Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 624

The Jokhang ballpark is not a very high building in Chang\'an city.

The stands around are ten meters high, that is, a little more than three feet, which is not as tall as the four feet high platform under the Tai Chi hall.

However, although the height of the stand is only ten meters, it is the height of three floors in later generations. But when you really stand in front of the ballpark, it looks very spectacular.

The reason is very simple. The stand is too long!

Even in later generations, there has never been a stadium with such a huge area. After all, the rules of polo have been changed a lot in future generations, which not only reduces the number of players, but also the venue is much smaller.

A stadium that can accommodate 100000 people at the same time is also a huge stadium in future generations.

When Li Er and Cheng Yaojin entered the real polo field for the first time, everyone couldn\'t help but take a breath.

"Ziyou, what kind of monster did you build? This, this is a tennis court? How can it be so big?" Li Er stood in the middle of the open court and looked around. The shock in his heart was beyond words.

Cheng Yaojin also smacked his tongue: "zhiniang thief, I\'ve lived so long and I\'ve seen such a huge building for the first time. Boy, the stands around the stadium are used to sit people? Tut Tut, I\'m afraid I can sit tens of thousands of people?"

Yuchi Jingde was even more shocked by the toothed flowers, and his face was unbelievable: "Ziyou, your twenty thousand taels of gold are really not in vain. I have never heard of a baseball field of this scale."

Li forgot to worry and said with a smile, "Uncle Cheng, you forgot. My nephew said before that this Jokhang ballpark can accommodate 100000 people."

"My mother, 100000 people shout cheers together. Can you scare people to death?"

Li Qieyou pointed to the center of the north stand, where there was a row of box stands at the top: "uncle, that\'s the box stand prepared by my nephew for you and the public. At that time, my uncle can watch the ball with the public here without worrying about safety."

Li Er nodded: "go and have a look."

A group of big men surrounded Li Er. Under the guidance of Li forgetful, they entered the box stand through a special channel.

Looking down from here, you can see the whole playing field at a glance. Various exquisite seats are also placed in the box for people to rest when watching the game.

Li Er didn\'t need Li forgetful to introduce him. He went straight to the wide seat in the middle. After sitting down, he looked around. He could see that he was quite satisfied.

He pointed to the other boxes around the top of the bleachers and asked, "Ziyou, what are those boxes for?"

"Hei hei, uncle, I\'m going to sell tickets in this stadium. The natural prices are different for different grades of seats. The cheapest seat is ten Wen, and the seat with a good position is 50 Wen to 500 Wen. As for those boxes, Hei hei, it\'s not OK if it\'s less than ten copper coins."

Li\'s answer made Li Er and Fang Xuanling stunned again. After thinking for half a day, he shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Ziyou, what\'s in your mind?"

Li Er didn\'t bother to take care of his "greedy" nephew anymore. He greeted a group of big guys: "gentlemen, sit, sit, today we\'ll watch the game here. Are you ready to know the festival, respect morality and the tennis team?"

"Yes, your majesty, you are ready. When your majesty speaks, you can start the competition."

"Well, then get ready to start."

Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde nodded. When they were about to take the order to inform, Li forgetful stopped them.

"Wait, uncle, the stadium is empty. Isn\'t it boring to watch the ball like this? It\'s not lively at all."

Li Er was stunned when he heard the speech: "Ziyou, what do you mean?"

"Hey, uncle, you see the court is empty. Why don\'t you let the forbidden army go to the surrounding square to inform you immediately. Tell me that today\'s Jokhang tennis court is open for free, so that people can enter freely and watch the ball game. What do you think?"

Li Er laughed and said, "but today I will be happy with the people! Send the order and let someone inform me. The ball game will start in an hour."

Tang people love to socialize and lively, even ordinary people.

At the beginning of the new year, people and families in Chang\'an City set up banquets. Neighbors paid new year\'s greetings to each other and ate at each other\'s house. There is also a special name called "chuanzuo".

The Spring Festival is also the busiest time except Shangyuan Festival.

Although these lanes in the south of the city belong to the "Slums" of Chang\'an City, they are still crowded and lively.

While they were paying New Year\'s greetings to each other, they heard the gong and drum "clang" sounded in the square, and Li Zheng\'s voice sounded: "you neighbors, the sage has a purpose. Today, the Jokhang tennis court is free to watch the ball and have fun with the sage. The ball game will start an hour later, you neighbors go quickly!"

The cry of Li Zheng came into the people\'s ears and stunned everyone.

Jokhang stadium? Have fun with saints? Free watching?

The crowd immediately poured out of every door and surrounded the people who were still beating gongs.

"Li Zheng, what you just said is true?"

"Where is the Jokhang baseball field? Why do I sound so familiar?"

"You\'re wearing silly goods, which are the original Da\'an square and zhaohang square. Isn\'t it changed into a tennis court by Huxian Bo?"

"Oh, yes, it\'s the black sheep of Huxian Bo who spent 20000 taels of gold to build the tennis court? I forgot for a moment. Tut Tut, I have to go and have a look. 20000 taels of gold."

"What a black sheep, don\'t talk nonsense. Be careful that the government catches you and hits the board! Huxian uncle is the God of wealth coming to earth. You know a fart!" Li was laughing and scolding.

"Hey, don\'t worry about what it is. Li Zheng, I really entered the tennis court at will today. The sage is also there? Can I watch the tennis game?"

"Nonsense, the sage just ordered the forbidden army to inform you. Is that still false? Hurry up, everyone. Be careful. There\'s no place if you\'re late. I have to hurry to watch the ball after I inform you."

After Li Zheng\'s words, the crowd dispersed immediately.

Some run directly to the tennis court, some run home to call their mother-in-law, aunt and children, and some call friends.

For a moment, the workshop was in a mess.

This scene happened simultaneously in dozens of Li Fang in the south of Chang\'an city. After a long time, countless people ran out of the square door and went to the Jokhang ballpark.

Even the news soon spread to the East and north of the city. After learning this, many rich merchants immediately rode and rode towards the south of the city.

If there is no horse or car at home, they naturally choose to take a public carriage.

Even those officials, after learning about this, immediately asked the Ministry servants to prepare cars and horses and hurried to the south of the city.

After all, even Li Er is here. Naturally, they can\'t pretend not to know. What\'s more, even if all officials are curious about the ball field that Huxian Uncle Li forgot to worry about, everyone wants to see it with their own eyes. It cost 20000 liang of gold. What did Huxian uncle repair.

For a time, because Li forgot to worry about a proposal, it stirred up a lot in Chang\'an City