Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 618

The panting in the bedroom subsided quickly. Li forgot to worry, staring at the ceiling with both eyes and a dead gray face.

The beauty boss covered his mouth and smiled, and drew a circle on his chest with his fingers: "Hey, did someone say that he is in good health?"

Li forgot to worry. He covered his face with his hands and said nothing. What\'s the matter with this damn body? He was not like this in later generations. Although he didn\'t dare to boast about what he was, he thought his ability was good.

But just now he was "second killed" before he got to the point, which made Li forget to worry about death.

Is it a physical problem or something else?

"No, no, I was too nervous just now. Well, that\'s it. Yes, you let me rest for a while. Today I must let you know what a man\'s dignity is!" Li forgets worry, tears in his heart, but he refuses to be soft in his mouth.

In fact, Li forgets worry and wants to cry without tears. He is wondering whether to go to Xianwei first after dawn and find old immortal sun to show him. Don\'t have any hidden diseases.

If he really had that problem, he might as well wipe his neck and try again if he could cross it again.

"Well, well, don\'t cry, darling, I don\'t despise you, hee hee." Su Changqing looked at the gray little man beside him, and his eyes smiled like crescent moons.

"Well, if you don\'t want to try again, maybe you didn\'t get used to it just now." Li forgets to worry and struggles to death.

The beauty boss bit the sexy red lip: "can you?"

Li forgot to worry and quickly put his head in the beautiful boss\'s ear and whispered a few words, but he heard that the beautiful boss\'s pretty face was covered with a layer of blush again.

She was so charming that Li forgot to worry, but she didn\'t object. She slowly slid down and hid in the brocade quilt.

The room is filled with the smell of hormones again

After everything calmed down, Li forgot to worry and finally breathed a sigh. It seems that he doesn\'t have to go to Sun Simiao to see a doctor. There\'s nothing wrong with his body. He couldn\'t help laughing: "honey, I\'m not bragging, hehe."

Su Changqing had been too lazy to pay attention to him. Her just broken body made her feel very tired and didn\'t want to talk. She just shrunk in Li forgetful\'s arms. She hugged the little man who took his first time with her hands. Her face was sweet and soon fell into a deep sleep.

Li forgot to worry, put his hand on the silky back of the beauty\'s boss, gently stroked it, looked at the sleeping beauty in his arms, secretly vowed to protect the happiness of the woman\'s life, and slowly fell asleep.

However, the two "newlyweds" did not linger on their beds for long. It was not dawn. When they arrived at Yinshi, that is, more than three o\'clock in the middle of the night, Li forgetful\'s door was knocked gently.

Pelan\'s voice came from outside the door: "my husband, it\'s time to get up. It\'s time to go."

Pelan knocked on the door for a long time before waking Li forgetful and her beautiful boss.

"Forget your worries, what time is it? Perrin, what\'s her name?" the beautiful boss asked vaguely.

Li forgot to worry and stared for a long time before waking up, speechless and holding his forehead with his hand.

Damn Li Er!

The reason why pelan came to wake him up so early on the morning of the new year\'s Day was to rush to Chang\'an city to attend the new year\'s day meeting.

Every year on the first day of the lunar new year, the son of heaven sits in the morning and is congratulated by all officials on the new year. In Beijing, courtiers, civil and military officials and envoys from all countries should attend. The new year\'s day meeting is the most grand meeting of the year.

As the founder of the county, Li forgot to worry. Naturally, he had to attend.

He scolded secretly in his heart, so he was ready to get up and open the door for Perrin and let his maid come in to serve him in his clothes.

It has to be said that from frugality to extravagance, Li forgets to worry. Now he is very used to having maidservants to serve him and wash his clothes.

But after the beauty boss woke up, he grabbed him and whispered anxiously, "no, don\'t let them in."

Li forgot to worry for a moment and then reacted. The beautiful boss was embarrassed to let others know what happened to them last night.

"Hey, Changqing, the ugly daughter-in-law always has to see her father-in-law. Pelan and they will know about it sooner or later."

"No, I don\'t care. You\'re not allowed to say it anyway. Go out and don\'t let them in." the beautiful boss pulled over the brocade quilt and hid himself in it like an ostrich.

The beauty boss, who has always been mature and steady, also has such a side, which makes Li forget his worries and can\'t help smiling. Since the beauty boss wants to keep it a secret for the time being, he naturally won\'t do anything.

He got up, put clothes on his body, and attached himself to the red lips of the beauty\'s boss. Li forgot to worry. He got up and opened the bedroom door, but didn\'t let Peilan and her maidservants in. Instead, he closed the door again.

"OK, just change your clothes here," Li Qieyou ordered from the living room.

Naturally, the maidservants did not dare to say anything more. They were busy bringing a copper basin to wash and comb Li forgetful\'s hair, tie his bun, and put on the imperial dress representing the identity of the founder of the country.

But the little girl, Peilan, was thoughtful about her husband\'s refusal to let herself into the bedroom. She seemed to have found something.

However, she didn\'t say anything. She just directed the maidservants to work and was busy helping Li forget you to sort out the folds on his imperial clothes.

In fact, Peilan didn\'t need to do these things at all. Li forgetful had already ordered, and even specially allocated the maid in the house to serve Peilan.

In the eyes of Li forgetful and Su Changqing, Peilan is also one of the members of the family. How can she serve herself. However, Peilan is stubborn. Even if she has a maid, she is still so. Li forgetful worry has no choice but to go with her.

However, when Perrin was finishing Li\'s worries, his little nose suddenly moved. "How can you have the perfume of your sister\'s love, Lang Jun?"

Her words made Li forget her worries and couldn\'t help but be stunned. Does this girl belong to a dog? Can you smell this smell?

Last night, two people lingered in half a night, and it was not surprising that they had the perfume smell of their beautiful boss.

Lee forgot to worry, dry cough, and quickly diverted the topic: "cough, Xu is the time when the long Qing perfume spray, let\'s go, it\'s getting late. Is the carriage ready?"

"Niu Wu has ordered the melodies to be ready and wait for you in the downstairs hall." Peilan replied, but her eyes were aimed at Li forgetful\'s closed bedroom door, with a narrow smile on her face.

Li forgot to worry, but didn\'t notice Peilan\'s expression. He just nodded, got up and walked outside the door. Peilan and her maidservants also followed out.

After the crowd left, Li forgot to worry about the bedroom door was gently pushed open again.

Su Changqing\'s hair was messy and her clothes were untidy. She slipped out of it, still holding a bed sheet in her arms.

There are some plum blossom marks left by her last night on the sheet. How can she keep this thing in Li forgetful\'s bedroom. When the maid who turned back to clean up the room saw it, she was ashamed to death.

"Sister Changqing."

Peilan\'s voice suddenly sounded in the corridor of the castle, which startled Su Changqing. In a panic, she hid the sheet behind her and looked at pelan.

"Perrin, forget about him? Didn\'t you go with him?"

"Well, Mr. Lang is gone. He said he would stay in Kaihua square for a few days and let me wait for sister Changqing and sister Alfred to go to Kaihua square later." Peilan smiled and made a funny face at Su Changqing: "sister Changqing, you last night..."

Before she finished, Su Changqing covered her mouth: "Shh, don\'t talk nonsense. There was nothing last night. Good, it\'s still early. Go back to sleep for a while, and we\'ll start after dawn."

The beauty boss blushed, then turned around and ran back to his room, leaving Peilan laughing behind her