Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 611

When Li forgets to worry about the congratulatory gift, it naturally refers to the fireworks he made.

Li Er and others, of course, will not be the first audience of fireworks in Datang. After Li forgets to worry about making fireworks on the basis of black gunpowder and firecrackers, he naturally wants to show off to the beautiful boss, aphelo and pelan.

Aphrodite and Perrin, who had never seen such gorgeous fireworks in the night sky, were excited by fireworks. Even the beautiful boss, that night, leaned his head gently on Li forgetful\'s shoulder and silently watched the fireworks blooming in the night sky.

The reward for Li forgetting worry is a gentle kiss from the beautiful boss.

Of course, Li Qieyou also wanted to "ask for" further rewards, but he was quickly escaped from the "crime scene" with a smile by his beautiful boss, which made Li Qieyou a little slower.

At this time, the sun had set in Chang\'an city. With the help of Mituo, Li Er and his ministers came out of the brightly lit Tai Chi hall, stood on the high platform in front of the hall and looked around, but they didn\'t see any "congratulatory gifts".

"Zi, Zi you, where are the congratulations and gifts you said?" Li Er was so drunk that he couldn\'t speak clearly.

Cheng Yaojin also drank too much. He was supported by the palace maid rewarded by Li Er. With a big tongue, he said with a smile: "Your Majesty, maybe this bastard boy is fooling me. You, let me beat him. He will be honest."

Li forgot to worry about his poor drinking capacity. Today, he didn\'t drink greedily. At the moment, he is still sober. Hearing what Cheng Yaojin said, he immediately stepped aside.

"Uncle Cheng, don\'t mess around. Look at the sky, the congratulatory gift from my nephew to your majesty will come soon." Li forgot to worry and squeezed his eyes at Mituo, which means it can start.

Mituo naturally nodded to the little eunuch on the side. Immediately, there was an eunuch on the side, trotting down the Longwei road.

When they heard the speech, they looked up and looked at the night sky.

But in the night sky, except for a few stars and a bright moon, what is the so-called greeting gift?

Li Er and the ministers looked up for a long time and didn\'t know why. When they were going to catch Li forgetful and ask for clarification, they heard a thunder like sound in their ears, and then a gorgeous fire exploded in the night sky

The fireworks suddenly exploded in the night sky. Li Er and all the officials were stunned. All of them were frozen on the spot. They looked up at the sky at a silly 45 degree angle as if they had been hit by immobilization.

In the night sky, fireworks kept rising, exploding and flashing.

In fact, the fireworks made by Li forgetful worry are too common by the standards of later generations. Not to mention, compared with those fireworks parties, even the fireworks sold at ordinary fireworks stalls are many times stronger than those he made.

But even so, when the fireworks exploded and bloomed over the Tai Chi palace, they still shocked everyone.

Li Qieyou prepared 108 fireworks for Li Er\'s birthday today.

In fact, his fireworks are more like the second kick of later generations. The firecrackers installed in the bamboo tube explode, shoot the fireworks into the sky, ignite the fireworks and explode

Various metal powders added to black gunpowder make fireworks show various gorgeous colors.

Fireworks kept blooming in the sky over the Tai Chi palace, but in front of the Tai Chi palace, many officials, Xun GUI, had knelt down directly and kept kowtowing in the direction of fireworks blooming in the night sky. They also kept reading words such as "Taoist ancestors show their holiness and Buddha show their spirit".

The more than 200 palace maids, facing the fireworks blooming in the night sky, covered their red lips with their hands, and their beautiful eyes flickered with disbelief.

Many palace maids, as well as those chamberlains, all hula, knelt down and worshipped.

Li forgot to worry about this very speechless, these "feudal superstitious elements", how can everything be associated with God, immortal and Buddha?

If the fireworks in the sky are miracles, won\'t they become gods?

A quarter of an hour later, the 108 fireworks prepared by Li forgetful worry were all set off, and peace was restored in front of the Tai Chi hall again.

However, Li Er and his ministers still kept their original posture of looking up at the sky, which made Li forget his worries. Did they twist their necks or what?

Stimulated by the fireworks blooming in the night sky, Li Er, who was originally drunk, woke up for several minutes.

After half a ring, Li Er youyou said, "Ziyou, this is your gift to me?"

"Uncle, are you satisfied with this gift?"

Li erchang sighed: "Ziyou, you can do such miracles. I really don\'t know what to say. Can this thing have a name?"

"Uncle Hui, my nephew named it fireworks."

"Fireworks? Nianfang is forbidden, and fireworks are winding in layers. Yes, it blooms in the night sky, but it is like a flower in the mist, illusory, beautiful and regretful." Li erliao thought and nodded in praise.

"Uncle likes it."

"Ha ha, Ziyou have given me a lot of surprises today. I like the bronze mirror, belly dance and fireworks very much. Ziyou, you have a heart." Li Er is extremely satisfied with Li Qieyou today. His nephew really gives him a face as the emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Li forgets to worry this "flatterer" is also a smile, can get Li Er\'s praise, indicating that his efforts are not in vain.

As for flattery, Li forgets to worry about whether it has no character.

Playing with character in front of the feudal emperor, isn\'t it enough to support? He won\'t do such a stupid thing.

After the fireworks were set off, Baiguan xungui finally woke up from the shock of seeing fireworks for the first time.

"Huxianbo, what just bloomed in the night sky is called fireworks? OK, OK, this fireworks is made by huxianbo?"

"Ziyou, I didn\'t expect that you can get such a wonderful thing. Can\'t you Li Ziyou in this world?"

"Huxian uncle, is this fireworks really not a miracle? How can this man make such a movement in the night sky? I don\'t believe it!"

For the shock of the people, Li forgets worry can only explain over and over again what fireworks are. He is surprised to hear all the officials and noble officials.

Looking at Li forgetful, who was surrounded by the crowd, Cheng Yaojin slapped Yuchi Jingde on the shoulder: "brother Jingde, how can I have the impulse to go back to the house and kill those three bastards?"

"Knowing the festival, I also have this idea. I really want to go back and beat Dalang Erlang to vent my anger." Yuchi Jingde felt very relieved when he looked at Li forgetful and thought of his two twins.

Chumo and his colleagues don\'t know how they would feel if they knew that they would suffer such a reckless disaster.

I\'m afraid this is the evil result of the "great demon of terror", a kind of "other people\'s children".

Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde can\'t control whether they will beat their sons to vent their anger when they go back.

After attending Li Er\'s birthday party, Li forgot his worries and began to get busy again.

There are eight days left for him and his beautiful boss to cross the first Spring Festival after coming to Datang