Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 601

"Wow, ha ha, your majesty, I\'m surprised that Ziyou and Yang Zuo can really sow rice in September?" cried Cheng Yaojin in his iconic broken Gong voice.

A horse riding on the hillside outside Huxian county is naturally Li Er and a group of big men in the court.

At the time of the Chang Dynasty, an official reported that the change of rice planting in Huxian county had been completed, and now the harvest and storage had begun. Today, Huxian county will hold a harvest festival to celebrate.

Hearing the speech, Li Er naturally became interested, so he led a group of national leaders to patrol in plain clothes and rushed to Huxian county to see the excitement.

Unexpectedly, when they saw such a scene in front of them, the people knelt down and thanked Li forgetful and Yang Zuan, which surprised Li Er.

But this is also reasonable. Compared with the people in the surrounding counties and counties, they are all sad and don\'t know how to spend the disaster year. The leaders of the DPRK and China have been discussing disaster relief.

The 100000 people in this county not only do not need to worry about famine, but the income is better than in previous years.

The reason is very simple. The price of rice is higher than that of corn.

These people are reluctant to eat refined grain like rice. After paying the rent, they will naturally choose to take the rice originally reserved as rations to the market and replace it with corn.

After all, the price of corn is only 60% of that of rice, which is equivalent to an increase of 40% of the income out of thin air. How can these people in Hu county not be grateful to Li forgetful and Yang Zuo?

For Cheng Yaojin\'s words, Li Er shook his head: "Ziyou, it\'s really hard to figure out what to do."

Fang Xuanling twisted her beard and smiled: "I hope you can do more unexpected things like Ziyou."

"Ha ha, Mr. Fang is right. Let\'s go, gentlemen. I want to have fun with the people today! It\'s the first time I\'ve seen the harvest festival at the end of the year." Li Er laughed, led the horse down the hillside and led a group of big men to Huxian County.

For the sudden appearance of Li Er and a group of national leaders, Yang Zui and Li forget worry were naturally startled and hurried forward to salute.

"There\'s no need to be polite. I\'m also here to join the fun today. Yang Ming\'s house, you go and help yourself." Li Er was in a good mood. He smiled and waved his hand, indicating that Yang Zuo didn\'t need to be polite. Just go to his harvest festival.

The local harvest festival is dominated by the government. Yang Zuan, the official seal official, naturally needs to be present to preside over the ceremony.

After Yang Zuan pleaded guilty and left, Li Er Chao and Li QIAOYOU waved: "Ziyou, it seems that what you said was true. Unfortunately, I didn\'t listen to you and didn\'t let Guanzhong Road, so I changed rice in August and September. Alas."

Speaking of this, Li Er felt very sorry.

If all the fields on Guanzhong road could be planted with rice in time, how could all the Lords in the court rack their brains for disaster relief.

Nowadays, not only does Guanzhong road need to be exempted from rent, but also a large amount of food has to be allocated for disaster relief. Compared with these two phases, Li Er couldn\'t help regretting that he didn\'t listen to Li forgetful\'s persuasion.

"Uncle, you can\'t say that. I was not sure when I first put forward this matter, but I was just lucky to succeed. Now I think that if my uncle and your husband agreed to change all the rice in Guanzhong road that day, the consequences would be more serious if they failed. It\'s the so-called governing a big country. If you cook a small meal, you can\'t be careless There is nothing wrong with uncle and your husband. "

Li forgot to worry about these words, but let Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui, changsun Wuji and others nod again and again. This is the mature words.

Although they were very upset about it, they didn\'t regret it.

As Li forget you said, how can such a thing be decided by Li forget you. Success is gratifying, but if it fails, it is really an abyss.

A county has only 100000 people, but the whole Guanzhong road has millions of people. The volume of the two is not at the same level at all.

After the great chaos in the late Sui Dynasty, there are now 3.04 million households and a population of more than 12 million in the Tang Dynasty, of which nearly one third are in Guanzhong.

The Tang Dynasty can be chaotic everywhere, but the Guanzhong road must not be chaotic.

This is also the reason why in history, after Guanzhong road was plagued by locusts, Li Er immediately ordered the royal house to redeem the sold children, return them to their parents, and grant amnesty to the world, which is to stabilize the hearts and minds of the people of Guanzhong road.

Now, because of the timely control of locusts, although the production of Guanzhong road has been reduced by 60% or 70%, there is not no harvest. The people are not yet able to sell their children and women for a living. It is much better than in history.

In addition, the government has reduced the rent of this year, and the imperial court is ready to start disaster relief. At least there will not be starving people all over the ground and large-scale fleeing in Guanzhong road this year.

In this regard, Li forget worry can naturally understand, so what he said with Li Er is also from the bottom of his heart.

The crowd sighed again and praised Li for forgetting his worries. As expected, heaven indulged his talents.

While it was busy, I saw someone suddenly step out of the line and bow their hands to Li Er and say, "tell your majesty, since the harvest of Huxian county is imminent this year, your majesty ordered Guanzhong road to exempt the land rent this year. Do you know whether Huxian county is included?"

Li forgot to worry and frowned. It was Wang Renyou again. He was really haunted. What did he mean by saying this at this time?

But he didn\'t speak, just looked up at Li Er.

Li Er was stunned when he heard the speech. He thought about it before he said, "I remember saying that if Huxian failed to plant rice this year, the rent of Huxian would be reduced. But if rice was harvested at the end of the year, all the rent of Huxian would be handed over to Huxian Bo to reward Huxian Bo\'s boxing for the people\'s heart! What? The Duke forgot about it?"

Wang Renyou shook his head with a smile: "No, I naturally remember. But according to my opinion, the land tax in Huxian county is about 100000 stone. Now that Guanzhong road is affected, the chaotang wants to relieve the disaster, and the Ministry of the people is also very hard. If there is 100000 stone grain, how many people can it relieve? I think that since Huxian Bo didn\'t invest in it at the beginning, it was Yang Zuo, the magistrate of Huxian County, who supervised the planting of rice, the building of water tankers and the distribution of rice seedlings The county magistrate and others worked together. If your majesty rewarded Huxian Bo 100000 Shitian rent at this time, I\'m afraid it would be inappropriate? "

Wang Renyou\'s words almost made Li forgetful\'s nose crooked.

Nima, these bastards, when I said I wanted to grow rice, these aristocratic family leaders stood up one by one and accused themselves of bringing disaster to the country and the people.

Now that there is a good harvest of rice, it\'s really wrong to want to intervene!

In fact, Li forgot to worry about the land rent of 100000 stone grain.

He is not short of money. Naturally, he is willing to do good deeds with this food.

As the saying goes, if you are poor, you will be alone, and if you reach the top, you will help the world. Li forgets his worries. Now that he has money, of course, he is willing to take it out to do good deeds and help all the people.

Originally, he was thinking about taking the 100000 stone grain to the "worry free good hall" established to relieve the people of Guanzhong road.

But it\'s not the same thing to donate and rob Wang Renyou of their own food. How can Li forget worry let the old thief succeed?

Li Qieyou sneered: "no, no, but the prince was wrong..."