Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 625

When the crowd poured into the Jokhang stadium, Li Er was still chatting with a group of national leaders in the box above the stadium.

Those who suddenly poured into the stadium surprised Li Er and others.

Originally, Li Er and a group of big guys wanted to come. They temporarily informed the people to watch the ball. It\'s great to fill half of the Nuo stadium.

You know, this is a ballpark that can accommodate 100000 people, half of which are 40000 or 50000 people.

As the saying goes, "ten thousand people are boundless", not to mention tens of thousands of people?

But even Li Er couldn\'t help but be moved when the crowd kept pouring into the ballpark and the black and out of sight crowd slowly filled the ballpark.

Cheng Yaojin and other generals were even more nervous: "Your Majesty, did you ask your minister to transfer all the soldiers of Jin Wuwei? There are too many people. I\'m afraid of an accident."

Li Er shook his head slowly after he was stunned.

"No, I can\'t trust my people in Chang\'an city. What\'s more, Ziyou makes this box very safe. Don\'t bother any more."

Seeing that Li Er said so, Cheng Yaojin had to give up, but he still ordered the bodyguard Li Er\'s forbidden army to be vigilant and avoid making trouble.

At this time, Li forgot to worry, but his scalp felt numb.

In later generations, although he went to the stadium to watch the game, he also attended the singer\'s concert, and the gathering of tens of thousands of people was not uncommon.

But after all, there is strict security. There are not only security personnel on the scene, but also a large number of police to maintain order.

Today, as soon as his head was hot, he had no arrangement at all, so he informed the people to come to the stadium to watch the ball. If anything happens, something big will happen.

It is not uncommon for later generations to stampede and cause heavy casualties because of a large number of people.

He remembered the worst time. In 1990, a large number of pilgrims stampeded in Mecca, killing more than 1400 people.

Now, looking at the dark crowd in the stadium below, Li forget worry feels that this is a "time bomb" that will detonate at any time.

"Uncle, you\'d better hurry to transfer Jin Wuwei\'s forbidden army. I didn\'t think about it well before." Li forgets worry and quickly persuades Li Er.

Li Er didn\'t understand what he meant. He thought that like Cheng Yaojin, he was worried about his own safety.

"Ziyou, don\'t worry. These forbidden troops around me are enough to protect my safety."

"Uncle, I\'m afraid that so many people will gather here. In case of a riot or accident, I\'m afraid there will be an accident. I\'d better transfer Jin Wuwei to the stadium to maintain order." Li forgets his sweat, which is scared out.

Li Er looked at Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui and others, and then turned around to see more and more people gathered below. They all burst into a cold sweat.

"When we know the festival, we will immediately send orders to transfer all Jin Wuwei to the stadium to maintain the order at the scene and avoid accidents." Li Er did not hesitate and immediately ordered.

Cheng Yaojin also thought about the taste. He didn\'t dare to hesitate. After a promise, he took the order to dispatch troops.

Today, although the Jokhang golf field has been completed, Li forgetful has not arranged personnel for management at all. After several entrances of the stadium were opened, there were no control measures and personnel at all.

As a result, more and more people poured into the stadium.

Li Qieyou looked around. Not only could he not see vacant seats in the tennis court, but even the aisle was full of people. Obviously, at this time, more than 100000 people gathered in the stadium.

In this regard, Li forget worry can only secretly pray to the god Buddha in the sky, and don\'t have any accidents.

Fortunately, the people who came to the tennis court to watch the ball today all knew that the sage was here, but they didn\'t dare to do it again. Although more than 100000 people poured into the stadium, the order was still OK. At least Li forget worry didn\'t see any signs of commotion.

After a while, the brigade Jin Wuwei forbidden army, with bright armor and bright swords, entered the stadium and began to patrol around to maintain order. Only then did Li forget to worry and put down his hanging heart.

After a lot of twists and turns, it\'s a good thing, and the ball game can finally begin.

When the batters of today\'s two teams rode into the court and the big drum sounded on the side of the court, the noisy court suddenly burst like a boiling oil pot.

"Long live!"

"Ho, Ho, Ho!"

"Encourage it!"


Today, Li Er is also on a whim. He temporarily convened two batting teams around Jin Wuwei, which belongs to Jin Wuwei\'s "civil war".

But even so, no one wants to lose.

Not to mention the saints watching the game, just after the two guards\' batters rode into the stadium, they heard the roar of cheering in the stadium, which made these batters feel hot blood and full of strength.

Li Er, Cheng Yaojin and other big men, in the box at the top of the grandstand, are extremely satisfied with the atmosphere to burst.

Even the old man cheng Yaojin rushed to the railing himself, waved his fist and shouted down: "zhiniang thief! Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Tang people who had never felt this atmosphere were immediately infected by the atmosphere at the scene, shouting one by one.

It\'s hard for people who haven\'t seen the ball at the game to understand the shock and emotional resonance.

That kind of excitement can be said to be very burning.

For the first time, people who sat in such a stadium to watch the game entered such a crazy situation. Although the ball game hasn\'t started yet, everyone has already started "Hi".

In this regard, Li forgot to worry, only reluctantly shook his head. He was speechless for the shouting Li Er and others.

This should let them see the atmosphere of future world cup matches, and they should not directly explode in situ? What\'s more, Li forgot to worry. Listening to all kinds of cries on the pitch, he always felt that it was not delicious enough.

Naturally, there is no slogan of "come on" in Datang, and there is no unified standard. So in the stadium, 100000 people shout their own names, which is very messy.

As soon as his eyes turned, he simply pulled over the forbidden troops in the box and whispered in their ears.

At this time, the forbidden troops were excited by the atmosphere at the scene. If it weren\'t for their duty, I\'m afraid they would have to jump and shout.

Listening to Li forgetful worry\'s order, his eyes lit up and nodded in a hurry.

In the stadium, the Gong has been sounded at this time.

More than 20 horses seemed to be stimulated by the atmosphere at the scene and galloped like joy.

The rumbling sound of horses\' hoofs even stimulated the audience on the surrounding stands, and all kinds of cheers rose again.

Today, these batters around Jin Wuwei have also exerted their strength at a super level under this great stimulation. On the court, wonderful performances emerged one after another, which made everyone intoxicated, applauded and stamped their feet.

Li even wondered if the stands around the stadium were not filled with compacted soil. If so many people stamped their feet and shouted together, they would directly crush the stands.

Li Er, Fang Xuanling and Cheng Yaojin also stood up and applauded the wonderful performance on the court.

When they were happy, a neat cheering voice came from behind.

"Stand up!"

"Stand up!"

"Stand up!"
