Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 602

Wang Renyou smiled coldly and looked up at Li forgetful: "What? Huxian uncle thinks I\'m wrong? Or Huxian uncle doesn\'t want to give up the 100000 stone grain? I think of the people all over the world. If Huxian uncle doesn\'t want to give up, it doesn\'t matter. I just petition for the people and share the worries for your majesty. The people are crying for food, and we are deeply gracious. How can we turn a blind eye and turn a deaf ear to it."

His words sounded righteous and a gesture of worrying about the country and the people, but Li forgot his worries and scolded his mother in his heart.

Such "false moral guards" who stand and talk without backache are generally shameless and shameless to the same extent.

Li forgets worry and is sure that if he says he doesn\'t want to, the aristocratic family will wantonly destroy his reputation among the people and publicize him as a villain who is rich but unkind, spends money like life, and watches the people eat bran and swallow vegetables, but is indifferent.

It would be better if he nodded and agreed not to rent Huxian farmland under moral pressure.

He Li forgets to worry about Bai\'s hard work, and Wang Renyou can boast that he can ask for orders for the people. He wants 100000 stone grain from Li forgets to help the victims, and can brush a wave of Taiyuan Wang\'s reputation.

It\'s just a matter of talking.

In this regard, the leaders naturally understood that they all secretly said that Wang Renyou was shameless.

Even Li Er shook his head secretly and thought that the eating appearance of Wang Shi in Taiyuan was really ugly.

Cheng Yaojin even stared at Tongling and glared at Wang Renyou.

But at this time, even Cheng Yaojin is not easy to speak. After all, Wang Renyou\'s words are for the affected people all over the world and account for the great cause.

Li forgets to worry, but has a countermeasure in mind. He even plans to backhand to dig a pit for Wang Renyou.

But Li forgot to worry and slowly shook his head: "no, your majesty, that\'s not good. It doesn\'t matter whether I take the land rent of this Huxian county or not, but I can\'t harm your majesty."

"Nonsense, what does this have to do with your majesty?"

"Why doesn\'t it matter? Your majesty is the ninth five year old. How can you go back on your word? Is your Majesty\'s reputation worth 100000 stone grain? You let your majesty take back his order for 100000 stone grain. In the past, can you count what your majesty said? What\'s your heart, prince?"

Li forgot to worry about a confession, but Wang Renyou didn\'t know how to answer.

The emperor\'s words are naturally the golden rule. He dare not say that Li Er can not count in front of Li Er\'s face. Isn\'t that a sense of disobedience.

Wang Renyou simply snorted coldly and stopped talking.

Li forgot to worry, but he arched his hands to Li Er and said, "uncle, as my uncle said at the beginning, he handed over the land rent of Huxian this year to my nephew. Will the land rent be disposed of by my nephew?"

Li Er twist must smile: "It\'s natural. You don\'t have to worry about it. You deserve the land rent of the 100000 stone grain. If you didn\'t guarantee it and were willing to bear the one-year rations of the 100000 people in Huxian County after the failure of rice planting, how can you have today\'s harvest? So the land rent of the 100000 stone grain will naturally be rewarded to you. You don\'t have to worry about it. As for how to deal with it, it\'s your own choice Naturally, I will not interfere with the court. "

Li forgot to worry and saluted Li Er: "thank you for your love, so I have the courage to accept the 100000 stone field rent..."

Seeing that Li forgets to worry, he is so impolite that he has collected 600000 yuan of grain. Wang Renyou is bored in his heart, but he doesn\'t say much. He just ponders in his heart how to discredit Li forgets to worry in the scholar forest after going back.

When Wang Renyou was thinking, he heard Li forget his worries and continued: "however, inspired by the words of the Duke just now, I feel that those who are ministers should share their worries for your majesty. Now Guanzhong road is affected, I am willing to do my little to help your majesty out. Therefore, I intend to donate this 100000 stone grain to the court and ask your majesty to use it to relieve all the people."

Li Er and others are stunned at what they hear?

That 100000 stone grain will be donated?

Li Er couldn\'t help waving his hand: "Ziyou, you don\'t have to."

"No, your majesty, what the prince just said is very reasonable. The people are crying for food, and we are deeply grateful to the king. How can we turn a blind eye and listen? Therefore, the minister is willing to donate this 100000 stone grain. I believe that not only the minister will do so, but also the prince thinks so." Li forgets worry and looks at Wang Renyou: "prince, right?"

His words made Wang Renyou dumbfounded. How did the pot fall on him?

Is that what he meant? He didn\'t want Li Er to give the 100000 stone grain, but he didn\'t let Li forget to worry about donating 100000 stone grain. The difference is too big.

What\'s more, the bastard Li forgets to worry still speaks so well. Why share your worries for you? You can donate food yourself. What\'s the meaning of pulling yourself?

Wang Renyou suddenly returned to taste, and the cold sweat on his back came down.

He couldn\'t help but turn his head and glare at Li forgetful: "Huxian uncle, don\'t talk nonsense. When will I let you..."

He can\'t go on. He really didn\'t mean that before, but when Li forgets you, it seems that he is really instigating Li forgets you to donate food.

This can put Wang Renyou on the fire.

Li forgot to worry about the food worth 600000 yuan. He donated it and raised Wang Renyou.

How did he say that he didn\'t mean that? Isn\'t that hitting yourself in the face.

But if he acquiesced, Li forgot to worry and donated food, could he not donate to the Wang family in Taiyuan?

If he is only allowed to donate grain to the Wang family in Taiyuan, it is not a big thing to donate some grain. But the key is, if he donates together, what will other courtiers do?

With the precedent of Li forgetting worries and Wang Renyou, should others "share your worries for you"? Pretend not to see?

What is the difference between this and the "love donation" forcibly apportioned by later companies? In short, everyone must have to pay, but it must be the person who put forward the proposal.

It was Wang Renyou who raised the matter today

It was because of this that Wang Renyou suddenly realized that the egg hurt very much. He didn\'t donate or not.

He was still thinking about how to prevaricate the past, but Cheng Yaojin laughed: "ha ha, Ziyou\'s words are reasonable. Since the duke said he wanted to solve your problems, it\'s natural to do it. I don\'t have so much food, but I still have to donate five thousand stones. Your majesty, I donate five thousand stones of food to the court to relieve the people in Guanzhong."

Cheng Yaojin\'s words almost made Wang Renyou spit out his old blood.

Isn\'t this fucking falling into a well?

Now I\'ve really become a yellow mud paste crotch. It\'s not shit, it\'s shit.

As soon as Wang Renyou gritted his teeth, he could only reply: "Your Majesty, my minister is also willing to donate 10000 stone grain to relieve the victims."

His words made many officials look at him one after another. There was discontent in his eyes