Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 597

After a long time, Cheng Yaojin murmured and asked, "Ziyou, did you steal the treasure of the immortal family? You can produce ten stones of grain per mu. How is this possible?"

Li Er was also skeptical. He pointed to the pots of potato flowers and asked, "Ziyou, do you really say that these pots of flowers are the high-yield food in your mouth? Where do you know?"

Where do you know? It\'s really hard for Li to explain this.

However, since Li Er, Fang Xuanling and others thought that he might have been reincarnated in ancient times, let\'s continue to use this excuse.

"Uncle, I don\'t know. In short, as soon as I see these pots of plants and trees, I know what they are, what their names are and what their functions are. This is absolutely not wrong."

Hearing the speech, Li Er couldn\'t help looking at Cheng Yaojin. They all thought of their speculation about Li\'s rebirth.

Li Er didn\'t bother about this problem either. He asked, "what kind of potato is this? How long will it mature?"

"Potatoes can be harvested in 30 to 50 days after flowering. Potatoes can be planted twice a year, regardless of the land. They can be sown in February and March, harvested in June and July, sown in September, and harvested from December to January next year," Li explained.

"Oh? But like rice or wheat, it bears fruit?"

"No, since it is called potato, its fruit is naturally hidden in the soil and needs to be uprooted when harvesting."

Li Er couldn\'t help but wonder: "if it\'s really as Ziyou said, why does such a precious species appear in this people\'s house? Ziyou, do you know where it comes from? Why have I never heard of it?"

In fact, Li forgot to worry about whether to tell Li Er about the American continent.

Think about it and decide not to say it for the time being.

Anyway, the American continent, for today\'s Tang Dynasty, is more ethereal than Penglai Fairy Island.

Although it really exists, it is difficult to reach, not to mention.

Otherwise, if you and Li Er learned that the goods were on a whim and asked people to sail to explore the new world, wouldn\'t it have killed those crew members in vain?

Without sufficient navigation technology and ship development, it is simply unrealistic to rely on the ships of the Tang Dynasty and learn from Columbus to explore the new world.

To figure this out, Li Qieyou roughly explained what he had learned: "uncle, as my nephew knows, this potato is a gift given to the owner of this residence when he sails to do business for the merchant of yecha state. The merchant begged a concubine of Zhongxi. I don\'t know where he got the potato."

"Yasha state? Where is it? Why haven\'t I heard of it?" Li Er was stunned and asked curiously.

In history, Li Er learned that the yecha state had been in Zhenguan for 14 years. It was the king of Liugui state who sent his son to pay tribute to the Tang Dynasty. From the mouth of the tributary envoys of Liugui state, the Tang Dynasty knew that there was another yecha state in the north of Liugui state.

However, the distance between yakha and Datang is too far, and there has never been communication in history.

Li Qieyou explained the location of yecha country to Li Er. Both Li Er and Cheng Yaojin smacked their tongues. It was hard for them to imagine that there was a country in such a distant and cold north.

After not worrying about the origin of the potatoes, Li Er took a few turns around the five pots of potatoes and said, "since the potatoes are so precious, I immediately asked the forbidden army to remove the potatoes and send them to the Si Nong temple to order people to take good care of them. A month later, I will know whether Ziyou are true or not. If it is true, I will write down a great achievement for you."

Ten stone grain per mu. If this is true, immediately seal Li forget to worry about a prince. Li Er doesn\'t think it\'s too much.

Grain in agricultural society is not only the key to the prosperity of a country, but also the embodiment of national strength.

Li Er doesn\'t think it\'s wrong for Li forgetful to invite Jin Wuwei\'s forbidden army to come here. Such an important crop should be stressed.

Although Li forgets what he said, his words are groundless. Li Er has not seen an example and can\'t fully believe it. But Li forgot to worry, and he couldn\'t help believing it.

Anyway, it will be known after more than a month.

Li forgot to worry and quickly said, "uncle, Si Nong temple has no experience in taking care of potatoes. For the sake of insurance, it\'s better to give two pots to my nephew and let him take it back to Dingzhou village to take care of it in case of accidents. What do you think?"

"But." Li Er thought it was reasonable, and naturally nodded.

Jin Wuwei\'s forbidden army, under the command of Cheng Yaojin, carefully removed the five pots with potatoes.

As for the master of Qi Zhongxi, whether Li forgets sorrow, Li Er and Cheng Yaojin, they don\'t seem to have the intention to consult him. There is no idea of compensation or reward for taking away a few pots of potatoes.

Li Er and Cheng Yaojin take it for granted, not to mention that the owner of the family is still a Chui person, while Li forgets his worries because of his dissatisfaction with the poor concubine who was killed by begging Zhongxi\'s staff.

Speaking of it, the greatest credit for finding potatoes is the poor concubine.

However, he was killed by Qi Zhongxi after he was infected with syphilis.

Li forgets sorrow and still can\'t accept it. He has such a mentality of depending on human life and nothing, and doesn\'t think that the concubine has any way to die.

So he didn\'t mean to reward Qi Zhongxi.

After Jin Wuwei\'s forbidden army removed the pots of potatoes, the forbidden army surrounded Li Er, Cheng Yaojin and Li forgetful, and withdrew from Qi Zhongxi\'s residence like a tide.

Until this time, Qi Zhongxi, a man who didn\'t know what had happened, didn\'t dare to ask.

After seeing Peng yuankui off tremblingly, Qi Zhongxi immediately ordered someone to close the door. For a long time, he didn\'t dare to leave his house for half a step.

Until many years later, Qi Zhongxi followed the caravan through a field and felt very familiar when he saw the flowers in full bloom in the field. After thinking about it, I remembered that it seemed to be the same as the pots of flowers that Huxian uncle moved from his residence.

When he asked the farmer, he found out that these flowers were his favorite potatoes. At this point, Qi Zhongxi suddenly realized what had happened in his residence that evening a few years ago.

Without mentioning how frightened he was, Li forgot to worry, but he was too lazy to stay in Chang\'an city.

After suing Li Er and Cheng Yaojin, Li forget worry simply led a group of Jin Wuwei guards escorting potato pots out of Chang\'an City and returned to Dingzhou village before the city gate was closed.

A large number of Jin Wu guards escorted their husband back to the house, which also frightened Dingzhou village households and old housekeeper Li Heng.

The beauty\'s boss hurried out and saw Li forget worry. He was very nervous and commanded the people. He moved the two pots of flowers into the castle and prepared to send them to the sunny place at the top of the castle for cultivation. He also arranged the central part of the house. He was not allowed to leave for a moment at twelve o\'clock a day to guard the two pots of flowers.

In this regard, the beauty boss naturally couldn\'t touch his head. After looking at the two potted flowers for a long time, he didn\'t know why.

"Forget your worries, what are you doing? Why are the two potted flowers so nervous?"

"Hey, Changqing, do you know what these two pots are?"

The beauty boss shook her head. The flower is very beautiful, but it is not a common flower in later flower shops. She doesn\'t know it.

Li Qieyou came to her ear and whispered two words: "potatoes."

Simple two words, but let the beautiful boss stand like lightning for a long time before he looked at him incredulously: "are you sure? Potatoes are not in America? How did you find them?"

Li Qieyou laughed and proudly told what happened today. While waiting for the praise of the beauty\'s boss, she saw that the beauty disliked and stepped back: "Hey, it\'s disgusting. You\'ve been in contact with syphilis patients? Stay away from me and take a bath!"

Li forgets to worry about a black thread, NIMA, a woman with a penchant for cleanliness