Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 627

On the first rest day after new year\'s Eve, Chang\'an city was very lively.

Early in the morning, whether it was a hundred officials or rich businessmen, or riding or riding, they went to the Jokhang golf field in the south of the city.

The ordinary people in Chang\'an City, too, take buses, carriages or walk to the stadium.

Today\'s Jokhang tennis court is different from the previous one. Not only do the Yamen servants of Chang\'an County maintain order everywhere, but also the bright armored Jin Wuwei forbidden army patrols around to prevent the curfew from making trouble.

At several entrances to the ballpark, personnel are also checking the tickets and reminding the audience what area they should sit in.

Li Qieyou recruited nearly 100 people to serve the Polo League at one go, which is a big deal.

Today is the first match day of Datang Royal Cuju League. Several personnel in charge of ticket checking at the entrance have been busy sweating. However, because there are too many people waiting for admission, these people are all "on duty" for the first time. Naturally, they are in a hurry.

The ticket collector reached out to take the ticket in the hands of an audience, glanced at the color of the ticket, and saw that it was a yellow ticket. He was somewhat negligent in his heart, and said in a very blunt tone: "for the ticket in the yellow area, remember to go in and only sit on the seat painted with yellow paint. Don\'t run around and disturb the noble people. You can\'t afford to suffer..."

Before the person in charge of ticket checking had finished speaking, he suddenly stood there as if he had been hit by an acupoint, and his lips trembled.

"Household, household, county uncle, I don\'t know if I go down or down..."

Holding the yellow area ticket, standing in front of him waiting for the ticket check-in, it is Li forgetful.

Li Lianyou glared at him and said discontentedly, "the audience holding the yellow area ticket is also our food and clothing parents. Have a better attitude!"

"Yes, yes, damn it. I know I\'m wrong." the staff at the ticket gate hurriedly admit their mistakes and look impressively.

Li forgot to worry and didn\'t want to say more. He made an invitation gesture to the man behind him: "uncle, please, too."

Standing behind Li Qieyou waiting for the ticket, it was Li Er in casual clothes. Behind him were more than a dozen palace guards dressed in civilian clothes, secretly protecting them.

All the people, including Li Er, are holding yellow area tickets.

The reason why the staff of the stadium just saw Li forget you holding a yellow ticket, the tone was very blunt, because the yellow area ticket is the cheapest ticket, only ten Wen.

The seat area of the yellow area ticket is naturally the worst view.

There are also 50 Wen green tickets, 100 Wen blue tickets, 500 Wen Fei tickets, and five Guan copper coins purple box tickets.

Li forgets worry, which is also a strategy to learn from later football stadiums and different ticket prices in different regions.

It can not only make ordinary people look up to the baseball game, but also provide more choices for officials, merchants and rich businessmen who are willing to pay a high price.

The reason why the color is used to distinguish the tickets and the seating area in the stadium is naturally the same as the public carriage to cope with the huge "illiterate" group of Datang. It\'s really a helpless thing that people can\'t read.

The reason why he came with Li Er today to watch the ball with green tickets is naturally Li Er\'s idea, saying that he wants to enjoy with the people.

In this regard, Li forget worry naturally tried all kinds of persuasion, but he couldn\'t resist Li Er. He could only get a few cheapest yellow tickets.

A group of plainclothes guards, surrounded by Li Er and Li forgetful, went to the grandstand and frowned at the noisy crowd in front of them.

In this regard, Li forget worry is also very painful. The green area is cheap and the vision is naturally the worst. It\'s not fun to sit here and watch the game.

"Uncle, you see it\'s too noisy here and the view is not good. Why don\'t we go back to the box." Li forgetful whispered.

Li Er ignored him at all. He took a seat for himself. He was very familiar and chatted with the people watching the ball.

Li forgot to worry and turned his eyes. Your sister\'s leisure hurts. Do you still play the travel notes of micro clothes? He had no choice but to wink at the guards and signal them to find a seat.

"Old man, why did you watch the baseball game by yourself today?"

"Ha ha, thanks to Bo of tohu County, I came to see a tennis match on the first day of the lunar new year. I like it very much. Of course, I have to see what Royal tennis league starts today." the old man twist beard beside Li Er smiled.

"The old man likes to play ball, too?"

"I like it, but I didn\'t have a chance to watch it. It\'s a good thing to build this Jokhang tennis court. We and other people also have a chance to watch it. It\'s not easy. Lang Jun, you also love watching tennis?"

Li Er smiled: "ha ha, yes, I love watching it too. Thanks to the Huxian uncle, otherwise, it\'s rare to see such a grand event."

Li forgets to worry. Listening to Li Er\'s words, he can\'t help but curl his lips secretly.

Nima, Li Er, how are you? You say you rarely see a baseball game? Aren\'t you afraid of a long nose?

"Lang Jun, did you buy the lottery?" the old man asked, "I bought one of each of the five games today. I don\'t know whether I can guess correctly."


Li Er was stunned when he heard the speech. Naturally, he hadn\'t heard of it. He couldn\'t help turning his head and looking at Li forget his worries.

Li Qieyou showed him eight white teeth and said with a smile, "uncle, it\'s the gambling business launched by the Jokhang baseball field. The audience can buy lottery tickets according to the five baseball games on the day of the game. For two Wen each, you can guess which team wins a ball game. The odds are unified. It\'s one to lose two."

Li Er couldn\'t help staring at him. This bastard is so good at making money!

He also wanted to know that since the people of Tang Dynasty are so fond of gambling, the lottery for guessing the ball game must be selling well.

Just look at the old people next to them, who are actively asking which team they have bought, we can see that it is general.

"Go and buy me a lottery ticket. Just buy Zuojin guard, youyulin army, zuoshenwu army, zuqianniu guard and Youwu guard! Buy me 100 tickets each." Li Er said to Li QIAOYOU impolitely.

Li Er\'s words, Li forget worry, naturally, can only do so.

But what do you mean when Li Er finishes saying this and turns around to chat with the old man? Pay!

Five hundred lottery tickets, always copper!

Does he have to pay for the lottery?

Pay out your own money to buy Bo lottery tickets for Li Er. In case you win or win money from yourself, what\'s the name of this special thing?

Li forgot his worries and looked up to the sky. Li Er was really a bad man!

He looked at the group of imperial guards beside Li Er again to see if anyone was ready to pay. But obviously, this group of bastards who deliberately turn around and look around have no intention of paying for their emperor.

Li forgot to worry and raised his middle finger angrily in his sleeve, and then turned around to help Li Er buy the lottery.

For Li Er\'s shameless behavior, Li QIAOYOU can only rejoice. Fortunately, there are 22 batting teams and 11 games. Due to the venue, only five games can be arranged in the Jokhang batting field every rest day.

The remaining six games are still in the barracks of their respective forbidden forces. Otherwise, there will be 11 games today. Wouldn\'t he spend more money?

The five teams Li Er wants to buy are all the teams that will play in the Jokhang Stadium today.

Li Qieyou paid out of his own pocket and bought the lottery tickets of the five teams from the gambling sales point of the stadium to Li Er.

The thick stack of lottery tickets made the old man\'s eyes shine beside Li Er: "Lang Jun, good spirit! You can buy so many lottery tickets at one go. It seems that you are very optimistic about these teams."

"Ha ha, I just know a little and try my luck." Li Er also laughed.

Only Li forgot to worry and drew a circle on the ground