Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 595

The Bering Strait is only 35 kilometers at its narrowest point and 80 kilometers at its widest point.

In history, the earliest recorded is the Danish Explorer Vitas Bering. When he served in the Russian army in 1728, he crossed the Bering Strait, which separates Asia and North America, so it was named the Bering Strait.

Later generations, Li Qieyou also argued with people whether the Bering Strait can be crossed on foot in winter.

After inquiring a lot of information, the conclusion is very, very difficult.

Although the Bering Strait is frozen all year round in winter, the distance of 35 kilometers doesn\'t sound far. It seems that you can reach the other side by sled in a few hours.

However, the frozen sea surface is not smooth. There will be not only huge ice cracks, but also frequent snowstorms, but also need to overcome the temperature of minus 30 or 40 degrees.

Walking through the Bering Strait, which is frozen in winter, is difficult to achieve even in later generations, let alone more than a thousand years ago.

It is hard for Li Qieyou to imagine that at this time, some people can cross the Bering Strait. But even after crossing the Bering Strait, how can we continue to travel tens of thousands of miles south, through Alaska and Canada and into the North American continent?

In this regard, Li forgot his worries and couldn\'t understand it.

But Peng yuankui\'s syphilis is real, so he can\'t help believing it.

Seeing that Li forgot to worry and asked about the whereabouts of the yecha merchant, Qi Zhongxi had no choice but to spread his hand: "back to Huxian Bo, the yecha merchant just came by boat to trade, but he had already returned to yecha."

Li forgot his worries and was disappointed.

Yasha is thousands of miles away from Chang\'an city. Where can I find people? It seems that if this matter continues to be investigated, there will be no result.

No matter whether someone went to America by mistake, there is no clue now. Even if he is thousands of miles away, he can\'t get there without a few months. Where can he find someone?

This concubine, who was begging Zhongxi, was infected with syphilis by merchants of yecha state in Kaixi, and was taken to Chang\'an city. It was also an accident.

When his interest waned, Li forgot his worries and planned to get up and leave.

Begging Zhongxi is respectful and ready to send Li forget you out of the house, but just two steps away, Li forget you suddenly turned around and asked, "begging Zhongxi, the concubine who was killed by your staff, does she have anything presented by the yecha people?"

Li Qieyou is still a little unwilling. Since the dead concubine once served the people of Yasha, she may be given some gadgets as gifts.

What if there are special products from the American continent?

He didn\'t believe that the people of yecha only brought syphilis, the only American "specialty".

Qi Zhongxi shook his head: "back to Huxian Bo, the bitch was killed by someone and dragged out of the city to be buried. All the objects in her room, except gold, silver and jewelry, were burned by fire. There was nothing special."

Li forgot to worry about hearing the speech and was so angry that he almost scolded.

He was still a little reluctant: "take me to the concubine\'s house."

"Yes, yes, Huxian uncle, please come with me. The bitch and the caravan that left only a month ago returned to Chang\'an from the north. There was nothing soft around her."

Begged Zhongxi to invite Li QIAOYOU and his party to a wing room in the middle yard: "this is the wing room where the bitch lived before."

Li Qieyou pinched his nose and asked people to open the door. He went in and looked around. Naturally, it was empty and there was nothing.

He had no choice but to retreat. When he was about to leave, his eyes were attracted by several flower pots in the middle yard.

Li\'s voice trembled: "this, this, these pots of crops, yes, where did they come from?"

Qi Zhongxi didn\'t know why, so he quickly asked the servants and maidservants in the house, and then replied, "back to Huxian uncle, people say it was planted by the bitch. I dare ask Huxian uncle, but what\'s wrong?"

Li forgot to worry, but ignored him. He shouted directly at Niu Wu and others: "Niu Wu, immediately let someone surround me with these pots of crops. If anyone dares to damage these pots of crops, there is no amnesty to kill them directly!"

"Promise!" Niu Wu and his trilogy were confused about Li\'s order. But it was the first time they saw each other. Their husband was so nervous that he didn\'t dare to neglect it.

Immediately, a trilogy came forward, choked, pulled out the Zhang knife at his waist, surrounded the pots of crops on Li forgetful\'s fingers, and prohibited others from approaching.

Qi Zhongxi was so frightened by this scene that he took a long time to ask, "I dare ask Huxian uncle, what\'s wrong with these pots of crops?"

"Don\'t ask so many questions! Niu Wu!" Li forgot to worry and ignored him. He turned his head and shouted to Niu Wu.

"What do you want to tell me?" Niu Wu saw Li forgetful worry. He also knew that the matter was important and didn\'t dare to neglect it.

Li forgot to worry and tore off his goldfish talisman and threw it to him: "go, take my goldfish talisman, immediately ride to the Duke of Lu, and let uncle Cheng lead Jin Wuwei\'s forbidden army to surround Huaiyuan square. It\'s a matter of great importance. You can\'t delay. Go quickly!"

"Promise!" Niu Wu took the goldfish charm, did not dare to hesitate, immediately rushed out of Qi Zhongxi\'s residence, jumped on his horse and rushed to the gate of the square.

Although he didn\'t know what had happened, it must be a big deal since Li forget you was so nervous and asked Cheng to bite the gold collar forbidden army to come.

Regardless of the ban on galloping horses in Chang\'an City, Niu Wu directly urged his horse to rush to the Chi road in the middle of the street and beat his horse to rush to the Duke of Lu.

At this time, the gate of the square was almost closed, and the forbidden army around Jin Wuwei had begun to patrol the streets and enforce the night ban.

Seeing Niu Wu galloping with his horse, the forbidden army immediately stopped him.

"Stop! Who are you so bold that you dare to run in Chang\'an City?"

"It\'s a part of Bo\'s mansion in Kaiguo County, Hu County. I have an urgent matter to go to Duke Lu\'s mansion. My husband\'s goldfish talisman is here!" Niu Wu shouted, holding Li forgetful\'s goldfish talisman high.

The fire chief of Jin Wuwei\'s forbidden army carefully checked the goldfish charm and confirmed that it was correct.

Although Huo Chang doesn\'t know what the emergency is, it must not be a small matter since Huxian Bo asked his own trilogy to take his goldfish charm and rush to the Duke\'s residence of Lu. Huo Chang thought about it and simply led himself to the forbidden army, surrounded by Niu Wu and rode to Cheng Yaojin\'s residence

Li forgot to worry about walking anxiously back and forth in qizhongxi\'s residence. From time to time, he gathered in front of the pots of crops and studied them carefully.

Many of his trilogy don\'t understand what these pots of things are, which makes his husband so nervous.

And Qi Zhongxi and Peng yuankui were at a loss and stood awkwardly aside. Those maidservants and servants who begged Zhongxi\'s house were driven far away and dared not show up.

Just as Li forgot to worry and waited anxiously, the gate of Zhongxi\'s residence was knocked open with a "bang", and Jin Wuwei\'s forbidden army with armor and bright weapons rushed in.

"Zhiniang thief, boy, if you don\'t make it clear to me today, you can\'t escape this beating!"

Li forgets to worry about hearing the speech and is going to explain it to Cheng Yaojin.

When he looked up, he was stunned to find that in addition to Cheng Yaojin, an old man, there was still a man standing beside him. Who was it not Li Er?