Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 603

Li Er\'s eyes were full of deep meaning. He glanced at Wang Renyou and smiled at Li forgetful worry: "Ziyou, since you have such a heart of serving the country and loving the people, how can I stop it? I\'ll let you do it."

He turned to Mituo, who had been serving beside him, and said, "record the donations of today\'s Huxian Bo, Duke Lu and Duke Wang to the victims, and publish them at the palace gate tomorrow. I want everyone in the world to know the righteous deeds of Huxian Bo and others."

"Promise!" Mito naturally took orders.

Li Er\'s words made all officials speechless.

Li Er was really black, obviously praising the meritorious deeds of Li forget you and others. In fact, he was telling everyone to donate food together.

Otherwise, as soon as the palace gate is copied out, the faces of all officials will be ugly. Others have donated, but if they don\'t, they won\'t be scolded to death by the people of Guanzhong road?

"I donate five hundred stone grain."

"I\'d like to donate a hundred stones of grain."

"Someone donated a thousand stones."

All officials can only donate varying amounts of grain to the court according to their official positions and their family savings.

The officials looked at Wang Renyou and hated him more and more. I wish I could go home and get a scarecrow, write Wang Renyou\'s name and "beat the villain" to vent my anger.

You know, not all officials are as rich as Li forgetful, Cheng Yaojin or aristocratic family leaders.

Chang\'an University is not easy to live in. Many poor officials from non aristocratic families have a hard time supporting their families by salary. Now they even come to a harvest festival, but because of Wang Renyou\'s words, they have to donate food. What\'s the name of this special meow.

This Wang renyoute is no longer a thing!

Huxian Bo takes 100000 stone grain or not. I don\'t care about your shit. Do you want to talk more?

Together with several aristocratic family owners surnamed Wu Qiwang, they were also quite dissatisfied, glanced at Wang Renyou, and then donated 10000 stone grains.

Wang Renyou is now ready to cry without tears. Today, he really lifted a stone and hit himself in the foot. He not only lost 10000 stone grain, but also had to be hated by the ministers.

Depressed in his heart, he almost didn\'t spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Li forgot to worry and even fell into a well: "sure enough, the prince is the important Minister of the country and the Minister of his Majesty\'s arms. Without the guidance of the prince and the heart of the people, I really didn\'t expect to donate this 100000 stone grain. I\'m ashamed."

Wang Renyou\'s face became darker and he didn\'t know what to say. He simply stepped aside without saying a word.

Li Er smiled and was stirred by Li forgetful worry. Mituo roughly calculated, including the land rent of Huxian County donated by Li forgetful worry, and raised nearly 200000 stone grains from all officials.

This is not a small number. In this way, there is no problem for the Ministry of civil affairs to raise some funds to settle the millions of affected people in Guanzhong road.

Thinking of this, Li Er was also in a good mood. He couldn\'t help joking with Li Qieyou: "Ziyou, since you are bleeding so much, you don\'t need to send a gift on my birthday. I\'ll take the 100000 stone grain as a gift from you, ha ha."

Li forgot to worry but felt to wave his hand: "uncle, hey hey, I\'ve already prepared the gift. Is there any reason why uncle doesn\'t accept it? This gift was made by my nephew after racking his brains and spending countless human and material resources, which is guaranteed to surprise my uncle."

Hearing the speech, Li Er felt a little curious, so he smiled and nodded: "in that case, I\'ll wait for your gift."

"But......" Li forgets to worry and pinches. He plans to take advantage of Li Er\'s good mood today to explain that he "detained" 73 palace maids.

I donated 100000 stones of grain. As long as I have some maids in waiting, I don\'t think Li Er will be reluctant to come, right?

"But what?" seeing Li forgetful worry suddenly talking haltingly, Li Er felt bad. The boy couldn\'t tell what the hell was going on again.

"Hey hey, uncle, but my nephew brought back three hundred palace maids for rehearsal. Hey hey, seventy-three of them were punished by my nephew for their mistakes. Won\'t my uncle blame my nephew?"

