Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 626

Li Er and the big men turned back in amazement, but it was the forbidden Sergeant guard in the box. Under the leadership of Li forgetful, he shouted slogans very rhythmically to cheer up the batters below.

Li Wangyou, as a native of Sichuan, naturally felt that what slogans like "refueling" and other slogans in later generations would be more powerful than the "awesome" call of Sichuan people.

That\'s why he thought of it when he found that 100000 people on the pitch were disorderly and shouting their own slogans.

He called the forbidden soldiers and asked them to shout "stand up" together with themselves.

Although the word "Xiongqi" can be said to be the patent of Sichuan fans in future generations, it actually appeared as early as the Han Dynasty.

It is recorded in the ancient micro book: "some people rise up, wear Yuying and wear red spears.".

To rise up is to rise up.

In ancient Chinese prose, male has the meaning of masculinity. Male rising and female falling are the corresponding meaning.

Therefore, when the soldiers shouted "rise up", Li Er and the big men were stunned at first, and then pointed to Li forgetful, laughed and nodded for approval.

The word "Xiongqi" was sonorous and powerful, but it made Cheng Yaojin\'s eyes brighten, immediately changed his mouth, followed by a group of soldiers began to shout "Xiongqi" to cheer up the batters below.

It has to be said that the slogan of "rise up" is really infectious, especially when Datang has no unified encouragement at this time.

Soon, a group of big men, including Li Er, followed Li Qieyou and shouted "rise up".

The sound of this neat and unified rise soon "infected" the people around the box. Everyone changed their words and shouted together.

Like a virus infection, the sound of shouting "stand up" in the ball field is getting louder and more orderly.

When 100000 people shouted "rise up" and "rise up" in unison to cheer for the batters, that momentum simply pierced the sky and was majestic.

Even because the sound of cheering is too big, the horses who have been strictly trained on the court are a little frightened, forcing the batters to tighten the reins and try to control the horses under their crotch.

These people in the stadium are now stunned, regardless of whether their voices will break or not, shouting cheers.

Who makes Tang people so enthusiastic and unrestrained.

What\'s more, baseball is the first sport in the Tang Dynasty. Its status is much higher than that of later football and its weight in people\'s hearts.

However, limited by the venue and horses, most Chang\'an people rarely see several formal tennis competitions, but this does not affect the love of the Tang people for tennis.

Today, these people have been shocked and excited after entering this huge tennis field. What\'s more, it\'s even more self-evident that you can see a high-level ball beating with your own eyes.

After Zuojin Wuwei\'s batter finally broke the opponent\'s goal and scored a goal, Cheng Yaojin even tore open his robe with excitement, exposed a lot of black heart protecting hair, and waved his fist madly downward.

Until he shouted hoarse, he turned around, grabbed a jar of wine and poured it down with his head up.

Cheng Yaojin dropped the wine jar, wiped the wine stains from the corners of his mouth, and shouted to Li Er, "Your Majesty, I\'ve been playing the ball for so many years. After watching the ball for so many years, I know that the ball is so exciting. Wow, hahaha, it\'s really boring at the beginning!"

No wonder Cheng Yaojin is rude and shouting. The noise on the court is too loud. If you don\'t raise your voice, you can\'t hear what the other party is saying.

Li Er was also excited. He just took into account his imperial image and was not as wild as generals Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde.

After hearing Cheng Yaojin\'s words, he nodded again and again, pointed to Li forgetful and said, "ha ha, thanks to Ziyou, I know that watching the ball can be so refreshing! Ziyou, you twenty thousand taels of gold, there is no white flower!"

"Hey hey, my uncle has been praised too much. It\'s good if my uncle and the public like it." Li forgets to worry, strike while the iron is hot, and then asks, "uncle, look, the Datang Royal Tennis League mentioned by my nephew before may be held?"

Li Er nodded directly without hesitation this time: "but! Give me a memorial as soon as possible and write clearly how you plan to do it. I will support it!"

With Li Er\'s consent, Li forgot to worry and was naturally overjoyed. He quickly bowed to Li Er.

He has invested 20000 taels of gold in this football field. If the Polo league can\'t start, he will lose to his grandmother\'s house.

Although he doesn\'t need this money now, the landowner\'s family doesn\'t have surplus food, does he? The money you can earn is naturally earned.

As long as the Polo league starts, even if it is played once every ten days, it can make a lot of money. Li Qieyou is very confident.

On the first day of the third lunar new year in Zhenguan, this historic baseball game finally ended with the screams of 100000 spectators.

The final result of the game is not important. The important thing is that it detonated the whole Chang\'an City and the surrounding states and counties.

The vast majority of the people know about tennis and don\'t know why. Although they are enthusiastically pursued, they haven\'t seen a few tennis games at all.

Today\'s sudden ball game has opened the eyes of many people and made them addicted.

The Jokhang ballpark built by Li Qieyou with 20000 taels of gold has become the center of the topic.

All the people who entered the stadium to watch the ball that day, all of them used their poor words to praise the incredible stadium to others, which attracted the people who missed the ball game to scream.

Those people who failed to catch up with the game beat their chest and feet one by one.

However, their frustration did not last long. On the fourth day of the lunar new year, the people in Chang\'an City were stunned to find that a notice was posted on the gate of Lifang.

"Mr. Lang, what\'s written on this notice?" most people can\'t read, so they can only ask the neighbors dressed as scholars.

"Oh, the notice says that the sage allows Huxian kaiguobo to hold the Datang Royal Baseball League. In the future, he will take a rest every ten days and play at the Jokhang baseball field."

His words made the people even more confused. It\'s natural for everyone to understand football, but what\'s the ghost of the league?

"I dare ask you, what is the Datang Royal Baseball League?"

"It says that there are 22 teams in the Royal Baseball League, namely, the Sixth Army of the northern government and the 16th guard of the southern government. Every ten day off day is the game day, and 11 baseball games are held on that day. The 22 baseball teams catch each other and fight each other. The winners accumulate three points, each side gains one point in the draw, and the losers do not score points. Each baseball team has to play a total of 21 games and score points Don\'t play against 21 other teams. The team with the highest points will be the champion and will be rewarded by the saint. "

When he said this, the crowd around him suddenly became lively.

"It\'s interesting, but I don\'t know if I can wait to watch the ball game?"

"Yes, Mr. Lang, look at what\'s written on it. Does it say what League this is? Can I see it later?"

The man nodded: "yes, it is said here that the baseball league will sell tickets. The cheapest ticket is ten Wen. You can watch a day\'s game in the Jokhang baseball stadium."

As soon as he said this, the people were in an uproar