Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 622

The "Datang National Games" proposed by Li forgetful worry, which was unheard of by everyone, made Li Er and all officials wonder how to evaluate it.

It sounds interesting, but even if Li forgets to worry about explaining for a long time, there is still no concept of what kind of sports meeting people have in mind.

It was Xue yantuo\'s envoy who broke the silence in the Tai Chi hall.

After listening to Li\'s words, he thought for a long time before he said, "Your Majesty, if the people of BA Yegu also agree, I am willing to promise the sports meeting on behalf of Yi man Khan. Someone wants to ask Huxian Bo, what events do you want to compete in the Datang National Games?"

Li forgot to worry about it and replied next time, "what do you think of the five events: baseball, long-distance running, archery, horse racing and weightlifting?"

Xue yantuo\'s envoy nodded: "I can promise this on behalf of Yi man Khan. I don\'t know whether the cowards of BA Yegu dare to participate."

"Hum, compare, we\'re afraid you won\'t succeed?" the envoys of BA Yegu are naturally unwilling to show weakness.

Seeing that he had not spoken yet, the envoys of the two families nodded and agreed first, which was helpless.

Li forgets his worries and smiles even more happily when he sees that Xue yantuo and BA Yegu\'s envoys are fighting again. He bows his hands to Li Er and says: "Your Majesty, I think the winners of these five competitions deserve the word champion. It can be said that they are the title of champion and rank first among all the armies. It can be announced to the world to let people know the name of the champion. The second place is the second place and the third is the third place. 4567 are the palace army, the agate army, the Imperial Army and the Pacific army, in recognition of these soldiers who have won the second place."

When he finished these words, not only the eyes of Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde, the generals and leaders of the state, but also the ranks of vassal envoys in the hall, who were only watching the excitement.

Several envoys immediately lined up: "Your Majesty, can I Japan participate in the Datang National Games?"

"Yes, your majesty, we Baiji also want to participate."

"Nanzhao is also willing to participate!"

"Nibra is willing!"

More than half of the thirty or forty vassal states of Datang were willing to participate in the Datang National Games just mentioned by Li forget worry, which surprised Li Er and his officials.

Cheng Yaojin\'s generals and vassal countries are so excited that they are mainly talking to Li forgetful.

The word "champion" originated from the biography of Tsing cloth in historical records, "Xiang Liang is involved in the Huaihe River to the west, attacking Jingju, Qin Jia, etc. cloth is often the champion."

Later, there are champion Hou, champion general, and those who do not have outstanding military achievements will not get this honor.

For Tang generals, if they can be called "champion", it is undoubtedly the highest praise.

The runner up means the winner who is inferior to the champion. In ancient China, there have been titles such as "Yasheng" and "Yafu", which are also great titles.

The reason why those vassal envoys are so excited is naturally because of the word "champion". If they can win the championship at the Datang National Games, the benefits are self-evident.

Why not make friends with Datang and show your own ability?

Even if a small country thinks it can\'t win the championship, it\'s good to go back with a runner up or a runner up. Even a seventh place like Taijun may not be an unacceptable thing.

Li Qieyou suddenly threw out the concept of the sports meeting, which made it difficult for Li Er to make a choice for a while and a half.

He simply used the formula of delaying words and planned to delay for a while: "well, I know about today\'s new year\'s day meeting. I won\'t mention it for the time being. We\'ll discuss it after the new year\'s Day holiday."

When Li Er spoke, Li forgot to worry and his ministers naturally stopped talking.

The new year\'s day meeting, which was interrupted by a dispute between Xue yantuo and BA Yegu, was finally able to continue.

After a series of cumbersome meeting procedures, it was noon. Li Er was going to treat the officials in the palace today.

To tell you the truth, the imperial food in the Imperial Palace has nothing to eat.

Even after Li Er had eaten the delicacies of Li\'s house several times, he had to admit that the imperial dining room in Tai Chi palace was really inferior to the kitchen of Li\'s house.

For this reason, several batches of cooks have been changed in Li forget you\'s residence. After all, whether it\'s Li Er or Cheng Yaojin, he can\'t help asking him for a cook.

After a banquet in the palace, Li forgot to worry and patted his ass to go back to the house to sleep, but he was directly stopped by Mituo. Li Er has an invitation.

Li forgets worry and shakes his head silently. Knowing that it must be for the sports meeting, he can only obediently follow Mituo to Liangyi hall.

In the Liangyi hall, not only Li Er was present, but also Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui, changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng, Cheng Yaojin, Li Jing and Yuchi Jingde.

When he saw Li forgetting sorrow entering the hall, Cheng Yaojin couldn\'t help laughing and said, "Wow, ha ha ha, Ziyou, you can today. You unexpectedly threw such a big thunder without saying a word. Tell me, what kind of rush games do you think?"

"Uncle Cheng, it\'s the National Games of the Tang Dynasty, or the National Games for short." Li forgot to worry and corrected seriously.

The reason why he must emphasize this title is naturally out of mischief.

If the name of the Olympic Games were not really difficult to explain, he would like to call it the Olympic Games.

"Well, the National Games, you boy made it clear. What kind of national games do you want to do? Why did you suddenly raise this matter today?"

Li Er, Fang Xuanling and others leaned against the soft collapse, holding a wine cup in their hands, staring at him and waiting for his explanation.

On his way to Liangyi hall, Li forgot to worry, but he had already made a abdominal draft in his heart and thought about how to answer.

Although he had a whim about what kind of sports meeting to hold in the Tai Chi hall, when he thought about it carefully, Li forgets worry, but he thinks it has great potential.

He cleared his throat, saluted Li Er and the leaders, and said in a loud voice, "uncle, gentlemen, I didn\'t propose to hold the National Games on a whim, but because it would benefit my Tang Dynasty without doing any harm."

"Oh? To be specific, what\'s the advantage?" Li Er asked.

"Yes, uncle. First of all, the National Games can not only raise the national prestige of the Tang Dynasty, but also promote the political exchanges between the vassal countries and the Tang Dynasty, promote caravan trade, and draw closer the feelings between the vassal countries and the Tang Dynasty. Of course, more importantly, hey hey, uncle, holding the sports games can make money."

His words immediately interested Li Er and several big men.

"Ziyou, to be specific, where do these benefits come from?"

Seeing that Li Er was interested, Li forgot to worry. First, he asked the waiter to send him a cup of tea and have a drink. Cheng Yaojin was so anxious that he wanted to beat people. He replied slowly: "in fact, my uncle and all the princes should be able to think of the benefits..."