Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 623

Li forgot to worry and said slowly: "in fact, uncles and princes should also be able to think of the benefits. First, no matter what ranking they won in the National Games, all vassal countries will cause public discussion in their country. The champion of the Datang National Games is sought after by vassal countries, which can naturally make the people of these vassal countries yearn for Datang."

Fang Xuanling nodded: "yes, it is. What Ziyou said is good. Continue to say, what are the other benefits?"

"Second, hehe, these vassal countries are very far away from Chang\'an, so it\'s not easy to travel. Uncle and nephew think that the time of the National Games can be set one year later, so that the envoys of the vassal countries can send back the news and leave enough time for them to select soldiers and come to Chang\'an city. Such a large number of personnel exchanges will naturally drive the trade between the vassal countries and the Tang Dynasty. After all, businessmen But those who pursue profits naturally see the business opportunities and will not miss them. "

Li Er looked at each other with several big men and nodded in succession to agree with Li forgetful.

"Ziyou, tell me, how can the National Games make money?" Li Er had a dispute in his heart at this time, but he still asked.

"Uncle, that\'s easier. Collect tickets and sell advertisements."

"Tickets? Advertising?"

"Yes, the National Games should naturally be open to the people. Everyone can go in and watch the game after buying tickets." Li forgets worry naturally replied.

The crowd looked at each other again. It was really beyond everyone\'s expectation again that they could sell tickets for the game.

Li forgot to worry and then said with a smile, "uncle, my Jokhang ballpark was completed a few days ago. The Datang National Games can be held in the ballpark. Hey, the Jokhang ballpark can accommodate 100000 people to watch the game, and each person can charge ten Wen. That\'s not much. That day will be a thousand yuan."

"Do these 100000 people have to eat and drink when they watch the game in the stadium? At that time, some merchants in Chang\'an city will be authorized to sell food in the stadium, and one family will always charge them a hundred and ten passes a day? Merchants can also bid high, and allow them to hang shop names and advertise in the stadium. Are you afraid they won\'t make money as long as the National Games lasts for a month ?”

"Besides, these athletes from various countries, oh, that is, the officers and soldiers of the vassal countries participating in the National Games, after arriving at Chang\'an City, the vassal countries can be responsible for food, accommodation and transportation. Hey, hey, this is also a lot of income. In my opinion, it is a failure to earn less than 100000 yuan."

Now, Li Er and Fang Xuanling are more moved.

"Your Majesty, I think Ziyou is right. The Datang National Games can indeed be held."

"I seconded!"

Li Er nodded, but asked, "Ziyou, on the hall today, you only talk about the five events of ball games, long-distance running, archery, horse racing and weightlifting. How can you delay the sports meeting to more than a month?"

"Hey, uncle, isn\'t it easy? Add more events. In addition to hitting the ball, long-distance running can have different distances, 1000 steps, 2000 steps, 5000 steps or more. Different events can produce champions respectively. Archery and horse racing are the same. The other five items are just my nephew\'s words. We can add more events. We need more vassal If China is involved, they should always see the hope of winning the championship. "

"Wow, hahaha, can I take part in the competition?" Cheng Yaojin suddenly laughed.

Yuchi Jingde looked at him contemptuously: "what can you compete with, you old man? Don\'t make a fool of me, Datang."

"Yuchi old man, you have to compete with someone!"

"Come on, I\'m afraid you can\'t do it?"

Seeing that the two old men were going to make trouble again, Li Er couldn\'t help staring at them angrily: "know the festival, respect morality, don\'t make a fool of yourself!"

Li Qieyou couldn\'t help laughing and said, "Uncle Cheng, not everyone can participate in the National Games. Naturally, we have to have conditions."

"Zhiniang thief, you son make it clear to me, what conditions can I be qualified?" Cheng Yaojin angrily said.

"Hey, hey, this little nephew doesn\'t count." Li forget worry quickly waved his hand. He didn\'t want to provoke the old rogue Cheng Yaojin: "Uncle Cheng, I have hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses in the Tang Dynasty. Even if I only choose soldiers from the forbidden army to participate in the sports meeting, I have to go through layers of selection."

"How to select?"

Li forgot to worry: "My nephew thinks that for each event, the 16 guards of the forbidden army select one player from the army to participate in the National Games. How to select each guard depends on the arrangements made by Uncle Cheng and the princes. Plus the players from the vassal countries, there are about dozens of people participating in each event. When the formal competition is held, the champion will be determined through the preliminary, preliminary, semi-final and final."

Li forgot to worry about the competition methods and competition methods of the future Olympic Games, explained them in detail with Li Er and the leaders, and listened to them nodding again and again.

"Well, Ziyou are really thoughtful. It\'s amazing that you can come up with such a detailed and feasible plan in a moment."

Li Er thought that these competition rules and organization were all made by Li forgetful. He praised them without stinginess, which made Li forgetful blush.

These are just the experience gained from watching the Olympic Games and the National Games on TV in his later generations. It\'s no surprise that any sports fan in future generations can say one, two, three or four.

Li Er discussed with Fang Xuanling and others and roughly decided to hold the Datang National Games.

The time of the sports meeting was set one year later, from March to April in the fourth year of Zhenguan. If the National Games are held with good results, they can be held every two years in the future.

As for the specific competition items, contents and rules, Li Er waved his hand and let Li forget his worries and take full charge of it. He wrote a detailed Memorial and presented it. He then discussed with Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui and others. Finally, he issued a royal decree to pass on the world and smell it.

Li forgot his worries and had no choice but to nod and take over the job.

After all, no one in the world knows how to hold the sports meeting except him. Even a beautiful boss doesn\'t know much. After all, she doesn\'t love sports much.

Having settled the matter of the National Games, Li Er chatted and drank with several big men in the Liangyi hall. Li forgets that he is going to leave, but he thinks of it again and quickly gets up to report it.

"Uncle, my nephew spent a lot of gold and built the Jokhang tennis court. Before, my nephew invited me to hold the Datang Royal Tennis League. Do you remember?"

Li Er naturally remembers this. Li forgets worry because he spent a lot of money to build a baseball field in order to engage in the baseball league.

"Ziyou just said that the Jokhang ballpark has been built?"

"Yes, uncle, it was completed years ago."

Li Er became interested when he heard the speech. He had never seen it with his own eyes since Li forget you spent 20000 taels of gold to build a baseball field.

Now that he heard that the baseball field had been built today, he was interested in seeing with his own eyes what twenty thousand taels of gold had been built.

"Gentlemen, why don\'t you follow me to the tennis court today? Look at this boy who spent twenty thousand taels of gold and built something that can\'t come out?"

When Li Er spoke, the leaders naturally had no opinion.

Instead, Cheng Yaojin laughed and said, "Your Majesty, why don\'t you order someone to go to Zuojin Wuwei and call a baseball team to play today to cheer your majesty?"

Yuchi Jingde also brightened his eyes: "yes, someone also ordered people. The general\'s batting team was called. Today, he will play on the Jokhang football field in Ziyou. How about a game?"

Li Er naturally smiled and nodded. Today\'s new year\'s day, there is nothing to do about the holiday. It\'s also good to watch the ball