Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 619

Because the weather is getting colder and colder, Li Qieyou is too lazy to continue riding, so now he goes to Chang\'an City in a four-wheel carriage.

Ma Zhou and Yan Liben also need to attend the new year\'s day meeting. They have already got up, changed their uniforms and waited for him in the hall. Yawning, Li Qieyou nodded to the two disciples and asked them to get on the bus and start.

Sitting in the carriage, Li forgot to worry about the incredible scene last night, and his mouth couldn\'t help overflowing with a smile. Unexpectedly, after more than 1400 years in the Tang Dynasty, he was able to have such a wonderful emotional bond with his beautiful boss, which he never dreamed of in his previous life.

Ma Zhou and Yan Liben looked at each other and guessed something from Li forgetful\'s expression. Combined with their teacher\'s abnormal performance last night, they both showed a smile that men understand.

In the slight ups and downs of the carriage, the exhausted Li forgets to worry and sleeps again with a happy smile.

When he woke up, the carriage had stopped in front of the rosefinch gate of the imperial city.

At this time, it was still dawn, but Zhuque street and in front of the imperial city were illuminated by torches. Today\'s Chang\'an city can be called "fire city". Every 100 meters, burning torches illuminate the wide streets.

Holding horses with birch candles and hundreds of torches, the square cloth elephant city is today\'s grand occasion.

For the new year\'s day meeting, the poem "early morning on New Year\'s Day" by poet Wang Jian of the Tang Dynasty is the most detailed and vivid.

"The great country is well prepared for rites and music, and the ten thousand states are Yuan Zheng. The eastern color has not moved, and the crown sword gate is full. The emperor lives in Penglai, and the Su Su bell is missing. The general leads the feather forest and patrols the palace city with a halberd..." the style of a great country is fully demonstrated.

Although Li Wangyou Tucao Li Er, but after getting off, but also by this unprecedented battle scared, not make complaints about it.

New year\'s day meeting, as the largest and most ceremonious meeting of the year, the ceremony process is also quite cumbersome.

Generally speaking, the grand pilgrimage meeting is divided into several processes: admission ceremony, new year\'s greetings, tribute, year-end assessment, reading the imperial edict of the first day, and the grand party.

Naturally, it goes without saying that the new year\'s call is a celebration of all officials to Li Erjin, and a high-ranking minister will celebrate on behalf of all officials and read out the celebration table.

Paying tribute is mainly aimed at the Chaoji envoys and envoys of various countries. You can\'t pay New Year\'s greetings to Li Er with empty hands. Year end assessment, naturally, is to see how the chicken fart around, whether there are political achievements and so on.

Finally, after the wedding ceremony of the court, Li Er gave a banquet to the officials. After eating and drinking, they could go home.

However, these have nothing to do with Li forget worry. He came to gather the number of people today, and these ritual processes have nothing to do with him. He had just slept in the carriage, and now he felt very sleepy. He just wanted to end the meeting early so that he could go back to sleep again.

In the Imperial City, all officials, dressed in Chinese clothes, have begun to gather and queue up to worship in the palace.

Li Qieyou hurriedly led ma Zhou and Yan Liben forward, and the big men who were familiar with you greeted the new year one after another. The auspicious words of "Celebrating the beginning of the new year, prolonging the longevity and salary" and "Celebrating the new day, celebrating the boundless longevity" are constantly repeated, which is very lively.

When the people were busy saying happy new year to each other, Li forgot to worry, but he smelled a strong smell of mutton, which made him almost breathless.

Although the people of Tang Dynasty also like to eat mutton, Li forgot to worry about coming to Tang for nearly a year, but he never smelled such a strong smell of mutton on on anyone. What\'s more, today is the new year\'s day meeting. All the officials in the previous dynasty are distinguished. They don\'t have incense on their bodies, nor do they have this smell.

He couldn\'t help looking around, but there were several envoys dressed in thick fur coats. They looked like nomads in the north.

Li Qieyou couldn\'t help but whisper to Cheng Yaojin in front of him, "Uncle Cheng, where are those envoys from? It tastes good."

"Hey, hey, you boy, don\'t talk nonsense. Those are the envoys of Yi man Khan. They come to pay tribute to the saints at today\'s great court meeting."

Cheng Yaojin\'s words made Li forget his worries and ponder for a long time. Who is this Yi man Khan? It took a long time to remember that the Yi man Khan was also an East Turk. After the internal rebellion of Jieli Khan in Eastern Turks, the Yi man Khan united with Huihe, BA Yegu and other tribes to defeat Jieli Khan and establish his own tooth tent, that is, Xue yantuo.

"Uncle Cheng, did the Yi man Khan submit to the sage?" Li forgetful asked curiously. He really didn\'t know this history.

Cheng Yaojin smiled and nodded: "the sage sent guerrilla general Qiao Shiwang to canonize the Yi man as Xue yantuo\'s real pearl PIGA Khan, and gave him war drums and big flags. The Yi man Khan was also an interesting guy. After accepting the saint\'s book, he sent an envoy to pay tribute."

Li forgets to worry. Suddenly, when he read the history of the Tang Dynasty, he seemed to have read about it, but he didn\'t remember much. He remembered it after listening to Cheng biting Jin Yi\'s explanation.

But he remembered that the Yi man Khan was not a good thing. It was the so-called non-human race, and his heart must be different. In the 13th year of Zhenguan, Yi man Khan began to make friends with the Tang Dynasty again.

In the 19th year of Zhenguan, after the death of Yi man Khan, his son actually led the army to attack Shuofang County in Henan Province, which aroused the wrath of the Tang Dynasty. As a result, a year later, in the 20th year of Zhenguan, Xue yantuo Khanate was completely destroyed by the Tang army.

After recalling some history, Li forgot to worry and couldn\'t help but curl his lips secretly. These two faced Xue yantuo people really don\'t know how to live or die. When the Tang iron cavalry was made of mud?

After the beginning of the great court meeting, all officials and envoys of various countries entered the hall in turn to worship Li Er, followed by a lengthy ceremony process.

Li Qieyou sat in his seat, leaning his back against the column in the hall, listening to Fang Xuanling\'s yin-yang frustrated reading out the congratulatory table, feeling that it was a lullaby. His eyelids grew heavier and heavier, and finally he fell asleep against the post.

It must be admitted that the warm Tai Chi hall is really a good place to sleep. Li Qieyou slept so sweetly that he almost didn\'t snore.

When he was having a rough time with his beautiful boss in his dream, he was suddenly pushed back, which made him jump up directly from his seat.

Before he recovered, Li Er\'s voice said, "Huxian uncle, what do you think? Tell me."

What the hell? What do you think? Li Er, what are you talking about?

Li forgot to worry and blankly wiped the saliva from the corners of his mouth. He didn\'t know what had happened.

Just as in the class of later generations, when he was sleeping, he was suddenly called by the teacher to stand up and answer questions. He looked around at a loss and asked his soul three questions: who am I? Where am I? What am I doing?

Why didn\'t anyone remind him what happened?

He couldn\'t help turning his head and looking behind him. It was disciple Ma Zhou who pushed himself. He was winking at him.

"Ah, this problem, yes, yes, this is a problem." Li forgets worry. He doesn\'t know what he\'s talking about. God, who can meow to save himself? He is about to cry. The meeting is going well. Does it have anything to do with him? Sleep well. Who\'s in the way?