Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 596

Li forgot to worry and was somewhat surprised to see that Li Er actually came in person.

"Uncle, why did you come in person?"

Li Er glared at him discontentedly: "nonsense, you let me know that Jie transferred Jin Wuwei here. Can he not understand me? Tell me quickly, what is it that you want to transfer Jin Wuwei here? Otherwise, give me a satisfactory answer. Don\'t blame me for enforcing the family law today!"

Li forgot to worry at this time. He motioned Niu Wu to lead the episode back, and asked Jin Wuwei\'s forbidden army to drive away all the people, including Qi Zhongxi, before leading Li Er and Cheng Yaojin to the pots of plants in the hospital.

"Uncle, it\'s not my nephew Meng lang. these pots of crops are too precious."

Li Er and Cheng Yaojin looked curiously, but they saw many plants in the middle yard. There are four or five pots of plants with many flowers in white, pink, purple and other colors.

"Oh? What kind of flower is it? It\'s strange that it can bloom in November. It\'s very beautiful. How come I\'ve never seen such a flower?" Cheng Yaojin said curiously, and stretched out his hand to pull a flower to see what happened.

Li forgot to worry and grabbed his arm: "Uncle Cheng, you can\'t move. It\'s the life of the people all over the world!"

"What?" Cheng Yaojin\'s hands trembled and asked incredulously, "what are you talking about, you bastard? It\'s just a pot of flowers and plants. What are you talking about?"

Li Er was also stunned. He wanted to extend his hand and quickly took it back, ready to listen to Li forgetful\'s explanation.

"Uncle Cheng, I\'m not kidding, otherwise I\'m full. Please take Jin Wuwei\'s forbidden army and surround the square here?"

"Ziyou, to be clear, what is this flower?" Li Er knew that Li forget you was not a mischievous person, otherwise he would not agree to his request to transfer gold to Wuwei, and followed him to see what happened.

Li forgot to worry, but instead of answering in a hurry, he asked, "Uncle Cheng, how much grain can I produce per mu in the Tang Dynasty?"

"One stone is less than two. Why do you ask?" Cheng Yaojin asked.

Li Qieyou nodded and then said, "if there were crops that could produce ten stones or more per mu, what would my uncle think?"

Hearing this, Li Er couldn\'t help staring: "Ziyou, what nonsense are you talking about? Ten stones per mu? How could that be possible? There are no such crops in the world? If there were such crops, how could the people of the Tang Dynasty be hungry? But you take it for granted. It\'s just a dream."

Cheng Yaojin has the same attitude: "Ziyou, what the hell are you doing? Where is there any food that can produce ten stones per mu? If there is such food, I will kneel down and ride for you."

Li Er and Cheng Yaojin\'s reaction was expected by Li forgetful. He was not angry about their questions, but just pointed to the pots of plants.

"Hey, uncle Cheng, don\'t think it\'s my little nephew fooling around. These pots of flowers and plants can produce ten stones or even more per mu! My little nephew calls them potatoes!"

That\'s right. In the house of qizhongxi, a businessman, the pots of plants Li forgets to see are the seedlings of potatoes.

As a child growing up in the countryside, Li forgets worry. If he can\'t recognize the potato seedlings, he\'s sorry for his identity as a transgressor.

He did not expect that in this era, someone actually went to America and brought back potatoes from the American continent.

Even Li forgets to worry about thinking that perhaps in the yecha country, potatoes have long been planted, but not as crops, but as some kind of beautiful flowers.

This is probably the reason why the concubine who was killed by Qi Zhongxi\'s staff would plant it in a flower pot. I think it should be the merchant professor of the yecha country.

As for potatoes as ornamental plants, it is not uncommon.

Potatoes were first brought to Europe by Spanish colonists from South America because of their beautiful flowers, which were planted as flowers.

During Louis XVI, French nobles took potato flowers as the most noble and fashionable decoration. Even for this purpose, potatoes are planted on the outskirts of Paris to pick potato flowers.

At that time, the French also believed that eating potatoes would cause leprosy, syphilis, sudden death and sexual mania. What\'s more, I think potatoes are deceptive things made by witches and demons. The French would rather be hungry than eat potatoes, and call potatoes "the devil\'s apple".

These pots of potatoes, which were used as flowers and planted in Qizhong Xi\'s house, naturally no one knows their actual value except Li forgetful.

Even if the beauty boss sees these pots of "flowers", he won\'t say anything. Because she doesn\'t know what a potato looks like when it blooms, let alone what a potato seedling looks like.

Li forgot to worry. I didn\'t expect to see potatoes in Datang. When he saw the potato flower, his heart almost stopped beating.

In later generations, potatoes are worthless. You can buy them for a few cents a kilo in the supermarket.

But in the Tang Dynasty, if this potato can be popularized, it will be immeasurable merit, countless good things that can live, and even the history of China will change. It is also uncertain.

It was because he thought of the importance of potatoes that Li forgot to worry about. He asked his family to surround these pots of potatoes, and immediately sent Niu Wu to find Cheng Yaojin to dispatch troops.

After Niu Wu left, Li forgot his worries and didn\'t even give up. He even couldn\'t avoid it. He forced Qi Zhongxi to lead him around the house to see if there were anything else from America.

However, it was a pity to turn Qi Zhongxi\'s residence upside down. There was nothing else that should not appear except the five pots of flowering potatoes in front of him.

It\'s a pity that Li forgot his worries. Pepper, tomato, sweet potato, cocoa bean, pumpkin... America is really a treasure house. Unfortunately, it will take hundreds of years to open that treasure house.

As for the yield of potatoes per mu, he dare not say too much.

In later generations, the production capacity of potatoes per mu reached 3000 or even 5000 kg, but it may not be possible in Datang, but he was absolutely sure of 1000 kg.

Li\'s words made Li Er and Cheng Yaojin stunned at first, and then they all laughed.

"Son worry, don\'t make trouble. These beautiful flowers and plants are crops that can yield ten stones per mu. Do you think I\'m a fool who doesn\'t know farming?"

Cheng Yaojin slapped Li forgetful on the shoulder: "boy, this joke is not funny at all. Make it clear to me quickly. Why do you want to send Jin Wuwei\'s forbidden army here? Don\'t fool me with such nonsense!"

Li forgot his worries and turned his eyes silently. Why didn\'t anyone believe the truth?

In fact, it\'s no wonder that Li Er and Cheng Yaojin don\'t believe this. In addition to the beautiful boss, the whole Tang Dynasty can\'t find anyone who believes Li forgets to worry about him.

Li forgot to worry and bowed solemnly to Li Er and Cheng Yaojin: "tell your majesty, what you said is true, not a word of nonsense! These five pots of potatoes can really produce more than ten stones per mu. They can not only eat, but also taste very beautiful. They can be used as staple food to satisfy hunger and cook. They are rare treasures."

His solemn performance made Li Er and Cheng Yaojin put away their smiles.

Li Er was stunned: "Ziyou, don\'t joke about it. Are you serious?"

"If there is a half empty word, your majesty can take his ministers out of prison and cut the Lord to ask for guilt!"

As soon as Li forgets to worry, Li Er and Cheng Yaojin are all dumbfounded