Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 631

Li Qieyou looked at the manuscripts in front of him. He didn\'t know whether he should be happy or frightened.

This is the manuscript sent by Li Er\'s order early this morning. Let him publish it on the next issue of the ball newspaper. Even Li Er gave himself a pseudonym, "Li Tianshou".

Make complaints about Lee\'s sorrow, but what\'s the devil? Want to live with heaven?

He rubbed his temples with a headache and handed these manuscripts written by Li Er to the fat Qiu Kun in front of him.

"Qiu Kun, what do you think of the arrangement?"

As a "lazy man", Li forgets worry. Naturally, he won\'t do those trivial things himself. Whether it is running Jokhang stadium or royal League, it is very cumbersome.

So the goods simply gave Qiu Kun the fat man "a strong man" and entrusted all affairs to Qiu Kun.

After all, Qiu Kun\'s ability has been recognized by Li forget worry, including the beautiful boss, who appreciates this seemingly stupid fat man.

Before that, Li forgot to worry about the industry of automatic beverage vending machine he developed on a whim and handed over to the fat man to take care of it. As a result, the fat man has become popular. Now this beverage vending machine can be seen everywhere in Chang\'an city. Even the surrounding states and counties have let the fat man open the market.

At present, no less than 200 beverage vending machines have been put into operation in Chang\'an City and surrounding counties. Although it is winter and business is not as good as summer, it can still bring no less than a hundred flowing water every day.

In fact, the beauty boss was also interested in taking over the baseball league, but now Li forgets to worry about where he is willing to let his women work so hard? So finally, I left this pile of things to fat Qiu Kun.

In this regard, both Qiu Yuanliang and Qiu Kun are grateful for Li\'s "support".

It is self-evident that such a merchant family can run the Datang Royal Tennis League.

Just because Qiu Kun can have a good relationship with these 22 forbidden forces, he will not gain anything. Not to mention, to run a tennis court, you have to deal with the dignitaries and officials in Chang\'an city.

Although the first day of the first round of the baseball league has only been played, it has detonated Chang\'an city.

Now in Chang\'an City, Li forgot to worry when he met him and asked, "but the strength analysis of the team written by my uncle is completely different from that written by Du he and them. Are there two articles in the ball newspaper with different views?"

"Hey, why not? Let the people choose who to trust." the fat man stood up and said with a smile: "anyway, it\'s for reference only."

Li forgot his worries and nodded silently. That\'s all he could do.

He really didn\'t expect that Li Er was so interested. He wrote an article himself, analyzed the strength of the next team, and predicted the outcome.

This makes people talk about it one after another.

"Eh, today\'s ball newspaper is interesting. There are two articles with different opinions."

"Who signed Li Tianshou? I\'ve never heard of him."

"Let\'s look at Duke Du\'s article. Duke Du is the direct son of Duke Du Xiang of the state of CAI. Naturally, he won\'t talk nonsense."

"Yes, that\'s right. Li Tianshou is so brave that he wrote articles to analyze the victory and defeat of the team. Almost all of them are against Du Gongzi. I don\'t believe it. He will be better than Du Gongzi in the fight team of the people\'s Liberation Army!"

"That\'s it. I decided to listen to Mr. Du and buy the Bo lottery according to his analysis."

"Ha ha, just like this, someone thinks so."

"Ladies and gentlemen, I look at Li Tianshou. Although I don\'t know who he is, this article is well written. It doesn\'t seem to be nonsense. Otherwise, how can the ball newspaper print its article? I think Li Tianshou\'s analysis should also be referred to."

"Bah, don\'t talk nonsense. Don\'t you believe the prince of prime minister Du\'s residence, do you believe this unknown person?"

"But in the last round of competition, it seems that Mr. Du\'s prediction is not accurate."

"Nonsense, in five games, Mr. Du predicted at least three correctly. What else do you want? If all the predictions are correct, Mr. Du won\'t be an immortal?"

"Ha ha, you\'re right, brother. Then I\'d better buy the Bo lottery according to Mr. Du\'s analysis."

After the ball newspaper was printed, naturally Mituo\'s face was a little ugly. He hesitated for a long time before nodding and saying, "this is nature. What\'s wrong with the articles written by everyone? People are saying that they are ready to buy the lottery according to the predicted results of the game."

No wonder Mituo lied. He really didn\'t dare to tell the truth. When Li Er learned that, he could only talk nonsense without conscience.

Li Er didn\'t notice the color of Mituo\'s face. He enjoyed the ball newspaper and was very proud