Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 620

Li forgot to worry. Seeing the expressions of Li Er and the officials, he knew that his nonsense just now seemed inappropriate.

When he was at a loss, he heard someone shouting discontentedly, "Tian Khan, what are you talking about? Does he feel good about pulling the Yegu tribe and occupying my Xue yantuo grassland? Tian Khan, is this humiliating me Xue yantuo?"

Hearing the sound, Li forget you saw that what was shouting on the hall was the envoy Xue yantuo mentioned by Cheng Yaojin.

But what the envoy said made Li forget his worries more confused. What\'s the matter? Did the ancient tribe of Ba Ye occupy Xue yantuo\'s Grassland? What does it have to do with what he just said?

Before he could recover, he saw another group of Mobei envoys dressed up and said with a smile: "ha ha, the ministers of tiankhan said well, isn\'t it good? Since you Xue yantuo have set up a dental tent in yudujun mountain, what\'s wrong with the fact that the grassland of the krulun River belongs to us?"

"Fart! God is on the, and Xue yantuo always owns the krulun River Grassland."

"Bah, we didn\'t pull the Yegu tribe to help you Yinan Khan defeat the Jieli Khan army. You\'ve long been finished. Now it\'s also a reward to give us the krulun River Grassland!"

"You bastard, do you want to duel with me?"

"Come on, God is on the ground. Are we the timid guinea pigs who pull out Yegu? I\'ll let you know what an eagle on the grassland is!"

Li forgets worry and continues to be confused. What does this meow have and what? I just talked nonsense. Why did the two envoys fight first?

Seeing his teacher\'s face confused, Ma Zhou was helpless. While Xue yantuo and BA Yegu\'s envoys were still scolding each other, he quickly got up and whispered in Li forgetful\'s ear, which made Li forgetful suddenly realize.

Nima, it really hurts.

It turned out that when envoys from various countries paid tribute and worshipped, the newly attached envoy Xue yantuo of the Tang Dynasty suddenly said that he hoped that Li Er, the heavenly Khan, would preside over justice for them and punish the ancient tribe of Ba Ye. The reason is that BA Yegu tribe forcibly occupied the krulun River Grassland in the middle of the two tribes.

In other words, Xue yantuo and BA Yegu were also allies. Before, the two sides, together with the Huihe people, defeated the Jieli Khan army of Turks.

However, as soon as the East Turks were defeated, the people of these tribes became very angry because of the competition for fertile grassland, and even broke out several small-scale battles.

However, Xue yantuo was newly established at this time, and his strength was not as good as that of BA Yegu tribe. He suffered a small loss, and even the krulun River grassland was occupied by the other party.

Therefore, Xue yantuo\'s envoys simply put forward this matter when paying tribute to Li Er at today\'s new year\'s day meeting, hoping to get the support of Tian Khan.

In this regard, Li Er naturally felt very headache.

He doesn\'t want to take care of the matter of Mobei grassland at all, nor can he.

Don\'t let the Tang cavalry go out because both sides compete for grassland? After all, BA Yegu also belonged to the Tang Dynasty and regarded Li Er as a heavenly Khan, belonging to the vassal state of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Er had no choice but to look around at the ministers and see what other people thought about it. However, there is no good way for civil servants such as Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui, or generals such as Cheng Yaojin, Yuchi Jingde and Li Jing.

This matter involves the interests of both sides. Can Datang settle it in a few words? If you open your mouth rashly, but attract the other party\'s dissatisfaction, it\'s not beautiful.

So they all kept silent.

In desperation, Li Er turned his eyes to Li forgetting his worries. His nephew has long left an impression of being quick and wise in his heart, and often has unexpected ideas, so he wants to see if he has any good ways.

Li forgot to worry about dozing off in the hall. He could not hide it from others. Naturally, he could not hide it from his disciple Ma Zhou sitting behind him.

Seeing Li Er casting his eyes on him, Ma Zhou pushed Li forgetful worry as soon as he was worried, but he didn\'t expect Li forgetful worry\'s reaction to be so big and jumped up directly.

It doesn\'t matter. The key thing is that the goods are still confused. They don\'t understand the situation, so they talk nonsense about "good". This naturally annoys Xue yantuo\'s envoys. They think Li forget worry is saying that it\'s good to pull Yegu and rob their grassland, causing a mess on the hall.

Li Er glared angrily at Li forgetful, who caused trouble. Seeing that the envoys of Xue yantuo and BA Yegu were more and more excited, they saw a trend of full martial arts on the spot. They couldn\'t help patting the armrest of the throne and angrily scolded: "enough! Two envoys, why are they so noisy in this hall? Shut up!"

Seeing that Khan was angry, Xue yantuo and BA Yegu\'s envoys glared at each other and shut up temporarily.

Li Er rubbed his temples in pain. He thought that barbarians were barbarians. Didn\'t he know that today was the new year\'s day meeting? On the first day of the lunar new year, I was restless and caused a lot of trouble. It\'s really uneducable.

He stared at Li again and asked angrily, "Huxian uncle, what exactly do you mean just now? Tell me clearly!"

Li forgot to worry at this time to know the cause and effect of the matter, but also a headache.

How does he know how to solve it? How about half of the grassland? Or I one three five, you two four six? Or just scissors, stone and paper, who wins and who owns the grassland?

These are just his own thoughts. These proposals, I want to know, whether Xue yantuo or BA Yegu, are impossible to accept.

He was also embarrassed for a moment and didn\'t know how to answer Li Er\'s question.

Did you tell Li Er that he just took a nap and what he just said was all in his sleep?

It\'s strange that Li Er doesn\'t smoke! Li forgets worry and doesn\'t want to be punished by Li Er on the first day of the new year. That doesn\'t bode well.

Seeing that Li forgot his worries for a moment, Hou Junji was disdainful in his eyes. He simply stood up and fell into the well: "Your Majesty, I think that Huxian uncle\'s nonsense just now is really beneath his dignity. Please punish him and make an example of him!"

Wang Renyou and Zheng Yuanshou, the heads of aristocratic families, naturally stood up immediately and echoed: "Duke Lu is right. Your majesty, Huxian Bo is really wrong to talk like this on the hall. Please punish Huxian Bo severely."

Hearing the speech, Li forgot to worry and couldn\'t help raising his middle finger in his robe. These bastards are really willing to take a knife.

However, being forced by them, Li forgot to worry, but suddenly his mind turned and he had a dispute in his heart. He couldn\'t help laughing.

"Ha ha, what Duke Lu, Duke Wang and Duke Zheng said is really inexplicable. When will I talk casually? Don\'t talk blood!"

Hou Junji scornfully left his mouth: "Huxian uncle, didn\'t you just say it\'s good? It\'s good that BA Yegu occupied Xue yantuo\'s Grassland? Why don\'t you explain it to your majesty and Xue yantuo\'s envoys."

Li forgot to worry, walked forward without delay, bowed to Li Er and saluted: "tell your majesty, what I just said is very good, which is not what Duke Lu understood..."