Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 613

At Li Er Shou\'s banquet, Li forgot to worry and was very angry when he saw the group of maids performing hot belly dance. Even when I got up the next day, I had several acne on my face.

It\'s impossible to say that Li forgets worry doesn\'t want to do anything shameful with his beautiful boss. He has been "plotting against the truth" for a long time.

Between him and his beautiful boss, he had already broken through first base and reached second base. Now when there is no one, kissing between two people often happens.

But whenever Li forgets to worry and wants to do something further, he will always encounter various "obstacles".

In fact, if they were in later generations, I\'m afraid they would have rolled the sheets long ago.

But in Datang, beautiful bosses can\'t let go because they lack a sense of security. Although in the heart of the beautiful boss, he doesn\'t refuse to happen.

The night Li forgot to worry about the fireworks, the beautiful boss gave him a sweet kiss on the cheek on the top of the castle and ran away with a smile. But Li forgets worry but secretly rejoices in his heart. Everyone is an adult. When the beautiful boss looked back before he left, it was clear that he was implying something

That night, under the cover of the night, Li forgot to worry and sneaked into the bedroom of the beautiful boss.

But to his surprise, when he slipped into the beautiful boss\'s room quietly, he touched the bed and heard a scream.

That voice is not the beauty boss, but the little girl of Perrin

Lit the oil lamp in the house, Li forgot to worry and found that it was very painful. Peilan somehow ran to the beautiful boss\'s room for the night. Just then he slipped into the room and woke up pelan. Pelan thought she had met a thief and screamed.

Li forgot to worry and stared angrily. He was holding the beautiful boss who was laughing secretly under the quilt and turned around and ran away.

Taite meow was embarrassed. He stole incense and jade and was found by the little girl Peilan.

This night, after sacrificing the stove, Li forgot to worry about going out to enjoy the moon with his beautiful boss after having a noisy dinner with everyone in the house.

In fact, what to enjoy the moon is entirely an excuse. Ghosts will enjoy the moon in the cold winter.

However, the beauty boss did not refuse. After avoiding the eyes of the maid and servant in the house, they walked hand in hand to the lake.

Li forgets to worry about looking for a clean lawn under the shade of a tree and pulls the beautiful boss to sit down.

"Changqing, I never thought that I would hold your hand like this. You are the gift I have waited for for for half my life."

"Hum, I don\'t believe it. You can honestly tell me how many girlfriends you have had and how many people have rolled sheets with?" the beautiful boss\'s small nose wrinkled and asked.

Li forgets to worry about a black line. NIMA, a goddess like a beautiful boss, can\'t avoid vulgarity. It turns out that such a thorough thing is self-taught.

Men can\'t be honest about such things.

He still understands the truth that "if you confess, you will be lenient, if you sit in prison, if you resist, you will be strict, and if you go home for the new year". Li forgot to worry, coughed softly and prevaricated: "those things have gone with the wind. I swear that in the future, my life will only be simple in 12 words, \'kiss you before going to bed, hold you in the middle of the night, wake up with you\'."

It\'s OK for him to cheat other girls, but he\'s far from trying to fool the beauty boss.

The beauty boss glanced at him: "Oh? Really? What about Aphrodite? What about Perrin? Will you be so honest? Hum, men are reliable, and sows will go up the tree."

In winter, the sweat on Li\'s back almost soaked his clothes.

This woman just can\'t be too smart. What\'s more, you just say Aphrodite. What do you mean by saying pelan? I\'m not controlled by Lori. How can I be interested in a girl who is only 12 or 13 years old and goes to junior high school?

But when you think about Peilan\'s lovely appearance, Li forgets worry and can\'t help but have some YY, er, it seems that many girls at Tang\'s age have married, right? When empress Chang sun married Li Er, she was not as big as Peilan.

Bah, Li Er, that dead pervert, despises him!

Li forgot to worry about not picking up the remarks of the beautiful boss. This is a proposition.

The strong desire for survival made Li forget worry suddenly sing a song: "you have a pair of talking eyes, you have a considerate heart, I don\'t know the greatness of heaven and earth, your smile always fascinates me for you..."

In the silent night, Wang Jie\'s song "I really love you" is floating in the night sky.

The beauty boss stopped talking, gently leaned on Li forgetful\'s shoulder, closed his eyes and listened to the song.

"... I can only think of you secretly and look at you secretly. I always have no courage and can\'t say that I really love you." after singing, Li forgets worry and looks down at the beauty in his arms: "Changqing, I love you."

The beautiful boss\'s eyelashes flashed a few times, but her eyes didn\'t open. She just made a promise from her nostrils. If there was no "um", but her flaming red lips slightly opened

Li forgot to worry about where he didn\'t understand. He immediately covered his lips and they hugged and kissed together.

Soon, his hands were dishonest, began to search up and down, and slowly climbed up to the soft part of the beautiful boss\'s chest.

The beauty boss just hummed and didn\'t stop him from further action. She has made psychological preparations and does not object to Li forgetful\'s "invasion".

Li forgets worry and is about to turn into a wolf.

But he was soon discouraged, Ma Dan. Who invented the clothes and skirts of women in the Tang Dynasty? It\'s so anti human!

He was busy sweating and couldn\'t untie the cumbersome buttons on the beautiful boss\'s jacket.

Seeing his anxious but unable to eat appearance, the beautiful boss couldn\'t help laughing.

"Well, darling, will you go back to your room later? It\'s cold here."

The words of the beautiful boss naturally made Li forget his worries and the chicken peck rice and nod again and again.

Carefully pull the beautiful boss up from the lawn and carefully pat the grass scraps on her body. Of course, he didn\'t forget to eat tofu from his beautiful boss.

The beauty boss clapped open and pressed the evil hand on his hip: "hate, someone is coming."

Li forgot to worry and became angry at the speech. Who mews so hard? Dare to disturb yourself at this time, believe it or not, and dip him in a pig cage later?

The beauty boss was right. It was the old housekeeper Li Heng who came to the lake to find them.

"Mr. Lang, the village chief and several elders in the village are coming." Li Heng doesn\'t understand his own husband, so he stares at what he is doing. He didn\'t know how bad a man who was dissatisfied with his desires and interrupted to fall in love with beautiful women was.

"Why did they come? No!" Li forgot to worry in a bad tone.

"They came to invite Mr. Lang to host the kitchen sacrifice in the village. The old slave and Mr. Lang told them before."

Li forgot to worry about this. He promised to go to the village to participate in activities. But when he promised, he didn\'t think of the current situation.

The beauty is in front, who wants to sacrifice what stove in the village.

As soon as he wanted to say no, he heard the beautiful boss answer for him: "Li Heng, you tell the old village, we\'ll go right away."

"Promise." Li Heng also saw something coming. It was obvious that lady Su\'s clothes were a little messy. Knowing that he had ruined his husband\'s good deed, he dared not say anything more and quickly bowed his head and withdrew.

Li forgot his worries and was speechless, but the beautiful boss gently kissed him on the face: "well, good boy, Murakami, they are still waiting. Are you afraid you don\'t have time when you come back in the evening?"

After listening to the beautiful boss say so, Li forgot to worry and then showed a smiling face and pulled the beautiful boss back