Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 621

Li Er glanced at his nephew and asked, "Oh, what do you mean by what you just said?"

"Yes, I tell your majesty that the minister said \'very good\', which means that Xue yantuo\'s envoy is willing to ask your majesty for help. It\'s very good. Your majesty, as a heavenly Khan, naturally has the responsibility to arbitrate for the vassal state, which is your Majesty\'s right and obligation. This is also the reason why all the countries of the Tang Dynasty came to the court and sincerely served all over the world."

Li forgot to worry about these words, but it came to Li Er\'s heart, which made the proud Li Er feel a little proud, nodded slightly, and his anger disappeared.

However, Li Er did not let Li forget his worries and continued to ask, "in the view of Huxian Bo, how should this matter be solved?"

The key is to solve the conflict between Xue yantuo and BA Yegu. Otherwise, Li forgets worry. No matter how well he flatters, it won\'t help.

Li forgot his worries and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, this matter is easy to solve."

"What\'s a good plan?" not only Li Er was curious, but all the officials, as well as the envoys of Xue yantuo and BA Yegu, also stared at Li forgetful and wanted to see what the young man would think.

"Hey, hey, it\'s simple. What\'s the contradiction? Just compare it with the previous one? If you win, take away the grassland, and if you lose, admit defeat. It\'s fair and reasonable. Isn\'t everyone happy?"

Li forgot to worry, but it made the Manchu civil and military in the hall, as well as the envoys of Xue yantuo and BA Yegu in an uproar.

Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui looked at each other. They didn\'t understand why Li forgetful said so. Ma Zhou and Yan Liben were even more anxious. They wanted to come forward and cover their teacher\'s mouth.

"Huxian uncle, be careful! What\'s your idea? Do you think the major event of the country is a children\'s play?"

"Ridiculous, it\'s ridiculous! Huxian uncle, how can you come up with such an idea and let the two families fight for the grassland? What\'s your heart?"

"Xue yantuo and BA Yegu, since they are the vassal of the Tang Dynasty, how can you come up with such a bad idea, Huxian uncle? What good will it do to the Tang Dynasty and the two ethnic groups if the two ethnic groups are bloodied? Absurd, it\'s ridiculous!"

"Your Majesty, the minister wants to impeach Huxian Bo and allocate his vassal to fight in the country. He has ulterior motives and should be killed!"

"Your majesty! Huxianbo\'s words are really harboring evil intentions and unforgivable! I also impeach huxianbo. Please punish him severely!"

Li\'s words were like stabbing a hornet\'s nest. Except that Xue yantuo and BA Yegu\'s envoys had uncertain faces and didn\'t speak for the time being, all the officials jumped their feet.

In particular, officials from aristocratic families were filled with righteous indignation one by one. They looked as if they were at odds with Li forgetful. They spoke to impeach him and knelt down in a large group.

Yuchi Jingde and other generals did not know what to say. They looked at each other and made no noise.

It was Cheng Yaojin who stood up and said with a laugh, "Wow, ha ha ha, your majesty, I see Huxian Bo\'s words are reasonable. Since neither side can convince anyone, let\'s fight. Who\'s fist and listen to who."

Li Er stared at Cheng Yaojin in pain. He wasn\'t surprised that the old man would mess around like this.

But Li wanwan didn\'t expect that Li forget worry would come up with such a bad idea, which surprised him.

"Huxian uncle, what do you mean by this? Make it clear to me!"

Facing the impeachment of all the officials, Li forgot to worry at all. He replied with a smile: "Your Majesty, that\'s what the minister just said. There are disputes among the vassal states, so it\'s an appropriate way to have a fair and fair competition to decide whether to win or lose."

His words made those ministers who impeached him explode again. Before Li Er could speak, he couldn\'t wait to refute: "nonsense, isn\'t the life of the vassal country life? Huxian Bo, how dare you make such a fuss about human life?"

