Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 604

Li Er\'s birthday is the day expected by all civil and military officials in the court. Without him, he has a three-day holiday.

Datang civil servants are still forced to take a rest on the 10th. The working hours are still very inhumane.

Therefore, Li Erjiang\'s birthday is celebrated all over the country and has a three-day holiday, which is the favorite of ordinary officials.

Speaking of Li Er\'s birthday, it\'s still quite simple. It\'s nothing more than entertaining officials, meeting with pilgrimage envoys from various countries, and sending people from local governments to send all kinds of gifts.

Li Er\'s descendants are more playful. They not only celebrate their own birthday, but also shamelessly make their birthday a national holiday. For example, Tang Xuanzong\'s birthday is set as Qianqiu Festival, Tang suzong is tianchengping Festival, Tang Xianzong is Jiangsheng Festival, and there are other Shengsheng Festival and Yingtian Festival.

In a word, Li Er\'s descendants are far more shameless than his ancestors in terms of literature, martial arts and strategy. The emperor\'s birthday was regarded as the birthday festival, and the regulations of celebration ceremony were made in the ceremony, which also began in the Tang Dynasty.

On Li Er\'s birthday, there will be a big banquet in the Tai Chi hall. All officials in the dynasty with more than four or five grades can attend.

Unlike ordinary people, Li Er\'s birthday gift is very simple. There are only two kinds: golden mirror and dew bag.

It is recorded in the old book of Tang Dynasty that "the king offered golden mirrors and dew bags, and all the states in the world ordered banquets and holidays for three days..."

Gold mirror, of course, is not a mirror made of gold, but a bronze mirror. As for the dew bag, it is only a kind of accessory to wear some small objects around the waist. In fact, it is a metaphor for all officials to bathe their grace.

In other words, Li Er received hundreds of bronze mirrors and hundreds of sachets on his birthday. It was very pitiful.

Li Er not only can\'t earn a "red envelope gift" for his birthday, but also has to lose money.

In addition to giving a banquet, Li Er also had to have a "salute" with his ministers, that is, an archery competition. If he won, he would be rewarded, and if he lost, he would be fined.

When Li forgets to worry about this "shooting ceremony", he can\'t help feeling depressed. Isn\'t this special meow deliberately against him?

Should a little gentleman with a jade face like him be able to shoot arrows?

The venue for shooting ceremony is in front of Wude hall. An arrow target was set 90 steps in front of the hall door for Li Er and his officials to shoot arrows.

However, the target in the Tang Dynasty was not a circle of circular targets, but made of various animal fur, which was called "Hou".

Li Er shoots bear skin, known as "Xiong Hou", and Baiguan shoots deer skin, known as "Lu Hou".

There are also fences on the left and right sides of the target to block the arrows, which is naturally for fear that a trendy minister like Li forgetful will shoot arrows and hurt others by mistake.

It was the first time for Li to participate in such an activity. Everything felt strange.

Li Er and all officials took their seats in front of the Wude hall. Taichang Temple began to play music. They drank and had fun. After drinking twice, Mituo bowed to Li Er and asked, "everyone, if you have a secretary, please shoot!"


"Make Yue Ke!" Mituo gave orders, and the band played again. Li Er got up to take the bow and arrow and fired.

This archery is not just shooting, but also according to the rhythm of the music played on one side. In this way, four arrows are fired in succession, and the music and archery stop at the same time.

"Good! Uncle really shot!" Li forgot to worry. Seeing that the arrows shot by Li Er were all on the bear\'s skin, he shamelessly began to applaud and flatter, but everyone looked at him one after another, and no one agreed with him.

Li Er couldn\'t help twitching on his face. He didn\'t hear him, ignored him, and turned back to his seat.

It\'s inexplicable that Li forgot to worry. What do these ministers mean?

Li Er both shot. It\'s a hundred shots. Why don\'t you guys cheer?

When he was wondering, Cheng Yaojin slapped him on the shoulder: "boy, I admire a shameless person like you. I\'ll teach Chumo their three brothers back."

Cheng Yaojin\'s words made Li forget to worry black. NIMA, don\'t think I can\'t hear it. You\'re swearing!

However, Li forgot to worry about it inexplicably: "Uncle Cheng, did you say something wrong? Didn\'t you hit all the arrows?"

Cheng Yaojin laughed and didn\'t answer. He just pointed to the target and motioned for him to see for himself.

Li forgot to worry about this and noticed that immediately after Li Er shot the arrow, the captain of qianniuwei came forward to check the target. After checking, the captain pulled out four arrows and ran back and shouted, "Your Majesty, four arrows, this arrow is captured! This arrow is raised, this arrow is left, and this arrow is down!"

Li forgot to worry about it. It turns out that it depends on the accuracy?

To win is to hit the bull\'s-eye. Yang shoots high and falls low... With Li Er\'s four arrows, is it right? No wonder nobody cheered me

Li Qieyou also had a fever on his face. This flattery, NIMA, patted the horse\'s hoof. It was really embarrassing. No wonder Li Er\'s face was so ugly just now.

He quickly disguised his embarrassment by drinking.

At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, these desperate ministers were so sincere that they couldn\'t even blow Li 200 shots and 100 hits? The captain of qianniuwei, don\'t you see that Li Er\'s face is black? It\'s too blind to report "this arrow rises" and "this arrow falls" solemnly!

After Li Er finished shooting, he said that the ministers went up to shoot arrows one by one. It was the same as four arrows, and opened the bow in accordance with the beat of playing music.

It has to be said that among the ministers, there are many who shoot better than Li Er. Even if they throw away the generals of the state, many civil ministers\' arrow skills are not weak.

Even the calligraphers like Ouyang Xun had two arrows hitting the bull\'s-eye, which was better than Li Er.

However, there are those who have good archery skills, and naturally there are those who are fashionable in craftsmanship.

Xiao Yu, a pneumonia patient who was cured by penicillin, was famous among the officials for his extremely poor arrow method.

When it was Xiao Yu\'s turn to shoot an arrow, he saw one of the hundred officials standing out, laughed at Xiao Yu and said, "Xiao Gong, I specially made a new poem for you today. Would you like to hear it?"

Xiao Yu looked so angry that he turned black. He jumped and scolded, "Ouyang Xun, you bastard, you want to humiliate me again!"

Ouyang Xun was not angry, and laughed, which made Li Er and his ministers laugh.

Xiao Yu has a close relationship with Ouyang Xun. They taunt each other. It\'s just a joke between old friends.

Li Er did not forget to stir up the flames: "Ouyang Qing, read your poems and let us enjoy them."

"Ha ha, naturally. Your majesty, how about this poem? The name of the poem mocks Xiao."

Xiao Yu turned his eyes when he heard the name of his poem. Needless to say, this bastard old friend wrote a poem to laugh at his shooting skills.

"The wind blows slowly, and the weak hand controls the strong bow.

If you want to turn up and down, you should return the west to the East.

Ten times to the ground, two hands in the air.

Ask who is responsible for this, but it should be the Duke of song. "

The Duke of song is Xiao Yu, the Duke of the state of song. Ouyang inquired that he was canceling his old friend Xiao Yu. His arrow failed, but he shot West and flew East.

After Ouyang inquired about this poem, Li Er and the officials laughed, while Xiao Yu shook his head speechless, ignored the ridicule of the people, and turned to shoot arrows.

Li Qieyou also laughed with the crowd. After laughing, his face suddenly changed