Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 598

Li forgot to worry about this period of time, it can be said that he was in a good mood.

Zhang Baozang was trustworthy. He really ran to Xianwei and kowtowed to Sun Simiao as his teacher. In fact, this is not insulting him. After all, Sun Simiao is almost 90 years old and almost an adult.

Although Zhang Baozang is 70 years old, he is only a child in front of Sun Simiao.

Before, he was very rude to Sun Simiao, and the Taoist priest didn\'t bother to argue with him, so he took him as an unwise child.

No way, living old is capital.

Let alone in the Tang Dynasty, even the centenarians in later generations are not rotten streets. The average age of the country with the longest life expectancy is only 82.

It\'s nothing unusual for Sun Simiao, 90, to accept a 70 year old disciple.

His teacher worshipped Sun Simiao, and Zhang\'s disciples and grandchildren naturally had to kowtow. I can\'t help it. In this age, heaven and earth are the biggest teachers.

After discussing with Cheng Yaojin, Li Jing, Qin Qiong and Yuchi Jingde, Li Er felt that the ambulance soldiers proposed by Li forgetful on that day were a good thing, which could greatly reduce the proportion of soldiers disabled or even killed because of injuries.

After all, in the era of cold weapons, most of the wounded can recover as long as they stop bleeding and treat in time.

This is not just the problem that 1 + 1 equals 2.

Every time a disabled or even killed soldier is reduced, there will be one more hundred war veteran. The so-called veteran soldiers in a hundred battles are just soldiers who have experienced battle after battle and can survive by chance.

More importantly, this can enhance the soldiers\' courage in combat.

The soldiers were encouraged to be rescued immediately after being injured.

Naturally, the military medical department started preparations without any accidents. Li Er and a group of military leaders plan to recruit 1000 soldiers who are a little literate, smart and clever from the government and the forbidden army for training.

This will probably be implemented in three years in Zhenguan, and preliminary results will be seen in four years in Zhenguan.

Li forgets to worry. Unexpectedly, he had a medical skill competition with Zhang Baocang on a whim, but he could still meet Peng yuankui, a syphilis patient, and even more unexpectedly dig up treasures such as potatoes.

Potatoes are really good things. They have high yield per mu and are cold resistant. They can be planted even in sandy soil.

Datang\'s land can grow a season of wheat or rice, and then potatoes in winter. Once potatoes are planted in large areas, food is really not a problem, at least in case of famine.

At the thought of stewed beef with potatoes, hot and sour shredded potatoes, potato cakes, fried potatoes, baked potatoes, potato meat... Li forgets worry. His saliva can\'t help swallowing.

Meow, why don\'t you think potatoes are so delicious in future generations?

Even the beautiful boss, knowing that the two pots of beautiful "flowers" were potatoes, couldn\'t help running to see the growth of potatoes every day. She is also looking forward to potatoes.

As time went by, Li forgot to worry and his beautiful boss spent the winter in Datang for the first time, but they found that they didn\'t feel how cold at all.

When he first built the castle, Li forgot to worry about the cold winter. He also specially designed and installed many fireplaces, but he didn\'t expect to use them at all.

In order to keep out the cold, he also spent a lot of money to let craftsmen build many copper pipes and install them in the castle. He had planned to connect the hot spring water from the mountain in winter and use it as heating in the castle, but he didn\'t expect to be busy in vain.

Now it\'s mid December, but Li forgets to worry. The temperature in Chang\'an city is about five or six degrees. Even if it\'s sunny, it can\'t even wear a thicker coat. At least the temperature is about ten degrees.

This is similar to his later experience when traveling to Kunming, Yunnan.

Li forgot to worry. I didn\'t expect that the temperature in winter would be so high in Datang in the warm period.

One good news after another, Yang Zui hurried to Dingzhou village again this day.

"Ziyou, you are still in the mood to fish here. Go quickly and go to the festival with me." Yang Zui found him by the lake in Li forget you\'s house under the leadership of old housekeeper Li Heng.

Li forgot to worry and was stunned when he heard the speech. It\'s not new year\'s day. What\'s the sacrifice?

"Brother Xuqing, what ceremony?"

"Harvest! Harvest festival, rice is ripe!"

"What?" Li forgot to worry for a moment and didn\'t react. What rice is ripe? The next second, he suddenly lost his fishing rod and jumped up: "brother Xuqing, what do you say? The rice is ripe? Seriously?"

"Ha ha, Ziyou, why don\'t you believe it? You raised the issue of planting rice in September, but why don\'t you believe it? Do you know that hundreds of thousands of people in Huxian now worship you as a living Bodhisattva. The intestines of those counties and counties around Huxian are regretful now. WOW ha ha, those bastards made them laugh at me!"

Hearing that Yang Zuan was always gentle, Li forgot to worry and couldn\'t help but be ashamed that Cheng Yaojin\'s laughter came out of his mouth.

He also knew that in fact, when he proposed to plant rice in September, the greatest pressure was Yang Zui, a parent official of Huxian county.

After all, after Li Qieyou put forward this plan, he, the parent of Huxian County, supported it with all his strength. Although Li forgot to worry and promised that if rice planting failed, he would supply the rations of 100000 households and counties in the next year until the new grain came down, Yang Zui would also be criticized for this.

Li Qieyou had already learned that Yang Zuan\'s promotion was likely to jump several levels, and he was directly appointed by Li Er as the imperial Shi Zhongcheng of zhengwupin and became the subordinate of Yang Bi Gong of Wei Zheng.

But if Huxian fails to grow rice, Yang Zuan will step down as Huxian county magistrate after the spring of tomorrow, and there will be no waves about his promotion.

For this, Li forget worry naturally feels grateful.

Fortunately, rice has been growing well since it was sown. However, those who secretly criticize Li forgetful worry and Yang Zuo on this excuse can only keep their mouths shut.

Li forgot to worry about rice these days, but he really didn\'t care about rice. Now it\'s a joy to hear Yang Zuo say that rice is mature.

"Ziyou, go quickly. Ha ha, it\'s the first time that we can hold a harvest festival in December. It\'s the first time that we have been an official for my brother for many years." Yang Zula, Li forgets worry, and goes to a layman.

Li Qieyou naturally had to go with him, not to mention being happy for Yang Zui and the people of Huxian county. He himself also had great advantages in it.

At the beginning, Li Er\'s words were eloquent, but they were clear. At this age, the rent of Huxian county was not accepted by chaotang, but it was all handed over to him.

Now hundreds of thousands of people in Huxian have succeeded in planting rice. The rent given to his family is a lot of income.

According to the rent adjustment records of Huxian County in previous years, it was 100000 stone grain. Moreover, Huxian county has changed to rice this year, and the land rent paid by the people is naturally rice.

The price of rice is much higher than that of wheat.

This year, Guanzhong road was plagued by locusts. Although locusts were killed in time, food prices remained high.

When Li Qieyou came to the Tang Dynasty, in February and March of the second year of Zhenguan, the price of grain was 360 yuan a bucket, but now the price of grain has risen to 400 yuan a bucket.

However, grain prices are different from grain prices. The grain prices here refer not to the price of rice, but to the price of corn, including millet and wheat. However, the price of corn is only 60% of the price of rice.

In other words, in Chang\'an City, the price of rice is more than 600 Wen per bucket.

At this price, the 100000 stone grain can be converted into 600000 copper coins, which is terrible.

However, he hasn\'t got the land rent yet, but some people are jealous of it and even start to hinder it