Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 617

It was not easy to let off the firecrackers and fireworks. They sat back in the castle again, drank and chatted, and were reunited.

Li forgot his worries but couldn\'t sit still again. From time to time, he pretended to be hatching and stretching, looking very sleepy.

The old housekeeper Li Heng was distressed to see it. He couldn\'t help saying, "my husband is sleepy. Why don\'t you go and have a rest earlier."

Li forgets worry and immediately goes down the slope to the donkey, stretches his waist and stands up: "well, don\'t worry about me if you play with you. I\'ll go back to my room first."

He then turned and left, and did not forget to secretly wink at the beautiful boss, which naturally meant to signal her to go with him.

But the beauty boss turned his head to one side and talked to Aphrodite and Niu\'s daughter-in-law.

Li forgot his worries and was so angry that his teeth itched, but he had no choice but to turn around step by step and linger back to his room.

His room is naturally the largest room in the castle.

There is not only a living room outside the bedroom to receive guests, but also a huge cloakroom and toilet, with thick carpets on the pure solid wood floor.

The bed in the bedroom is huge, which was specially made by Li forgetful for him by craftsmen. Not to mention sleeping for two or three people, even five or six people are not crowded.

After returning to his room, Li forgot to worry and sat on the sofa in the living room scratching his ears and cheeks. Grabbed the Three Kingdoms at hand, turned two pages casually, and threw it aside.

He walked around the house for several times, but he didn\'t see the figure of the beautiful boss. He felt that he had been cheated by the woman again and stamped his feet with anger.

He was really upset. He simply ran to the bathroom to take a shower and eliminate his anger. He planned to go to bed and find trouble with the beautiful boss tomorrow.

But when Li forgot to worry after taking a bath, put on a bathrobe, wiped his wet hair with a towel and walked out of the bathroom, he raised his eyes but was stunned. Standing in the dim yellow light of the room, she smiled and looked at his beauty. Who is it, not su Changqing?

"Changqing, you..." as soon as he opened his mouth, the beautiful boss gently pressed his finger between his lips and motioned him not to speak.

Su Changqing gently leaned his head against his shoulder, and his slender fingers drew a circle on his chest.

"Forget your worries, will we never go back?"

"I......" Li forgot to worry and opened his mouth, but he didn\'t know how to answer. There is no answer to this question, and he feels that the possibility of returning to later generations is almost zero.

"Listen, I don\'t care how many women you marry in the future, but you should dare to be bad to me. Be careful, I\'ll snap you!" the beautiful boss said, proudly raising the snow-white slender neck, stretching out the index finger and middle finger of his right hand, and comparing the scissors hands.

Nearly a year into the Tang Dynasty, Su Changqing\'s state of mind has also changed a lot.

Originally, when she wanted to come, she could allow Li forget worry to "cheat" once at most. It was her bottom line to accept Alfred.

But with the passage of time, Su Changqing was numb to see more wives and concubines of the Tang people. She is not afraid of how many women Li forgets to worry about in the future. She is only afraid that he will forget himself.

After all, she knew she couldn\'t live without this "little man". Now Su Changqing\'s only request is that this man from the same era as himself should not fail her.

That\'s all

For the "threat" of the beautiful boss, Li forgot to worry and immediately felt his lower body chilly. His strong desire for survival immediately made him answer without hesitation: "how is it possible, I swear, always treat you, spoil you and love you."

"Hum, big pig hoof, I don\'t believe it." the little fist of the beautiful boss began to beat Li forgetful\'s chest.

Li forgets to worry about a black line. Can he talk well?

He quickly stretched out his hand and held the beautiful boss tightly in his arms. Without saying a word, he kissed her directly.

At this time, fools know that it\'s useless to say more.

Between them, the breath began to become rapid, and Li forgetful\'s hands began to grope up and down dishonestly.

When his hands finally covered Su Changqing\'s buttocks, the beauty in his arms could not help twisting her lower body.

Li Qieyou just wanted to continue to move further, but he was suddenly pushed away by Su Changqing.

"I, I\'ll take a bath first." the beauty\'s boss bit her lower lip, red clouds danced on her face, a Wang of spring water in her eyes, and ran to the bathroom with her clothes and skirts.

The bathroom door slammed shut, which made Li forget his worries and had to sit back on his bed and wait anxiously.

Of course, he knows what the beautiful boss just said.

In future generations, if he had a goddess like Su Changqing, he would dare to worship three and four, eat in the bowl and look at the food in the pot. It was pure death.

But he had to pat her on the chest and assure her boss that he would only marry her in the future. Li forgot to worry and felt that he was too self deceptive.

Far from it, just Aphrodite in the house, is he willing to send her out of the house and marry others?

Even little Laurie Perrin and Li forget to worry. When they think of this lovely sister, they will have fun under others, and their hearts will twitch.

Bah, scum man!

Li forgot to worry and deeply despised himself. Sure enough, the beauty boss was right. Men are not good things.

But Li forgot to worry, but dared to swear to his heart that Su Changqing was the love of his life. In any case, he would never fail her. What I said just now is not perfunctory to the beauty boss, but his truth.

When Li forgets his worries, the door of the bathroom finally opens.

Su Changqing\'s dark hair with wet drops was tied in a bun at will and fixed with a hairpin. The creamy skin, white and flawless skin, exudes light red powder.

What a beautiful bathing picture.

Li\'s heart began to beat violently again

"Changqing..." Li forgets to worry. He just feels thirsty and opens his mouth to say something.

But before he could say anything, he saw Su Changqing slowly pull open the belt tied around her waist... The clothes on the beautiful boss fell to the ground one by one. Li forgetful looked at the naked beauty in front of him and was stunned

The beauty boss stretched out two jade arms, wrapped around Li forgetful\'s stiff neck, gently spit orchid fragrance in his ear, and whispered, "fool, what are you stupid?"

Li forgets worry is an idiot. At this time, he also knows what to do. He suddenly lowers his head and kisses the red lips of the beauty\'s boss. Xiangjinnong slides between the winding tongue, and his hands can\'t help asking up and down.

When his hand reached the soft place in front of the beautiful boss\'s chest, Su Changqing only felt her ears burning and her little deer jumped around. For a moment, she even had the idea of running away.

The two entangled and slowly fell to the wide bed.

In the bedroom, bursts of stirring whispers continue to spread, and the air is filled with the smell of hormones

When the time came, bells and drums were ringing in the castle and Dingzhou village not far away. It has been three years since Zhenguan

(the first volume is finished with countless gold coins)