Hearing the speech, Li Er felt that it was no big deal. He waved his hand at will: "you can do it at your discretion. As I said, those palace maids are not obedient and are at your disposal."

However, Li\'s next words almost made Li Er\'s nose crooked.

Li forgot to worry, lowered his voice and said with a smile, "yes, yes, since my uncle said this, my nephew is relieved. My nephew has punished the 73 palace maids who made mistakes and punished them to marry the central part of my house. He will never return to the palace in the future."

"What?" Li Er couldn\'t help but raise the volume and pointed to Li forgetful with an innocent expression: "you, what are you talking about?"

"What\'s the matter, uncle? But my nephew didn\'t handle it properly? The seventy-three palace maids were really vulgar. My nephew thought it would be inconvenient for them to go back to the palace again. So he simply punished them to get married, so as not to go back to the palace and disgust my uncle."

Li Er took a deep breath, stabilized his mood, slapped the little bastard in front of him.

No wonder he borrowed 300 maids from the palace on the pretext of rehearsing the program for his birthday and ambushed him here.

This bastard is going to learn from his book "the Three Kingdoms". Liu Bei borrowed Jingzhou and didn\'t return it!

It\'s a good thing to say that my palace maid is vulgar! Shame, no?

Li Ershi didn\'t want to grind his teeth with Li forgetful again. He snorted coldly and didn\'t speak. He turned and left: "Mituo, drive back to the palace!"

"Promise!" Mito didn\'t hear the conversation between his uncle and nephew, and he didn\'t know why. Isn\'t your Majesty in a good mood just now? Why should we go back to Chang\'an?

However, Li Er said he wanted to go back. Naturally, he didn\'t dare to say much. He could only immediately order someone to lead his horse and help Li Er onto the horse\'s back.

After riding on his horse, Li Er pointed to Li forgetful with his whip and said angrily, "in a few days, if I can\'t see your surprise, you\'ll go to the censor\'s prison to report!"

After Li Er said that, he beat his horse and left. Mituo and a group of palace guards naturally hurried up.

Seeing this, although they didn\'t understand why Li Er suddenly left, they also returned to Chang\'an city.

Instead of leaving in a hurry, Cheng Yaojin came up to Li forgetful worry: "Ziyou, what did you say to your majesty? Made him so angry?"

Li Qieyou smiled and touched his nose: "Hey, uncle Cheng, nothing, nothing?"

Cheng Yaojin threatened to raise the palm fan\'s hand: "do you want to tell me?"

"Hey, it\'s nothing. It\'s just, hey, it\'s just that I detained dozens of maids of your majesty."

Photographed by Cheng Yaojin\'s threat, Li forgets to worry and whispers that he privately told Cheng Yaojin about the marriage of 73 palace maids, but Cheng Yaojin looks up and laughs.

"Wow, hahaha, you\'re awesome! It\'s okay. I\'ve wanted to do this for a long time, but I\'m not as bold as you. Tut Tut, others say I\'m a rolling knife meat. Now it seems that this name should be given to you. Don\'t worry, you boy. When you go back to jail, I\'ll let Chumo see you. Wow, hahaha."

Cheng Yaojin satisfied his curiosity, jumped onto the horse with a laugh and chased Li Er. Li forgot his worries and was speechless. He raised two middle fingers to show his respect to the figure of the old hooligan.

The harvest festival didn\'t end because of Li Er\'s departure. Li forgets his worries and doesn\'t bother to pay attention to what Li Er thinks. Anyway, the raw rice has been cooked. How do you like it.

Li forgot his worries and laughed. He put it behind him. He led Niu Wu and a group of trilogy, turned to Yang Zuan and joined the festive crowd in Huxian county.

Time passed quickly. At the end of the second year of Zhenguan, on December 22, the birthday of the emperor of the Tang Dynasty and his majesty Li Er