Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 615

Li forgets the meaning of this. Of course, the dealer understands that he is talking about giving money, which caused a burst of laughter in the ancestral hall.

The old village is laughing with the elders. The village has not been so lively for many years.

A farmer close to Li forgetful worries shouted, "Mr. Lang, how much profit can we make today?"

The farmer knows how much money can be distributed in the village today, but no one knows except the old village Zheng and the elders.

Lao cunzheng didn\'t say it because the number was so large that they didn\'t dare to divide the money without Li forgetful\'s consent.

Li Qieyou also said with a smile, "Liu Sanlang, how much do you want?"

"Hey, hey, whatever you want. Anyway, I know you won\'t treat me badly. This year\'s new year is a fat year in our village!"

The crowd around laughed and said, "yes, thanks to Mr. Lang, we\'ve had a fat year this year."

"Lang Junfu extends the new day and celebrates his birthday!"

"Lang Jun, Gong Hou, Wan Dai!"

Li forgot to worry and said with a smile, "roll, roll, do you think you can make more money by saying a few good words? Dream!"

"Ha ha!" the crowd laughed again.

The old village is respectfully handing over the account book of the public account in the village to Li forgetful and asks him to preside over the distribution of copper money.

All the copper coins in the village are stored in the money bank in the ancestral hall.

This is the money bank built by Li Qieyou with the help of the Ministry of work during the construction of Dingzhou village. It was built with heavy stones and poured with cement. It can be said that even flies can\'t fly in.

However, the more money in the Treasury, the old man felt his heart beat violently and was too stimulated every time he opened the Treasury to count copper money. He had never seen so much copper money and gold piled up in his life.

Now the old village and the elders in charge of the public accounts in the village don\'t visit the Treasury three or five times a day. They can\'t sleep well at night.

Li forgot to worry and took over the account book with a smile. There were more than a dozen young people in the village in the Treasury. They began to carry copper money out in baskets.

It\'s a hard job to pay money. There\'s no other reason. The money is too heavy.

In later generations, Li forgot to worry. After reading the news, a rich village distributed dividends to the villagers. Tens of millions of red hundred yuan bills were neatly stacked on the table, like a wall.

But Datang\'s copper money can\'t fit on a table.

Kaiyuan Tongbao always weighs five kilograms. Today, almost every household can issue more than 300 copper coins, which is 1500 kilograms, 1.5 tons.

Fortunately, Li Qieyou had already helped the village to convert half of the copper money into gold in Chang\'an city. The remaining copper coins can be moved back if the farmers run a few more times.

This means that both carriage companies and public carriages have a large amount of copper money recorded in the account. Otherwise, it is even more troublesome to use cloth and silk to offset money under normal circumstances.

"Liu Sanlang, just now you were in a hurry, let\'s send you first! Come and get the money. This year, each family can get the profits from the carriage shop and public carriage. The total amount of money is 3019 yuan. The 19 yuan will be put on the public account of the village. This year, each family will send 300 yuan of copper money!"

Hearing the number reported by Li forgetful worry, all the farmers in the ancestral hall immediately made a sound of sucking cold air. The battle almost evacuated the ancestral hall.

Then there was an uproar.

"My father, what did he just say? How much copper did each family pay? I, why did I seem to have heard wrong?"

"I, I seem to have heard wrong? How can I say it\'s 300 Guan?"

"I heard that too..."

"Lang Jun, are you wrong? Three hundred Guan? How is this possible? Isn\'t every family a rich man?"

"My mother, three hundred Guan, how much is that?"

Qian sun, who was in the crowd, was also frightened by the figure reported by Li forgetful, so he covered his mouth with his hand.

She runs a bookstore at home. After a year, her profit is only two or three hundred. That is, this year, thanks to Li\'s forgetfulness, he made a lot of money by selling the romance of the Three Kingdoms, with an income of thousands of copper coins.

Now the Three Kingdoms is still being printed and sold one after another, and the money can be earned for several years. This is also the reason why Sun Fang is so grateful to Li forgetful.

However, every household in Dingzhou village has more than 300 profits at the end of the year. Moreover, her husband Qian sirang also said that this was only half a year\'s income. How could it not surprise Qian sun.

Is this still a farmer\'s house?

Qian and sun were a little dizzy. They thought they had to bear hardships to marry their lover, but they didn\'t expect that after they married, they would not only live much better than their own family, but also their husband was not a poor people, but a "local tyrant".

When she was married, her mother was afraid of her hardship and secretly stuffed twelve taels of gold for her, but she didn\'t expect to use it at all.

Liu Sanlang, whose name was called by Li Qieyou, was stunned there. It took a long time to ask, "how can I move back so much copper money? There\'s no place to put it at home."

His words made the farmers laugh again.

They had a headache because of too much money. They never dreamed of such a thing.

Someone joked, "Liu Sanlang, I\'ll help you move. Just give me money and work hard."

Liu Sanlang said with a smile and scold, "go away, you always have money. You think beautifully! How many people can I invite in Huxian with my always money? Besides, you boy, have you seen what consistent money looks like six months ago? Ha ha."

The crowd burst into laughter again.

Someone immediately ran to push a unicycle and helped carry sacks of copper money up. Liu Sanlang\'s family went to battle and pushed a wheelbarrow squeaking with copper money to their house.

Each family has 150 copper coins and 25 taels of gold.

More than 700 kilograms of copper coins can not be defeated. These farmers, with a large population, carry them themselves, and their neighbors with few people help them.

The farmers whose names were called by Li forgetful worry laughed so hard that they trotted to the door of the Treasury to get the money.

After more than two hours, I finally handed out all the copper coins and gold ingots. The farmers hid the copper money at home before they returned to the ancestral hall.

A long table has been set up in the ancestral hall. The old village and the elderly respectfully invite Li forgetful and the beautiful boss to sit at the table. More than 600 people in the village eat meat and drink in large bowls.

During the dinner, old Murakami couldn\'t help wiping his tears. He never thought of such a day. The old man silently thanked the gods and Buddhas all over the sky, thanked them for sending Lang Jun to Dingzhou village, then picked up the wine bowl and toasted Li forgetful.

An old village is taking the lead, and the farmers also come to toast with wine bowls. Looking at the battle, Li forgot to worry about his face.

However, he was happy today. He didn\'t care so much. Bowls of wine poured down like water.

Without any accident, he drank broken pieces again

The next day, Li forgot to worry and got up from his bed with a splitting headache. He always felt as if he had forgotten something.

After thinking for a while, he suddenly hammered the bed, Ma egg. Last night, the beautiful boss finally agreed that he could do something shameful!

Drinking spoils things!

Li forgot to worry, looked up and sighed, and vowed again that he would never drink again