Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 630

The ball newspaper is more like an advertising leaflet for buying a baseball lottery ticket than a newspaper.

Because there was no movable type printing, Li forgetful worry could only continue to choose the way of block printing to print the ball newspaper.

In fact, Li forgot to worry about whether to get out of movable type printing and run a real newspaper. In fact, it\'s not difficult. Just find a craftsman to carve type.

But after thinking about it carefully, Li forgot to worry, smiled bitterly and shook his head, giving up the idea of running a newspaper. Datang\'s painful literacy rate may not have much sales even if it produces newspapers.

And now he has little influence among scholars.

Although I copied some poems and articles, I was a little famous among scholars, but it was still far from the reputation of the aristocratic family.

Now if we want to make a real newspaper, we don\'t know who this "weapon" is made for. I\'m afraid those aristocratic families will be really ecstatic, right?

After thinking for a long time, Li forgot to worry about temporarily giving up the tempting idea of running a newspaper.

The "ball newspaper" in the hands of the old man next to Li Er is the introduction of ten teams in the Jokhang baseball game every ten days, as well as the strength analysis of the team, the odds of winning the lottery, etc.

Because these 22 batting teams are very strange to the people of Chang\'an city. This is the only way to attract them to bet on the lottery.

After the launch of this ball newspaper, it naturally attracted many people to buy it.

Limited by the problem of literacy rate, many people spend a penny to buy the ball newspaper and look for someone to read it for themselves.

Moreover, the clever storyteller in the tile roofed cottage bought the ball newspaper and relayed the contents of the ball newspaper to the public.

Tang people are fond of gambling, and gambling ball is a novelty, which is naturally attractive.

Today, almost 80% of those who come to the Jokhang ballpark to watch the ball and spend money to buy lottery tickets.

The strength analysis of each team in the ball newspaper is actually written by Li forgetful. It may not be accurate, but it is just a reference for the people.

The ball newspaper divided 22 teams into three levels, of which the two teams just played, Zuojin guard is the first level, and Zuojin guard is the third level.

The old man was literate. After reading the ball newspaper, he was skeptical. According to the analysis of the ball newspaper, he bought a lottery ticket won by Zuo jinwuwei. Now that Zuojin\'s guard has won, he can exchange this lottery ticket for four copper coins.

This lottery has just begun, so the odds are unified as one to two to attract people to bet. After everyone is familiar with and accepts it, Li forget worry will give different odds for different teams according to the strength analysis of each team.

Li Er took the ball newspaper handed over by the old man and read it carefully, but he couldn\'t help humming: "Ziyou, what bastard wrote your team analysis? Why did the right badminton army fall into the second grade? The next game is the right badminton army against the left leading guard? Isn\'t this nonsense? How can the left leading guard win?"

Li forgot to worry, touched his nose and said with a smile, "Hey, uncle, this was written by Chumo and his nephew, but it\'s wrong? I\'ll scold them later."

Li Er shook his head: "nonsense! These boys are obviously biased towards the 16th guard of Nanya."

Li forgot to worry. Isn\'t this nonsense?

Chumo, Wei Chi, Baolin, and Niu Zhengping are all senior generals of the 16th guard of Nanya. Can they not favor their own people? After all, the six armies of the northern yamen belonged to the emperor\'s own army. Both sides could not pee in a pot.

However, the old man beside Li Er heard the speech and asked curiously, "Mr. Lang, what\'s wrong with the ball newspaper? Old man bought the left leading guard to win the next game."

Li Er smiled and said, "old man, if you want to trust someone, you might as well buy two lottery tickets for right Yulin Jun. this game, someone thinks it must be right Yulin Jun."

"How do you know?"

"Ha ha, someone once saw the right badminton army hitting the ball, and his level was no less than that of Zuo Jinwu Wei, so he dared to bet." naturally, Li Er couldn\'t tell the truth, but just made an excuse.

The old man looked at the thick pile of lottery tickets in Li\'s second hand. Without any hesitation, he immediately stood up, thanked Li Er, turned and went to the place where the lottery tickets were sold in the stadium.

After each game, there will be a quarter of an hour to rest. Before the game, you can buy the lottery tickets for the on-the-spot game.

Not long after, the old man came back, but he held a lot of lottery tickets in his hand, and obviously bought more than one.

When the old man saw Li Er looking at the lottery tickets in his hand, he couldn\'t help laughing: "ha ha, greedy for money! Let Lang Jun laugh. Since Lang Jun dared to buy 100 lottery tickets to bet on Youlin Jun\'s victory, Lao Di also bought 10 tickets to borrow Lang Jun\'s blessing."

Li Er also laughed: "don\'t worry, sir. I promise you won\'t lose."

Li forgets to worry in the side secretly to kiss a mouth, since Li Er said that the right Yulin army can win, he naturally believed it. But when he thought that Li Erying\'s money was dug out of his own hands, he was very upset.

Of course it\'s not about money.

If Li Er needs it, he can hand over all the League income to chaotang at any time. Now Li forget worry is no longer a small white-collar worker who haggles over everything and plans how to handle house purchase loans.

With the difference of wealth and status, Li forgets to worry about money more and more.

After all, in Datang, what\'s the use of asking for so much money? Do you want to show off your wealth like Shi Chong and Wang Kai in the Western Jin Dynasty? Isn\'t that enough?

But even though Li forgot to worry about the copper money, he was upset when Li Er blackmailed a small sum of money for no reason.

But Li Er is also the same. He can knock a small sum of money from Li forgetful\'s hand. He also enjoys this game.

Different from the football matches of later generations, now in Chang\'an City, only the Jokhang baseball stadium is open to the people, which is naturally easy to make use of.

A quarter of an hour later, the drums in the stadium sounded again, and the game between the right badminton army and the left leading guard began.

The result of the game was as good as Li Er\'s expectation. Finally, the right Yulin army won 5-2. The old man beside Li Er smiled even more brightly and thanked Li Er again and again.

The spectators who lost the bet naturally had a burst of white "Snow" in the stadium, and the torn lottery tickets were flying all over the sky. At the same time, many people shouted abuse and thought that the analysis of the ball newspaper was nonsense and misleading.

In this regard, Li Qieyou can only shrug helplessly. Anyway, the ball newspaper has already explained it for reference only. Who can guarantee that he is right?

But Li forgets worry and has to admit that Li Er really knows a lot about baseball.

At the end of the first day of the competition, in five games, Li Er guessed the results of four games. Only one accident led to a draw, which made Li Er\'s judgment wrong.

This also made the old man beside Li Er make a small fortune today.

Seeing that Li Er was elated and took 400 Bo lottery tickets to cash the prize, Li forgot his worries and his teeth itched. 1600 copper coins, Li Er, what\'s his kindness?

Not to mention how Li forgot to worry, he drew a circle in his heart and cursed Li Er. The next day, Li Er gave him a "surprise"