Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 609

Tai Chi hall is the largest main hall in the Tai Chi palace. The whole hall is four feet above the ground. Looking from a distance, the Tai Chi hall is backed by the blue sky, tall and powerful, which is breathtaking.

There are three "dragon tail roads" in front of the hall, which are the stairs from the ground to the main hall.

Longwei road is divided into three layers. The middle and lower layers are the channels for officials to go up. The uppermost Longwei road goes deep into the Tai Chi hall, forming a circle of two-story corridors in the Tai Chi hall.

During the daily court meeting, the supervising censor and the advising doctor will stand at the railing of the upper corridor to supervise the officials in the lower hall.

Today is Li Er Shou\'s banquet. Naturally, there is no supervision on the imperial historian\'s standing and the corridor on the second floor of the Tai Chi hall on the dragon tail road.

With Mituo\'s secret signal, the musicians in the hall immediately changed the original music and changed into a cheerful music full of western region Kucha style.

Kucha music is famous for its enthusiasm. The so-called "sonorous boring, Hong Xin frightening ear" is a music loved by the Tang people. Kucha dance is also very popular in the Tang Dynasty. The music and dance shapes of Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes, Yungang Grottoes and Longmen Grottoes are all derived from Kucha dance.

Kucha music and dance is also praised as "the song and dance from the heavenly palace". In later generations, Li Qieyou has seen the variety "poetry of neighbors", in which gulimina\'s Kucha music and dance is really beautiful.

After coming to the Tang Dynasty, he saw the graceful posture of the tortoise dance with his own eyes.

However, it is obvious that the program he prepared for Li Er today is not a tortoise dance. This turtle dance music is just very useful when the beautiful boss rehearses the program for the palace maids.

Hearing that the Kucha music sounded, Li Er couldn\'t help glancing at Li forgetting worry: "Ziyou, Kucha dance is not a new thing."

"Hey, uncle, you\'ll know if you continue to look." Li forgets worry and doesn\'t explain.

With the dance music of Kucha, dozens of maids in Kucha costumes danced from the dragon tail road in front of the Tai Chi palace and twisted onto the corridor on the second floor of the Tai Chi hall.

This also attracted the attention of the officials in the hall. Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde cheered loudly. They were not happy.

However, Li Er murmured discontentedly, "hum, your boy still said it wasn\'t a Kucha dance? Should I be blind?"

He felt that Li forgetful worry said that he wanted to borrow 300 palace maids to go out of the palace and prepare a birthday banquet program for him. He was trying to hide behind the scenes and was using this as a pretext to find a daughter-in-law for 73 episodes in his house.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with Li Er\'s thinking. This was originally Li forgetful\'s original plan.

However, since there are so many palace maids from Li Er, Li forget worry is not a "unscrupulous profiteer". Naturally, he should be worthy of Li Er\'s "reward".

With the Kucha dance music played by the musicians in the hall, hundreds of palace maids suddenly poured into the dragon tail road of the Tai Chi hall, and began to twist their waist and legs with the faster and faster dance music.

As the largest main hall in the Tai Chi palace, the Tai Chi palace is very spacious. These 100 palace maids pour into it without crowding at all.

But as soon as these palace maids appeared, Li Er and his ministers became wide open, their pupils dilated, and a ghost like expression.

"This, this, what is this?" there was an old minister, his beard trembling with excitement, and his fingers trembling to point to the palace maids.

Cheng Yaojin\'s generals were so happy that their teeth were exposed one by one. They were so excited that they took several cases and stamped their feet to cheer.

Seeing the dress of the more than 100 palace maids, Li Er couldn\'t help but stand up and pointed to Li forgetful and the palace maids in the hall below.

"Ziyou, you, what do you think of this Tai Chi hall? What do you think of my maids in waiting? It\'s ridiculous, it\'s ridiculous!" he stretched out his hand and planned to stop the music and dance in the hall.

