Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 629

Li Er will choose Zuo Jinwu Wei to bet. Naturally, he has confidence in him.

After all, he likes to play tennis, and he often plays in person to show his skills. Li Er knows the 22 batting teams of the Sixth Army of the northern Yamen and the 16th guard of the southern yamen, even if he can\'t say he knows them like the back of his hand.

Zuo Jinwu Wei has Cheng Yaojin, a great general, who inherits his character of being like wind and fire. When attacking on the ball field, he is as fierce as the battle line.

At first, in order to deal with the baseball team in Zhang Liang\'s residence, the dandies and Li forget you secretly practiced for several days in Zuojin Wuwei\'s military camp. Li forget you copied the tactics of football, but let these Zuojin Wuwei\'s batsmen learn.

In addition, the hitters of the original Zuo Jinwu Wei have a high level, so compared with the strength of these 22 teams, Zuo Jinwu Wei, even if not the top, is also in the top three. Li Er is even optimistic about Zuo Jinwu Wei and can win the final league title.

Therefore, at the beginning of today\'s game, Zuo Jinwu guard has always suppressed the left guard in his own half. People with a clear eye can see that scoring is only a matter of time.

But the bad thing is Cheng Yaojin, an old man.

The hitters of Zuojin Wuwei naturally cooperate with each other in training and competition on weekdays. Although Cheng Yaojin is adept at bowing and horse, how can he compare with others in terms of ball hitting technology?

The three great tiger generals in the early Tang Dynasty, Yuchi Jingde, Cheng Yaojin and Qin Qiong, are absolutely top in terms of bravery. But although batting requires skilled equestrian skills, it\'s not just that.

Just like bolt, the fastest runner in the world, changed his career to play football, but it was very common.

Compared with the other 19 people on the court, Cheng Yaojin\'s hitting skills are like the difference between future professional athletes and amateur experts. In fact, the gap is quite large.

The old guy didn\'t realize it. He not only came out of the game today, but also kept shouting on the court and asked others to pass it to him.

The general has orders. How dare Zuojin and Wuwei\'s batters not obey? They can only feed Cheng Yaojin\'s old thing desperately.

In an attack, Zuo Jinwu guard easily tore open the left guard\'s defense by making use of his skillful cooperation and the advantage of standing position, and directly drove his horse to run with the ball to kill the other side\'s goal.

Cheng Yaojin\'s reaction was not slow, and he rushed out with his horse.

He stepped down naturally as a BMW. He was very fast. He quickly got rid of the pursuers of the left guard and rode straight to the other side\'s goal. At the same time, he didn\'t forget to shout: "Wow, ha ha, straight mother thief, pass the ball to me!"

Zuojin Wuwei\'s batter didn\'t dare to neglect. He hit and passed the ball straight and sent the Polo to Cheng Yaojin\'s horse.

Cheng Yaojin was overjoyed. He raised his stick high on his side and hit the goal fiercely

The scene fell in the eyes of 100000 spectators, with mixed reactions.

Those who supported Zuojin Wuwei and bought Zuojin Wuwei to win naturally gave a burst of excited cheers. On the contrary, if the left guard wins, he will not take a breath from his heart.

However, the next second, the grand Jokhang ballpark exploded.

Zuojin Wuwei\'s fans, who were still ecstatic before, grew up in amazement and looked incredulous. Then came the tsunami of abuse, all pointing at Cheng Yaojin who had just shot.

And the fans of the left guard grew up and laughed with schadenfreude.

There is no doubt that the Polo close at hand was hit by Cheng Yaojin, an old man, and then magnificently played the effect of "anti-aircraft gun". The Polo flew directly over the goal and landed in the audience behind.

This kind of ball is no different from pushing and shooting an empty goal after passing the goalkeeper on the football field of later generations. It is much more difficult not to score than to score.

Li Er and the father-in-law beside him jumped to scold when they saw such a scene.

On the court, there was a tsunami of abuse, pointing at Cheng Yaojin.

The old man is not ashamed of being the first hob meat in the Tang Dynasty. Instead of feeling ashamed, he laughed shamelessly.

Li Qieyou is speechless. Who is NIMA?

Li Er angrily scolded in an excited tone for a while, then turned his head and looked at Li forgetful: "why did this old man play? Who allowed him to play? I\'m angry!"

"..." Li forgot to worry and shrugged his shoulders. How could he know such a thing.

When Li Er cursed Cheng Yaojin, the situation on the Court changed suddenly.

After the left guard survived, he fought back and came straight to the goal of left Jinwu guard.

Three passes and two falls, unexpectedly let them sneak attack and break the goal.

Li Er\'s seat was behind the goal of Zuojin Wuwei. Seeing this scene, Li Er\'s face turned green. He was so angry that he jumped to his feet and shouted: "zhiniang thieves! Kill them! Kill Cheng Zhijie that bastard!"

Inside the stadium, a crowd of spectators who bought Zuo Jinwu Wei and won all shouted abuse. Although they did not know that they were scolding the founding Duke, it did not affect them to vent their emotions.

Even the veins on someone\'s forehead burst, and there was almost an impulse to copy the guy to greet Cheng Yaojin\'s ancestors for the 18th generation.

Li forgets to worry, but he doesn\'t care. Anyway, he sells tickets and lottery tickets. Who loses and who wins has little to do with him.

Who has ever heard that a banker who runs a casino loses money?

Li Er was so excited that Li forgot his worries. Who would have thought that on weekdays, his Majesty the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, sitting on the main hall of the Tai Chi palace, would yell because Cheng Yaojin shot a ball?

Even the group of guards around Li Er couldn\'t help turning their heads. With a strange expression, they were obviously surprised by Li Er, who turned into a "fanatical fan" at the moment.

Fortunately, Zuo Jin\'s guard knew his shame and then braved. Even if Cheng Yaojin\'s old man dragged his feet on the court, he scored two goals in succession and surpassed the score.

Cheng Yaojin, who was addicted enough, faced the cries and curses of tens of thousands of people and came to a happy replacement, which made Li forget worry and had to admire the cheekiness of the old goods.

The game was finally fixed at 6-1, and Zuojin\'s guard won a complete victory.

At the end of the whistle, the audience who lost the bet cursed, tore the lottery tickets in their hands and threw them into the air. Suddenly, there were flying scraps of paper everywhere in the whole stadium.

Li Er shook his lottery ticket triumphantly, but heard the old man beside him say enviously, "ha ha, Congratulations, Lang Jun, you have won a lot. Unfortunately, I regret not listening to the analysis of the ball newspaper. I shouldn\'t have bought only one lottery ticket."

"Ball newspaper? What\'s that?" Li Er asked.

The old man immediately took out a folded piece of paper from his arms: "that\'s it. The ball newspaper produced by the Jokhang baseball field is said to be published every ten days before the game. It contains the introduction of ten teams in the game on that day, strength analysis, recommendation for buying lottery tickets, etc. didn\'t you buy it, Mr. Lang? It\'s cheap for a penny."

Li Er stretched out his hand to take the ball newspaper and turned his head to look at Li QIAOYOU. Needless to say, this must be a novelty made by my nephew