Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 610

Belly dancing is very physical. More than 100 palace maids twisted their posture with music. After half an hour, they were all sweating.

Cheng Yaojin, an old man, wiped a handful of nosebleed with the back of his hand, sat at the table and arched his hands at Li Er: "Your Majesty, I see these palace maids dancing very hard. Why don\'t you let them rest?"

"Yes, that\'s right. It\'s reasonable to know what Jie said." Yuchi Jingde and Chaishao also sat at their seats and echoed.

It\'s not that Cheng Yaojin and others don\'t want to stand up. They really can\'t stand up.

A group of civil servants and military generals were so stimulated that they dared not stand up one by one for fear of losing face.

It was Li forgetful worry\'s idea of "opening his eyes" to the kings and ministers of the Tang Dynasty, which was a great success.

Although Datang also has topless clothes, how can the shaping effect compare with the bras on these palace maids?

The full-bodied palace maids were set off one by one to highlight their career line. In addition, the looming veil on the face made the more than 100 palace maids exude fatal temptation all over the body.

Even Li Er, like this, sat upright on his throne and was embarrassed to stand up.

Although the clothes of the Tang Dynasty are loose, they are not elegant.

Li forgot to worry about hearing the speech, but he was a little surprised. When did these old hooligans become so merciful? You know how hard the maid dances?

But the next second, he was speechless. These old hooligans are hooligans!

Cheng Yaojin, an old man, shamelessly arched his hands to Li Er and said, "Your Majesty, I really like this western region dance. I wonder if your majesty can reward me with a maid of honor to take me back to the house and teach the dancers in the house to dance?"

"Your Majesty, I have this plan!"

"Your Majesty, Hei hei, I also like this dance. Would you please give me a maid of honor?"

After Cheng Yaojin took the lead in opening his mouth, in the hall, a group of national princes and nobles agreed one after another and asked Li Er for palace maids.

Li forgot to worry. These old hooligans are really not reserved at all.

In the hall, a group of civil ministers and military generals with more than three grades and Xun GUI were silent except for a few old ministers as old as Yu Shinan.

Li forgot to worry, glanced at the restless old Comrade Fang, and felt some sympathy in his heart. As soon as his eyes turned, he couldn\'t help making mischief again.

"Duke Fang, this dance is called belly dance. It is a palace dance of big food. This dance has been practiced for a long time, but it is of great benefit to women. It is very good to delay aging and maintain their body. Duke Fang might as well ask his majesty to give a maid of honor and take her back to the government to teach Mrs. Fang to practice."

Li Wangyou said this, let the house mysterious age can not help but get a long face, hesitated for a moment, really also to Lee two open to ask the maid.

This made Li forget to worry and laugh in his heart. The famous "jealous" lady in history doesn\'t know how she would feel to see Comrade Lao Fang bring back such a "goblin".

I have to go back to find Fang Yiai and inquire about it to see if the vinegar bottle at home will be overturned after Comrade Fang returns to the house.

Wow, hahaha, at the thought of this, Li forgot to worry and almost laughed.

All the country\'s leaders asked for palace maids. Naturally, Li Er couldn\'t help it.

Fortunately, there are still more than 200 palace maids who were sent to Li Qieyou\'s residence to learn belly dance. On the hall, there are only nearly 100 people who are qualified to ask Li Er for palace maids. Li Er is not so stingy.

Today is his birthday again. I\'m happy. With a wave of his hand, Li Ergan, who has always been "stingy", left only ten palace maids, and all the others were rewarded to the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty.

Li Er didn\'t mention that Li forgot to worry about "fooling" him. Although Li Er didn\'t say it clearly, he could see that he was quite satisfied with the belly dance. Even at that time, he ordered ten palace maids he liked to serve beside him.

With Li Er\'s words, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly reached a climax.

Regardless of whether they would be "indecent", all the officials got up and bowed to Li Er, thanking his majesty for his reward.

Cheng Yaojin, such an old rascal, was even more direct. He pulled away one of the most pleasing to his eyes from the palace maids, and directly sat down next to his position and asked him to serve himself.

The palace maid dragged away by Cheng Yaojin will not resist.

Although his face was flushed, he knelt down beside Cheng Yaojin, poured wine and vegetables for him, and served the old goods.

After all, at the beginning, Li forgot to worry and asked Mituo to choose people for him. All the people selected were palace maids who were willing to get married outside the palace.

These palace maids are not young. Naturally, they don\'t want to stay in the palace.

Although they were rewarded by Li Er to these officials, they were only concubines at most, had no status to speak of, and had to entertain people with sex. But at least it\'s better to wither slowly in the deep palace.

Cheng Yaojin, an old man, took the lead. A group of civil servants and military generals were not vague. They came forward to take their favorite palace maids and took them back to their seats.

Li forgot to worry and looked silly. NIMA, can you still play like this? Is it a little too much?

After the uproar in the hall, Li forgot to worry and was surprised to find that except Yu Shinan and other old ministers, he was the only one sitting alone. The other group of old hooligans were accompanied by colorful maidens and sisters

Li Er glanced at him and couldn\'t help laughing and joking: "what? Ziyou, you don\'t like my palace maid? Do you want me to reward you?"

Reward your sister! Li forgot to worry and rolled his eyes.

I do, but dare I?

The beautiful boss in his house is more powerful than Fang Xuanling\'s "jealous lady". Now he can\'t even eat the "goblins" like Aphrodite, let alone take another maid back. It will kill people.

Thinking of this, Li forgets worry and feels deep egg pain.

Li Er\'s words also caused Cheng Yaojin and other old hooligans to laugh.

"Wow, hahaha, Ziyou, your face is too thin? Or is it forbidden in the house?"

"Don\'t make fun of Ziyou when you know the festival. Xu Shiyou is young and doesn\'t understand the taste, ha ha."

Cheng Yaojin joked with a group of national leaders. Li forgot to worry. His face turned red. He put up two middle fingers in his sleeves with his hands, and thousands of sacred animals galloped in his heart.

These bastards!

I knew I wouldn\'t let the beautiful boss teach these palace maids belly dance. They are all bastards who cross the river and tear down the bridge!

Having had enough fun with Li forgetting sorrow, Li Er took up his glass and got up to say goodbye to the ministers. "Gentlemen, win the drink!"



In the Tai Chi hall, the atmosphere is extremely warm. The cups and lanterns are staggered. It\'s not lively. The noise of all officials almost overturned the roof of the Tai Chi hall.

Li Er\'s birthday banquet lasted from noon to sunset.

During the banquet, the more than 200 palace maids twisted their waist and danced hot belly dances with cheerful melodies from time to time.

After drinking, a group of big men, including Li Er, came to an end in person and danced with demons. Li forgot to worry and was stunned.

When the lights were on, the waiters in the hall lit bright candles. Most of the officials were drunk. Even Li Er was shaking on the soles of his feet.

Li forgets to worry about thinking that he still hasn\'t sent a gift, so he quickly gets up: "uncle, nephew, there\'s another gift that hasn\'t been sent today. Please move outside the hall with your uncles and princes to watch the gift from your nephew, OK?"

"Ha ha, Ziyou still has a gift? Well, well, I\'m not polite today. Gentlemen, go and see what novelty Ziyou has made."

Although Li Er was very drunk, he was also full of interest. With the careful help of Mituo, he led a group of national leaders out of the Tai Chi Hall