"The fight between Xue yantuo and BA Yegu is not cheap for the East Turks and the old Jieli thief? Huxian uncle, what\'s your peace of mind?" Wang Renyou stood up and scolded.

Li forgot to worry and spread his hands: "when did I say that Xue yantuo and BA Yegu would fight?"

"Huxian uncle, you just finished saying that you want to deny it? Do you really think your majesty and I are deaf?"

Li forgot to worry and said with a smile, "gentlemen, did you listen carefully? I said to let both sides have a competition, but I didn\'t say to let them fight."

Wang Renyou sneered and said, "it\'s ridiculous. The sword has no eyes. Does Huxian uncle think of the way to wrap the head of the sword and gun with cotton cloth?"

"No, no, since they are all the vassal countries of the Tang Dynasty, how can we move the knife and gun so rude?" Li forgot to worry, shook his head and smiled.

Li Er asked curiously, "Huxian uncle, what do you mean?"

"Hei hei, your majesty, I wonder if we can hold a sports meeting in Datang? Well, it\'s better to call it the Datang National Games, or the National Games for short. This war is about the soldiers who are stronger, run faster, shoot arrows more accurately, and have better equestrian skills. If so, we can make these events into a sports meeting, so that our officers and soldiers of Datang can compete with the vassal countries In this way, it can not only show the strength and bravery of the officers and soldiers without using a knife or a gun. Why not? "Li Qieyou smiled very proud. This was the idea he had just come up with with with a flash of inspiration.

It\'s a good idea to hold an Olympic Games in Datang to solve the disputes between vassal states and contribute to the cultural and entertainment life of the boring people in Datang.

The origin of the Olympic Games is also related to the settlement of war disputes.

In ancient Greece, more than 200 city states were established. There are also constant disputes among various city states, and conflicts and wars often break out.

The continuous wars disgusted the ancient Greek people and generally longed for a peaceful environment on which to recuperate. Later, King Sparta and King Elis signed the "holy truce month" treaty. Therefore, the military training and sports competition in preparation for the source of troops have gradually become a sports meeting of peace and friendship.

It was when Li forgot to worry that he suddenly thought of the Olympic Games and the origin of the Olympic Games that he had a whim.

Since Xue yantuo and BA Yegu are entangled in grassland, let them send tribal people to Chang\'an to participate in the sports meeting.

The grassland belongs to whoever wins.

If you don\'t agree, try again in four years to determine the ownership of the krulun River Grassland.

Li\'s forgetful words made Li Er and his ministers look at each other and feel confused.

sports meeting? National Games?

What the hell is that?

Li Er coughed and asked, "Huxian uncle, please explain to me what is a sports meeting?"

"Yes, your majesty, the sports meeting refers to the competition meeting of sports." Li forgot to worry. When he saw that the people were still at a loss, he knew that they didn\'t know what sports are. He simply explained in detail: "sports competition is a competition for who runs faster, jumps farther and has more strength..."

Li Qieyou explained in detail the sports events and competition methods he knew to Li Er and his ministers.

"Your Majesty, this sports competition can not only solve the disputes like Xue yantuo and BA Yegu tribe, but also make our officers and men of the Tang Dynasty and the people braver and stronger. This sports meeting can also allow the people to participate in and compete for the honor of the winner, which is beneficial without harm."

After these words, all the officials who had lined up to impeach Li forgetful were stunned, and they didn\'t know how to refute. Even Wang Renyou, Hou Junji and others don\'t know what to say at this time.

The idea of the sports meeting is so incredible that people haven\'t tasted the mystery. How do you comment?

Li Er narrowed his eyes and suddenly asked, "Huxian Bo, what you said about this sports meeting is similar to the ball game?"

"Your Majesty is wise. Tennis can also become one of the events of the games. The winner can be awarded a gold medal by your majesty and announced to the world. You can smell it as a reward!"

Li Er nodded and looked at the ministers: "what do you think of what the Duke and Huxian uncle said?"

For a time, no one spoke in the huge Tai Chi Hall