Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 599

During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, there was a custom of harvest festival, which was very large.

According to the different maturity periods of crops in different places, the time of this harvest festival is also different in different places, but it is mostly in golden autumn and October.

After harvesting, tasting new products and warehousing, hold corresponding sacrificial ceremonies, pray to the ancestors and gods, pray for the smooth harvest of crops, and wish a bumper harvest of grain and prosperity of human and livestock in the coming year.

The royal family will also offer sacrifices to the gods and heaven at the winter solstice, praying for good weather and abundant food and clothing for the people in the coming year.

Even though locusts were plagued all over the country this year, the harvest festival was still held, except in Duhu county.

This is also very normal. At that time, the fields in Huxian county were still full of green rice seedlings. How to make a harvest festival.

So, at the end of the year, when the rice was ripe, the last harvest festival of the second year of Zhenguan began.

When Li forgot to worry and rode back to Huxian county with Yang Zuan, he was stunned to find that the whole county has become a sea of joy.

Before entering the county, you can see the mountains and fields on both sides of the road, which are all people ready to enter the county to participate in the harvest festival.

The black pressure on his head made Li forget his worries and couldn\'t help smacking his tongue.

Apart from the railway station for the Spring Festival transportation of later generations, he has never seen so many people.

It was the first time for Li Qieyou to see such a lively scene in the Tang Dynasty. He felt interesting and rode on horseback to talk and laugh with Yang Zuo.

After all, the county without transfer of ownership is only a middle county. The county is not large. Before Li forgetful and Yang Zuo enter the city, they are blocked at the gate of the city.

The Yamen servants hurriedly sounded the gongs to separate the crowded crowd in front and open the way for Yang Zuo and Li forgetful worry: "get out of the way. What are you doing here? Don\'t you see Huxian Bo and Yang Ming\'s house going to the city? Avoid, all avoid!"

It\'s OK that the Yamen servants don\'t shout. When they shout, they not only don\'t disperse the people, but suddenly make the surrounding people noisy.

"It\'s huxianbo! Huxianbo is at the gate!"

"Come on, come on, Huxian uncle, he\'s there!"

"Son of a bitch, go to the city gate. Huxian uncle is there!"

Then, the crowd composed of countless people rushed towards the city gate where Li forgetful and Yang Zuo were located.

Seeing the dark crowd coming towards him, Li forget worry not only leached a few drops of sweat from his forehead.

My mother, what are you doing?

So many people, not to mention that they are only surrounded by Niu Wu and several episode guards, that is, the forbidden army of Jin Wu\'s guard. I\'m afraid they all have to be trampled to death?

"Brother Xuqing, what are you going to do?" Li forgot to worry. His face turned white. He didn\'t want to be trampled to death for some reason.

Even the horse under his crotch was shining white at night. At this time, he was uneasy, ringing his nose and gently planing on the ground with his horse\'s hooves.

Yang Zuan is no better than him. He has never seen such a situation?

So many people, really want to cause an accident, then really can\'t imagine. Even if they ride on horseback, it won\'t help.

Even Niu Wu and a group of Li\'s trilogy subconsciously grasped the handle of Zhang Dao at the waist, and those yamen servants were scared to sound gongs: "stop, what do you want to do!"

So many people are coming, but if anyone disobeys the rules and causes trouble, the crowd will have to drown them directly.

But what everyone didn\'t expect was that when the tide of people came to Li forgetful and Yang Zuo, they suddenly stopped.

Everyone stared at Li forgetful, who was riding on the horse. After half a sound, no one spoke. The atmosphere seemed quite strange for a moment.

Suddenly, a loud cry came from the crowd: "the grass people kowtow to Huxian uncle!"

Then, under the stunned gaze of Li Lianyou, the people actually Hula and knelt down.

Looking at nearly 10000 people suddenly kneeling in front of him, Li forgot his worries and was forced. What does this mean? What does this good man do?

"Hu County uncle Hou Wandai, the grass people kowtow to Hu County uncle!"

"The grass people thanked Huxian Bo for his life. The grass people kowtowed to Huxian Bo for the whole family!"

"The grass people have a family of nine. They thought they could only go out to beg for a living this year, but they didn\'t expect to have a bumper harvest of rice this year. The grass people are very grateful. The grass people kowtow to Huxian Bo, and the Taoist ancestors bless Huxian Bo to live a long life!"

There are also many who have not forgotten to thank Yang Zuan, the county magistrate: "the grass people kowtow to Huxian Bo and Yang Ming House! Yang Ming House, you are a good official!"

The voice of the people made Li forget his worries and Yang Zuo\'s fear disappear and grow a tone. What followed was that Li Qieyou felt numb on his scalp, goose bumps all over his body, and an electric current seemed to pass through his body.

How can I make so many people bow down to myself?

Isn\'t it just a whim that made the people grow rice? Can you afford such praise?

Li forgot to worry, hurriedly rolled off his horse, trotted to an old man and helped him up.

"Old man, no, no, please get up quickly."

The old man was very stubborn and knocked a few heads to Li forgetful sorrow: "old man, at the beginning, many Huxian Boduo had a misunderstanding and thought that Huxian Boduo was harming the people by asking me to plant rice in September. They are all old and stupid and don\'t understand Huxian Boai\'s love for the people. Old man really deserves to die. Please forgive Huxian Boduo."

Li forget worry\'s eyes are also a little wet. He motioned to Niu Wu and asked him to help the old man quickly.

"The old man is serious. I\'m just making a blind idea. I really want to thank Yang Ming\'s house. But he ordered people to build waterwheel for each village, cultivate rice seedlings, and supervise you to grow rice." Li forgets to worry, pointing to Yang Zuo, laughs.

Naturally, the people kowtowed to Yang Zuan again, which made Yang Zuan a little flustered and waved his hands again and again.

At this moment, Yang Zuan, a middle-aged man who had been an official for many years, also had red eyes. At this time, he seemed to really understand what is public opinion and what is popular support.

The common people are really easy to be satisfied. Giving them a bite to eat and letting them get through the difficulties can make them die hard and shed tears of gratitude.

In the year of the great disaster, the yield per mu in Tianzhong of the surrounding counties and prefectures did not exist, and the government has begun to prepare for disaster relief.

The 100000 people in Huxian County, however, because of Li\'s persistence and persistence, and Yang\'s support and supervision, Leng was the first time in the world. They changed their crops to rice in September, and now they have a bumper harvest.

How can this make the people not grateful to them?

In front of the city gate of Huxian County, countless people rose one after another, got up and worshipped again... So busy that Li forgetful and Yang Zuo picked up this and worshipped there again.

Yang Zuan and Li Qieyou looked at each other and smiled bitterly, but they had all kinds of pride in their hearts.

As the saying goes, if a great husband is alive, he should make no achievements in the world. The top will lead to the king, and the bottom will defend the people. If it is beneficial to the country, he will die but not follow

The excitement at the city gate of Huxian County fell into the eyes of a horseman on the hillside not far away