Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 632

The article written by Li Erhua and Li Tianshou will have any repercussions in the market. Li forgets worry, but now he can\'t control it.

At the moment, he is busy making lanterns in the house of Kaihua square with a group of craftsmen invited from the prison.

Since new year\'s Eve, Li forgot to worry and stayed in his house in Kaihua square. He had no time to return to Dingzhou village.

After all, during the new year\'s day, he, the founder of the county, had to go to various leaders and the national government to pay New Year\'s greetings, and then he was busy preparing for the baseball league.

Besides, the Shangyuan Festival is coming soon. He and his beautiful boss spent the Shangyuan festival in Datang for the first time. Naturally, they were very interested and settled down in Chang\'an city.

Shangyuan Festival refers to the 15th day of the first month.

Since ancient times, China has called night "Xiao", so Shangyuan Festival is also called yuanxiao. Shangyuan Festival is also called "Lantern Festival" because it has the custom of putting on lanterns and colorful decorations.

In the Tang Dynasty, Shangyuan Festival is more important than New Year\'s Eve.

Just after the seven-day New Year\'s Eve holiday, the fourth dynasty hall began to officially operate. A few days later, it was time to take a rest. In a few days, it will be Shangyuan festival for three days.

Whenever he thought of the Tang Spring Festival, since there were so many holidays, Li forgot worry and felt it was great.

Compared with the seven day holiday in later generations, Li forgets worry that civil servants in the Tang Dynasty are really happy.

Shangyuan Festival is also the only day without curfew in Chang\'an city.

In the Tang Dynasty, the sunset square door was closed and people were forbidden to walk. Only three nights before and after the Shangyuan Festival on the 15th of the first month, the square door was not closed, and people could go out to light and watch lights at will.

Even the maids in the palace can go out of the palace to enjoy the lanterns these three days.

15、 On the 16th and 17th, the curfew was lifted in Chang\'an City, and all temples, Taoist temples and streets were as bright as day. More than 100 foot high greenhouses have been built on the spacious streets, with lights and colors for people to visit. The children of scholars in the whole city go out of the empty lanes and traffic jams. Sometimes pedestrians can even be wrapped by the flow of people and walk dozens of steps without stopping. It can be said that it is very lively.

The palace maids, Kabuki and the little ladies in Chang\'an and Wannian counties, who are dressed in beautiful clothes, wearing pearls and covered with rouge pollen, danced and sang heartily among the lanterns. They reveled for three days in a row and were extremely happy.

The Lantern Festival of Shangyuan Festival is not only for people to enjoy lanterns, but also for officials. On this day, they need to send out their carefully crafted lanterns and carry them into the palace for Li Er and the royal family to enjoy.

If you just show it to the royal family, the key is to show the lanterns on Zhuque avenue to the people of the whole city.

Moreover, the most novel, beautiful and exquisite lanterns will naturally be rewarded by the palace.

Baiguanxun GUI didn\'t care about the little gold and silver given by Li Er, but each family wanted face. If the lanterns made in your own house are more ugly than those of others, it will lose face.

Therefore, in order to show their faces at the Lantern Festival on the Shangyuan Festival, many officials and honourable families began to recruit skilled craftsmen as early as six months ago to create those extremely complex and exquisite lanterns, so that the Shangyuan Festival can win the first prize in one fell swoop or win the praise of the people who enjoy the lanterns.

Li forgot to worry about this product, but he didn\'t know that there was such a thing on Shangyuan Festival. Naturally, he didn\'t prepare any lanterns.

He didn\'t look foolish until a group of dandies came to visit.

"Ziyou, why didn\'t you see the lanterns made by your family? But in Dingzhou village, Huxian County, you have to hurry up and transport the lanterns to Chang\'an city. Otherwise, if there is a bump at that time, it won\'t be beautiful."

Chumo was stunned by this, and asked, "what lantern?"

The dandies also looked at each other. After half a ring, Fang Yiai couldn\'t believe it and asked: "Lanterns for the Shangyuan Festival? Don\'t you have to order people to make them? On the Shangyuan Festival, saints will give a banquet to officials in the palace. At that time, all families and governments will carry their own lanterns into the palace and show them to the saints and empresses one by one. After that, these lanterns will be placed on the rosefinch avenue for people to enjoy. The saints and empresses will also choose the most exquisite lanterns, Give a reward. "

Li forgot to worry and was completely dumbfounded when he heard the speech. Why didn\'t he know about temeow? There was no impression in his memory.

He didn\'t know that Li Zhou had no title at all and had the responsibility of supervising Huxian. He could only keep the Shangyuan festival in Huxian and had no chance to offer lanterns in the Tai Chi palace. Naturally, the original owner of the body knew nothing about it.

When the dandies saw Li forgetting to worry, they all burst into laughter.

"Wow, hahaha, Ziyou, don\'t you make lanterns at all?"

"Ha ha, I think so. Tut Tut, it\'s rare for you to be so timid."

"Hey, hey, it seems that Ziyou will be spread all over the streets of Chang\'an City after the Shangyuan Festival. Since the founding of the Tang Dynasty, you are still the first to refuse to offer lanterns to your majesty."

"Ziyou, it\'s all right. When you look back, my brother will go to Xishi and buy you a lantern. You take it to the saint, ha ha."

The dandies laughed heartlessly, so angry that Li forgot to worry that he could only raise two middle fingers at them... But he soon found that he had made a mistake, and the twenty middle fingers immediately returned.

Li forgot to worry very childish, crossed his hands in front of his chest: "rebound!"

The beauty boss sat in the corridor and watched his childish little man fight with the dandies, but he couldn\'t cry or laugh.

However, after playing and laughing, the dandies began to give advice for Li forgetful.

"Ziyou, I\'m afraid now I really have to go to the East and West cities to see if I can buy a delicate lantern from those merchants."

"What\'s good about those merchants? Ziyou, don\'t listen to Chumo, a fool. Ask your enemy. Their family will certainly make lanterns and let them give them to you." Fang Yiai thought.

As soon as he finished speaking, Chai Lingwu slapped him in the back of his head: "love, you can say Chumo is a fool? Where can you get it? The enemy is a merchant and common people. Even if they make lanterns, can the regulation be used? If Ziyou really use the lanterns, you won\'t be laughed to death by all officials."

"Shit! What\'s your good idea?" Fang Yiai angrily said. Needless to say, this word is a mantra learned from Li forgetful worry.

The dandies really don\'t have any good ideas about this.

After all, the pattern carving of the lanterns presented by Baiguan Xun GUI is very cumbersome. They can\'t be made in a moment, and they won\'t be sold on the market.

Li forgot to worry about this and didn\'t know what to do. He sat down beside several cases and thought hard. The beauty boss suddenly brightened his eyes and reached out to him.

Li Qieyou hurried over to see what the beauty boss could do.

But Su Changqing whispered a few words in Li forgetful\'s ear, but he couldn\'t help but expand his originally frown.

"Tall, it\'s really tall! Wow, hahaha, I didn\'t think of it before!" Li forgot to worry and rejoice. He didn\'t care about the dandies watching. He kissed the beauty boss on the cheek, but all the dandies were surprised. I\'m afraid it\'s crazy