Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 616

Missed the opportunity to do "bad things" this night, which made Li forget his worries and feel melancholy. What made him even more melancholy was that on the 24th, the "relatives" of the beauty\'s boss came to visit, so angry that Li forgot to worry about the zits on his face and burst out several more.

The beauty boss saw his anxious appearance, but he covered his mouth and smiled, ignoring the oppressed Li forgetful worry. He took aphlo and Peilan and commanded the maid servants in the house to start arranging the new year\'s affairs.

On the 24th, the dandies also rushed to the Li house in Dingzhou village.

On the night of Li Er Shou\'s banquet, the fireworks set off by Li forget worry had already disturbed less than half of Chang\'an city.

In the night sky, many people saw the sudden thunder and the gorgeous fireworks in the sky in the Lifang near the imperial city and Tai Chi palace. This caused people in Chang\'an city to talk about it that night. I don\'t know what happened to lead to such a vision.

It was not until the next day that a few words flowed out of the mouth of the officials attending the birthday banquet that everyone understood that the fireworks blooming in the air last night were caused by the tossing Huxian Bo Li forget worry.

On the birthday banquet, the "precious mirror" presented by Li forget worry made people talk endlessly.

Rumors have become more and more exaggerated, and even people have begun to rumor that Huxian Bo stole the fairy palace mirror from heaven and presented it to the saints.

The precious mirror can emit electric light, thunder and strong light to "compete with the sun".

It is also said that Huxian Bojin offered the precious mirror of the first emperor, "the mirror of the heart". It is said that the first emperor can use the mirror to check whether his ministers are loyal. Anyone who has two hearts can see that his heart and courage are trembling when he looks at this square mirror

In short, the rumor is getting more and more outrageous, and it has cast a layer of mystery on Li forgetting worry and the treasure he gave to Li Er.

Dandies naturally know the truth of that night from their parents. They don\'t have much interest in mirrors, but they are very curious about fireworks that can bloom in the night sky.

If it were not for the next day that every family would offer sacrifices to the stove, they could not get away. It is estimated that they would come to Dingzhou village that day.

On the second day after offering sacrifices to the stove, the dandies appeared in Li\'s house and asked Li forgetful for the fireworks.

"Ziyou, how can you make something fun without thinking about your brothers?"

"Yes, you\'re not a brother."

"Hand over the fireworks quickly and spare you!"

"Fireworks don\'t even call you brothers. Ziyou, you\'re bad."

Li forgot to worry and turned his eyes. You bastards, you\'re not a sister. The devil wants to watch fireworks with you.

"Brothers, the fireworks can\'t be set off until night." Li forgets worry and deliberately prevaricates.

Cheng Yaojin was careless. He took the lead and walked towards the big bathroom of Li\'s house: "that\'s just right. Brothers, stay in your house for a few more days and go back to Chang\'an City on New Year\'s Eve. Brothers, go and take a bath. It\'s best to take a hot spring sauna in this winter. Ziyou, your little son really can enjoy it, or your house is comfortable! Hurry, ask your maidservants to bring me drinks."

Li\'s nose is almost crooked. These dandies really don\'t treat themselves as outsiders. It\'s really annoying.

He smiled and scolded, waved to the old housekeeper Li Heng to help the dandies prepare food and arrange accommodation.

Fortunately, when he made fireworks for Li Er, he also thought that the Spring Festival was coming soon. In addition to the 108 fireworks, he made many more and planned to set them off on the evening of new year\'s Eve.

Take some out and satisfy the curiosity of the dandies. Of course.

Unable to roll the sheets with the beautiful boss, Li forgets worry, so he can only play with the dandies in the house.

Set off fireworks, firecrackers, barbecue, fishing, mahjong, poker, board games... If you can think of anything to play, Li forget worry led the dandies to play it all over.

On the 27th day, Ma Zhou and Yan Liben also came.

This day is the time when the court and yamen began to have the "New Year\'s Eve holiday". Ma Zhou and Yan Liben have already made an appointment to spend the new year in their little teacher\'s residence this year.

Li Qieyou naturally welcomes this. The more lively the new year is, the better.

On New Year\'s Eve, the dandies finally reluctantly returned to Chang\'an city. Li forgets to worry about arranging the new year\'s Eve dinner while silently calculating the time in his heart.

It\'s been seven days. Should the "relatives" of the beautiful boss go? Thinking of this, Li forgot to worry and felt his tongue dry and his heart beat faster.

He pretended that nothing had happened and swayed left and right in front of the beautiful boss, which made the beautiful boss couldn\'t help staring at him: "forget your worries. If you\'re okay, go to the kitchen to see how the new year\'s Eve dinner is prepared. What are you always doing in front of me?"

"Hey, hey, it\'s okay, it\'s okay, I just look at you." Li forgot to worry and smiled.

"Look what I do?"

"Well, hey hey, what\'s your plan for the evening? Isn\'t it convenient?"

The beauty boss immediately understood what the goods meant. Her pretty face immediately turned red and didn\'t speak. She just nodded slightly and left quickly.

After getting the hint from the beauty\'s boss, Li forgot to worry. He was so excited that he clenched his fists and jumped three feet high.

He turned around and ran to his bedroom to prepare incense, candles and petals, then charged his mobile phone and Bluetooth speaker, selected romantic music and waited for night to fall.

Throughout the day, Li forgot to worry deeply about what it means to live like a year.

Why is the time so slow?

Why hasn\'t the sun set yet?

Why isn\'t it dark?

Ma Zhou and others feel that their teacher has become strange today. He is not only absent-minded, but also always asks when the maid in the house is.

Yan Liben and Ma Zhou looked at each other and couldn\'t understand the situation. When Li forgetful asked again, he simply asked, "Sir, what\'s the matter today? Do you need the disciples to do it for you?"

Li forgot to worry for a moment, shook his head and hit ha ha: "it\'s all right, you\'re busy with you, ha ha, the weather is good today."

He then walked away quickly, for fear that his two disciples would see anything. It would be too shameful.

Finally, it was dark. Just when the lights were on in the castle, Li forgot to worry and waved his hand: "open the banquet!"

This reunion dinner made everyone in the house confused. No matter who offered a toast to Li Lianyou, he refused.

"No, I\'ll quit drinking today." Li forgot to worry and pushed away the wine bowl in front of him with an extremely firm attitude.

Ma Zhou and Yan Liben, who came to propose a toast to him, were stunned. They didn\'t understand what happened to the teacher. They didn\'t even drink wine?

Where do they know that Li forget worry is afraid that he is drunk again. Isn\'t that delaying the "big event"?

Other people didn\'t know why, but the beauty boss could see clearly. He stared at Li forgetful with a red face and ignored him. He took care of himself to greet Alfred and pelan, as well as Niu Yong and Niu Wu\'s aunts to drink and eat vegetables.

It was not easy to wait until a reunion dinner was finished. Li forgot to worry and tried his best to squeeze the eyes of the beautiful boss and give a secret signal. Naturally, it meant that it was late and it was time to "rest".

Unfortunately, the beauty boss ignored him at all. He took aphelo and Perrin and Niu Yong\'s daughter-in-law and ran out to shoot bamboo fireworks.

Li forgot to worry and was so angry that his teeth itched, but he had no choice but to go out and shoot with his face