Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 628

The first opening game of Datang Royal Baseball League was Zuo Jinwu\'s match against Zuo Jian\'s guard.

In the sound of gongs and drums, twenty batters rode on horses to the court.

Different from the first time on the new year\'s day, due to the lottery in today\'s game, those who bought the winning tickets of different teams naturally divided into two factions and began to shout and shout for the teams they support.

"Zuo Jinwu guard, stand up! Kill the left guard!"

"Stand up! Zuo Jian guard, victory! Zuo Jinwu guard, die!"

Although the old man beside Li Er only spent two Wen on a lottery ticket, he also stood up excitedly and shouted on the court. Let Li forget worry very much, the old man will not be too excited, suddenly a cerebral hemorrhage or something.

Coincidentally, the old man also bought Zuojin\'s guard to win, which was the same as Li Er\'s choice.

Listen to the old man shouting at the top of his voice, "Zuo Jinwu guard, fuck the left guard, stand up! Be his mother!"

Li forgets to worry about a black line. NIMA, foul language has come out!

But Li er jumped up and shouted, "fuck the left guard!"

This can\'t help but make Li forget worry feel that some three outlooks have collapsed.

Is this NIMA still the emperor of the Tang Dynasty?

Is it really good for you to shout like that?

The guard of the left guard is also one of the 16 guards of the southern yamen under your command. It\'s not the stepmother\'s son... I don\'t know if Li Er\'s words would immediately cause a mutiny if they were heard by the forbidden army of the left guard?

When Li forgot his worries, the referee on the court had sounded the copper whistle in his mouth and the game officially began.

Because the seats in the yellow area were not very good and the distance was too far, Li forgot to worry and stretched his neck. He didn\'t see what the situation was on the Chu field. In his ears, he heard the whole audience shouting "rise up".

I have to say that the word "Xiongqi" spread very quickly.

After the baseball game on the first day of the lunar new year, the audience today soon unified the slogan of cheering.

The difference is that because of the stimulation of gambling lottery, mixed with the rising voice, there are also all kinds of shouting and scolding.

This is also a sea of people. The Jokhang ballpark filled with 100000 spectators is very lively. It has the taste of the five major leagues of future generations, which makes Li forget worry very satisfied.

It\'s natural to have fans of your own team when watching the ball game.

Although there are no "fans" between the 16th guard of Nanya and the 6th army of Beiya, gambling is the most direct way to attract the audience to support each team.

Li forgot to worry that they were sitting at both ends of the court at this time. It was a long distance and hard to see. He simply took out a metal cylinder from his waist, pulled it open and put it in his eyes.

Needless to say, this is the single telescope he asked the craftsman to make.

Since all the microscopes needed by Sun Simiao can be polished, the telescope is naturally not difficult. It is even much simpler than a microscope.

Li forgot about the telescope before. It was not until the first day of the lunar new year when he watched the ball in the box of the stadium. Although the view above the stand was good, the distance was also very far. He thought of it and asked a craftsman to make it.

"Uncle Cheng, uncle Cheng is going to the next game himself!"

Through the lens of the telescope, Li Qieyou clearly saw Zuo Jinwu Wei\'s batter. The one waving the club and shouting was Cheng Yaojin\'s old rogue.

"Hmm? Ziyou, how do you know?" Li Er has seen a single telescope. It\'s strange that Li forget you put the metal tube in front of his eyes.

Li Qieyou handed the telescope to Li Er and said, "uncle, this is a new gadget made by my nephew. It\'s called a telescope. You can clearly see the scene in the distance through it."

Li Er took the telescope suspiciously, learned the way Li forgot his worries, and put it in front of his eyes.

The next second, Li Er was like seeing a ghost. His hand trembled and almost threw out the single telescope in his hand.

"Well, what\'s this telescope? Can you really see so far?" Li Er stabilized his mind and put his eyes in front of the telescope again: "it\'s Cheng Zhijie!"

Li forgot his worries and smiled calmly. He was about to put on a forced expression of "I\'m an expert", but he was suddenly hit hard by Li Er in the back of the head.

"Bastard boy, why didn\'t you take out such good things earlier? Do you know how important they are?" Li Er not only didn\'t praise him, but scolded him, making Li forget his worries and speechless.

Li forgot to worry but felt the back of his head: "uncle, isn\'t it just a telescope? Don\'t make a fuss?"

"Confused! Do you know how useful it is when it is used in the military array?" Li Er stared at Li forgetful, with a look of hatred for iron rather than steel.

Li forgot to worry about it. He really didn\'t think about military use.

It\'s not that Li forgets you. He doesn\'t know the role and significance of telescopes for military operations. At least he is also a puppet fan of major military forums for a long time. There is still some common sense. But as an ordinary person who grew up in peacetime, he really didn\'t think of using telescope for war for the first time.

"How many binoculars have you made?" Li Er asked again.

Li Qieyou raised two fingers: "now the craftsman who will be the supervisor has only polished the lenses of two telescopes."

"Is this made for you by the craftsman who will be the supervisor?"

"Yes, the telescope is also made of polished crystal lenses," Li said.

"It\'s possible to make this in large quantities?"

"Naturally, the telescope is not complicated. Now the craftsman who will be the supervisor is familiar with how to grind the lens with crystal."

Li Er nodded with satisfaction: "since it will be used as a supervisor, it is a public instrument for private use. Naturally, this telescope belongs to me. It is good for the cost of letting the supervisor make private instruments. Since the craftsman who will be the supervisor can make this thing, I will arrange them to continue to make it. You don\'t have to worry about it anymore."

Li forgets to worry. By Li Er\'s "brazen" words, Lei De is scorched outside and tender inside. Can he be so shameless as to be a man?

He asked the supervisor craftsman to help grind the lenses and make these novel objects, but they were paid. Why did they become "public tools for private use" in Li Er\'s mouth?

Is there any royal law? Is it reasonable?

But the arm can\'t twist the thigh anyway, not to mention Li, the imperialist leader of the Tang Dynasty? Li forgets to worry about Li Er\'s shameless words. He can only be dejected and bow his head.

Li Er\'s mouth showed a smile. He felt very good about "bullying" his nephew. It was as refreshing as drinking an iced drink in dog days!

For his "demon" nephew, Li Er now likes to "bully" him wantonly. Now he is deeply aware of why Cheng Yaojin, the old rascal, likes to clean up this boy.

I\'m not as intelligent as you, but I can suppress your feeling by force. It\'s really cool!

Li Er proudly raised his "booty" again and continued to look at the court.

"OK! Zhiniang thief! Fight like this! Fuck the left guard! Cheng Zhijie, you old man, shoot! Bi Qiniang! You can\'t get in! Bastard!" after Cheng Yaojin missed a goal, Li Er suddenly stood up excitedly, waved his fist and scolded on the court.

The old man beside him jumped up and shouted, "you soldiers and slaves, can you play? The old man plays better than you! Zhiniang thief!"

Li forgot to worry and covered his face with his hands. Taite\'s mother was ashamed