Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 614

In Dingzhou village, families have already worshipped the kitchen god in their own homes.

The reason why the old village is inviting Li forget worry and the beautiful boss with the elders is that the village is also preparing to hold a collective sacrifice to the stove in the name of sacrificing the stove tonight.

Originally, there was no such custom in Dingzhou village, but this year it is different. The reason is very simple. I have money.

Both the money from the four wheeled carriage company and the profits from the bus carriage are still in the public accounts of the village. After discussing with the elders, the old village is preparing to send the money to each family tonight. Naturally, Li forget worry is the host to preside over the matter.

Li forgets to worry about this also know very well, before just spermatozoa on the brain, just pretend to pinch, make a small temper with the beautiful boss.

He and his beautiful boss, together with the old village leader, came to the ancestral hall in the village. It was already crowded here. The whole village, whether old people, women, children or children, gathered here.

Today, there are 127 families in Dingzhou village, but the population has increased a lot. There are already more than 600 people.

Niu Yong, Niu Wu two brothers, and those seventy-three pieces of music, although the family is also in Zhoucun, but they belong to the Li Jia Fu, do not enter Zhoucun registered residence.

Li Heng got rid of his nationality and settled in Dingzhou village, but after he married the Zhao family, he was a family.

In the past half a year, because of the obvious micro existence, no one in the village has died of illness, but many new babies have been born. There are also farmers who have newly married their mother-in-law and aunt. The population of the village has increased a lot.

Qian sun was a newly married bride in Dingzhou village. At this time, she and her husband Qian Silang stood among the people in the ancestral hall.

After seeing Li forgetful worry and her beautiful boss appear, she is only 16 or 17 years old. The new wife Qian sun is very excited and secretly pulls Qian Silang\'s sleeve.

"Husband, it\'s Lang Jun and empress Su!"

Qian Silang was speechless. Seeing his husband appear, why is his mother-in-law so excited? It\'s not that I haven\'t seen it.

The farmers in Dingzhou village are too familiar with Li forget you, the founder of Kaiguo County, and have long lost that sense of mystery. How can he understand the excitement of his mother-in-law\'s "fans" when they see "Aidou".

Qian sun\'s family is also from Huxian county. Speaking of it, Li forgets his worries and has something to do with it. Because Qian sun\'s grandfather is the shopkeeper of Sun Ji bookstore in Huxian County, shopkeeper sun.

Qian sun\'s merchant family was born in good conditions. People also grow into small jasper families, which is very pleasant.

Since Qian sun was 13 years old, I don\'t know how many people came to propose marriage, but Sun Fu never nodded.

The reason is very simple. There is only one daughter in the sun family. Sun Fu only wants to recruit a son-in-law and doesn\'t want his daughter to marry outside.

Qian sun was also very intelligent and able to write and calculate. He began to help Grandpa manage and settle accounts in Sun Ji Bookstore very early.

At the beginning, Li forgot to worry about finding shopkeeper sun to print the Three Kingdoms. For a long time, Shunfeng carriage company sent carriages to pull the books from Huxian county to Chang\'an City for sale.

Qian sirang is the driver in charge of transporting books.

Qian Silang is the nephew of Lao Murakami. He is eighteen years old. He is also very energetic. Originally, my family was poor, and I never mentioned my daughter-in-law.

It\'s not very. Qian Silang and Qian sun, who helped settle accounts in Sun Ji bookstore, have a crush on each other. There is a secret feeling between them.

At that time, Dingzhou village was not rich. Although Qian Silang worked as a driver in Shunfeng carriage shop and his income was not low, he did not dare to propose marriage to the sun family.

Only a few months ago, when xindingzhou village was built, did Mr. Qian summon up the courage and invite a matchmaker to propose marriage to Sun Ji.

But naturally, the proposal was not accepted by the sun family. Sun Fu did not agree with many rich and noble families, let alone marry his daughter to a "banker\'s family" in his eyes.

Knowing that his father refused Qian Silang\'s marriage proposal, Qian sun naturally had to secretly wipe his tears. My granddaughter is sad and weeping. Naturally, I can\'t hide it from shopkeeper sun. When the old man learned that, he was furious and called his son to scold.

His son can\'t understand. How can shopkeeper sun not see clearly.

To be able to form an in laws with the farmers in Dingzhou village, isn\'t it closer to Li forgetful, the Huxian uncle? What\'s more, he knows that now Dingzhou village\'s family may not be worse than their sun family.

With Li forgetting to worry, in a few years, it\'s impossible for them to rely on this son-in-law to take care of the sun family. After all, even if they have a little wealth, they have little status.

Who can tell the future of Dingzhou village? Just as the saying goes, a man who has the virtue of a chicken and a dog ascends to heaven, the Huxian uncle is only 16 years old. As the prince\'s teacher, shopkeeper sun can\'t imagine how prominent he will be in the future.

What will happen to Dingzhou village under his protection is even more unpredictable.

So shopkeeper sun, a shrewd merchant, immediately saw Qian Silang\'s potential, nodded his consent without hesitation and married his own granddaughter.

Under the control of his grandfather, Qian sun married his lover. Naturally, he was full of joy.

On the day of marriage, she was startled when she was connected to Dingzhou village by the convoy.

What she likes is Qian sirang. She doesn\'t know Dingzhou village. She only knows that it was a very poor village, and even Qian sun\'s family is ready to bear hardships.

But she could live with her lover, even if she had a simple meal every day. Marry the chicken and the dog, and Qian sun\'s family has long been psychologically prepared.

When the carriage entered laodingzhou village, which had not been demolished, Qian sun was still a little uneasy when he saw those dilapidated yellow mud thatched houses.

But the carriage did not stop, but went on all the way into a village she had never imagined.

The white walled and green tile courtyards hidden behind the trees, small bridges, flowing roads and neat and orderly villages all made Qian and sun dull.

Is this Dingzhou village? Not to mention Huxian County, even Chang\'an city does not have this scene.

When the wedding carriage finally stopped in front of an equally exquisite courtyard, Qian sun\'s head was still dizzy after he was helped out by Qian Silang. He didn\'t know the origin of the "banker\'s family" he married.

After the marriage, Qian Sun became a curious baby. Whether it was the bamboo tube that could come out of the water at home or the biogas lamp lit at night, he was surprised and yelled.

Hot water shower and ceramic toilet make Qian sun\'s little woman amazing.

"Husband, what is this?"

"Husband, what is this for?"

These two words became a little woman\'s pet phrase for a while, which made Qian Silang headache, but he could only patiently answer his mother-in-law\'s and aunt\'s questions.

After learning that all this was done by the Huxian uncle, Qian sun confirmed that Li forgetful must have been an immortal from heaven. Every time he saw Li forgetful in the village, he shouted excitedly, which made Qian Silang feel very speechless.

There are many new wives like Qian sun\'s in the village. For today\'s life, everyone feels like a dream and unreal.

Today, at the age of 23, the old village is calling everyone to worship the stove in the ancestral hall. The whole village knows that this is to make money. Naturally, not one family will come.

After the arrival of Li forgetful and beautiful boss, everyone respectfully saluted. Li forgot to worry and smiled: "don\'t be so polite. I know what you\'re waiting for. Don\'t talk nonsense, old village Zheng. Let\'s start directly..."