effort it takes to make a lantern? It\'s only three days from Shangyuan Festival. What lantern can you make? If you fool a lantern casually, I\'m afraid it won\'t be laughed to death?"

Li forgot to worry. He looked like a wise pearl in his hand. He stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers: "ha ha, the mountain people have their own tricks! You brothers don\'t have to worry. You can\'t lose face. If you can\'t say it, you can still win the first name and let the saints and queens reward me."

Naturally, people didn\'t believe his words. They shook their heads one by one.

Li forgot to worry. Seeing that everyone didn\'t believe it, he couldn\'t help but turn his eyes and thought of promoting narrowness.

"Brothers, since you don\'t believe it, why don\'t you bet with your little brother?"

Chumo looked at each other again. He was wary and shook his head one after another: "no gambling, what gambling? Your boy quickly said, what\'s the way?"

It\'s no wonder Chumo and them are nervous. They have been in contact with Li forget worry for a long time. Even the most idiots know that there is no time to lose if they make a bet. Even if the content of gambling is absurd and uninhibited, in the end, it is the boy who wins.

In this way, the dandies are not willing to gamble with him.

Chumo glances at the two brothers. He simply pinches the fingerbones of his hands and surrounds Li forgetful with a ferocious smile.

"Ziyou, if you don\'t say it, don\'t blame your brothers for being rude!"

Yuchi Baolin, Yuchi Baoqi and Fang Yiai also laughed and surrounded them. They had an attitude of beating you if you didn\'t say it.

Compared with this group of dandies, Li forget worry is just as weak as a quail. He simply holds his head in his single hands and squats to the ground with standard action: "hero, spare your life! If you are small, say everything!"

His action naturally caused many dandies to laugh.

In fact, the idea given by the beauty boss to Li Qieyou is also very simple, that is, the horse lantern.

Since there is no time for skilled craftsmen to carve and make complicated and exquisite lanterns, it is better to be clever and win with new ones.

In fact, the principle of the lantern is very simple. It is the heat generated by the lamp combustion that causes the air flow to push the wheel shaft to rotate, so as to drive the paper-cut on the wheel shaft to rotate. The light projects the paper-cut onto the lampshade, and the image can automatically cycle and move around.

Although there were historians in later generations who said that there were records in the Han Dynasty, in fact, it did not appear until the Song Dynasty.

In the menglianglu written by Wu Zimu in the Southern Song Dynasty, there have been records of trading horse lanterns in the capital Lin\'an night market. Zhou\'s old stories of Wulin also has the description of "ruosha plays with shadow lights, horses ride characters and rotate like flying".

Li forgot you and her beautiful boss had never seen anything like a horse lantern in the past year when they crossed the Tang Dynasty. Therefore, Su Changqing just had a flash of inspiration and came up with this idea for Li forgot you.

After hearing Li forgetful\'s explanation, he said that he wanted to be a lantern that could turn the patterns in the lamp without manpower. The dandies couldn\'t help being silly again.

"Ziyou, don\'t deceive your brothers. There\'s no one to drive the lantern. How can it rotate endlessly?"

"Yes, I have never heard of such a thing. The lantern is not your waterwheel. How can it rotate by itself without hydraulic drive?"

Li forgot to worry and rolled his eyes. These scientific idiots are really difficult to communicate and explain. He was too lazy to talk nonsense with the dandies. He just ordered Niu Wu to invite Yan Liben to his house to help him make lanterns.

Yan Liben is good at mechanism setting. He wants to make a running lantern. How can he do without the help of this disciple? What\'s more, we have to borrow the craftsman who will be the prison, and we need Yan Liben, who will be the little prison, to coordinate.

When the dandies saw that Li forgot to worry, it seemed that they were not kidding. They became more interested. They all depended on Li\'s house, waiting to see how the self rotating lantern was made.

When his teacher called, Yan Liben naturally didn\'t dare to neglect and hurried to Kaihua workshop. When he heard that Li Qieyou had not made lanterns, he was also in a hurry.

"Teacher, it\'s all my fault. Why did I forget to remind my teacher? Please forgive me! There are lanterns made in the disciple\'s house. I\'ll ask someone to bring them later."

Yan Liben said this, and Li forgets worry naturally smiled and waved his hand.

Don\'t say he has a way now, but he doesn\'t have and can\'t be so brazen to rob his disciples\' lanterns. It\'s too bad for faith.

"Liben, don\'t worry. There are still three days before Shangyuan Festival, which is enough to create an unprecedented lantern for the teacher, ha ha." after Li forgets you, he took him to the study and began to draw a schematic diagram of the running lantern on the paper.

The dandies rushed over and looked at the drawings drawn by Li forgetful sorrow.

"Wonderful! Teacher! It\'s wonderful! The disciples understand! It\'s true! The oil lamp in the lantern burns and the heat can drive the axle to rotate. It\'s really simple. Why did the disciples never think of it? Teacher, great talent, the disciples understand."

Yan Liben is really good at mechanism structure. After Li forgetful explanation, he immediately understood the principle. Yan Liben gave his little teacher a long bow, indicating that he had been taught.

For him, learning how to make news of these organs is a great pleasure in life. And his teachers often have unexpected creations, which makes him very happy.

But all the dandies can only look at each other and don\'t understand what the teachers and disciples are talking about.

What do you understand?

Why didn\'t they understand anything?

Li forgot to worry and despised the dandies. These "semi illiterates" were too lazy to talk nonsense with them.

"Teacher, I\'m going to be the supervisor now. I\'ll find some skilled craftsmen. I can\'t delay the presentation of lanterns on the Shangyuan Festival."

Yan Liben quickly went to be the general\'s supervisor, helped Li forget worry, found several skilled craftsmen, and began to build lanterns in Li\'s house.

Three days passed in a hurry. With the help of Yan Liben and the craftsman who would be the supervisor, the lantern was finally made.

The dandies gathered around the well-made lanterns like a group of grandma Liu who had just entered the Grand View Garden. They were very novel.

"Tut Tut, I can\'t believe it. Ziyou, how did you grow such a delicate and exquisite heart?" Fang Yiai exclaimed: "if the court hall princes see it, they won\'t be surprised to lose their teeth? No wonder my adults often say that Ziyou have great talent and let me learn from you."

"I don\'t want to mention it any more. I\'m full of anger when I talk about it. After the saint\'s birthday, my adults came back to my house and cleaned me up with Erlang and Saburo. Finally, let\'s learn more from the bastard. I\'m full of anger when I talk about it. How can you compensate our brother for his loss?"

Chumo listens to the room\'s love saying this. He suddenly remembers that he was bitten by Cheng. He cleans up for no reason, and immediately jumps with anger.

"Yes, so are the two brothers of Laozi!" the twins of Yuchi were angry when they mentioned it.

Li Lianyou was puzzled by the words of these brothers. Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde, two old hooligans, clean up your brothers. Is it none of your business? Is it reasonable?

However, the hero doesn\'t suffer from the current loss. Li forgets to worry. Seeing Chumo\'s angry posture, he turns around and runs away. The dandies naturally refused to let him go. After a strange cry, they chased him. There was another chicken flying and dog jumping in the Li house