Li forgot to worry, but did not panic and said: "uncle, this is a big food dance. Dressing up like this is also the essence of big food dance. This dance is called belly dance. It is the most sacred and noble Palace dance of big food. Only palace ladies are qualified to learn this belly dance in big food. My nephew ordered people to rehearse it to cheer up my uncle."

Hearing the speech, Li Er\'s face couldn\'t help twitching: "you didn\'t lie to me? This is really the Palace dance of the big food? How can you be so indulgent? The big food is thousands of miles away. Where do you know?"

When encountering such unexplained problems, Li forgot to worry and remained mysterious. Anyway, Li Er and they would automatically fill in the answer: "this little nephew can\'t tell clearly. In short, he knows it in his mind. Uncle, even if he intends to cheat, he can\'t make up such a dance."

Li Er nodded when he heard the speech.

Although this belly dance seems absurd to him, it can be seen that it is not a choreographed dance, and its charm is no less than the Kucha dance and Hu Xuan dance popular in the Tang Dynasty.

"Hey, uncle, why don\'t you keep looking? This dance has its own beauty."

Li Er\'s eyes never left those palace maids who kept twisting with the music. Listening to Li forgetful\'s words, he simply pushed the boat along the water and sat back,

In fact, it\'s not that Li Er doesn\'t like it. It\'s just that these palace maids wear and dance, which really break through the "psychological scale" of the Tang people.

When he first discussed with the beauty boss, he had a whim and thought that he could simply teach the ladies to teach these ladies\' belly dances. He wanted to let Lee two "woodlouse" open their eyes.

In later generations, in order to keep fit, the beauty boss specially studied belly dance. It\'s no problem to teach these palace maids.

She just thinks that belly dancing is too big for the people of Tang Dynasty

Li forgets to worry. He doesn\'t believe Li Er and Cheng Yaojin. As a man, he doesn\'t like the hot, unrestrained and exotic belly dance.

As for whether it "hinders Weathering", whether the scale is too large, hey hey, wait until they see it. At most, Li Er and they pulled down their faces and scolded themselves for fooling around. What else can they do?

The Tang Dynasty is famous for its enthusiasm, boldness and openness. If Li forgets sorrow and crosses the Ming and Qing Dynasties, he will be soaked in a pig cage if he kills him.

Only in the Tang Dynasty did Li forget worry dare to be so "presumptuous" and make any belly dance.

As Li Qieyou expected, as soon as the palace maids in belly dance appeared, they frightened the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty.

An old man with a bad heart stared at the palace maids while covering his heart. He didn\'t forget to shout, "what\'s the style..."

As we all know, belly dance clothes are very hot and sexy.

Even in later generations, belly dancing can often lead to bursts of wolf howling, not to mention in Datang.

Barefoot, navel revealing top, hip belt inlaid with sequins, low waist skirt, bra inlaid with sequins, jingling jewelry on the body, and translucent veil... All these make these more than 100 palace maids full of temptation from head to foot.

When the maids followed the Kucha dance music, changing thousands of fast rhythms, swinging their abdomen and vigorously dancing their arms and chest, no one spoke in the hall.

Sexy body movements, fast dance steps, cross swing dance, sometimes elegant, sometimes perceptual, charming and delicate, sometimes proud, cool and mysterious, the charming characteristics of belly dance are dizzying.

The maids\' heads dance like snakes, shaking their hips and bodies sexy, some attractive, some provocative

The old ministers who shouted "absurd" and "inappropriate" before, no one spoke again, staring at these dancing palace maids without blinking.

In particular, the veil on the maid\'s face adds a lot of mysterious charm.

For the people of Tang Dynasty, the spiritual impact of belly dance is too great, and its stimulation is by no means less than that. In that year, Li forgetful was shocked when watching Island action love movies for the first time in later generations, which can be called a spiritual bomb.

So, stimulated by music and dance, the old rogue Cheng Yaojin flowed two lines of nosebleed