Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 594

It was the last day for Li forgetful and Liu Shenwei to sit in the imperial medical department. Seeing off the last patient in line for treatment, Li forgot to worry and stretched himself for a long time.

"It\'s over at last! Brother Shenwei, I\'ll go back to Dingzhou village later. Do you want to go with me?"

Liu Shenwei shook his head reluctantly: "I\'m in Shangyao Bureau. I still have many affairs. I\'ve been delayed by asking for a ten day holiday this time. I have to wait for the rest day and go back to visit my teacher."

Li forgot to worry, smiled and nodded. Being an official is trouble, which is also the reason why he refused to become an official.

But now I think I can take it as an excuse for Li Zhou\'s filial piety and decline. What if Li Er forces himself to become an official two years later?

It\'s hard to think about the days when the chicken has to get up and go to court every day and deal with official business.

Forget it. Let\'s talk about it in two years. It\'s useless to think more now.

Li forgot to worry and smiled. Just as he was going to leave, he saw another person poking his head in the lobby of the imperial medical department, hesitating whether to enter.

At first glance, Li forgot to worry. He smiled. Isn\'t this the brigade handsome in the west city?

He and the dandies went to the Hu people\'s wine shop in Xishi to drink and have fun. As a result, the bastard Chai Lingwu overturned the candles in the middle of the night and caused a fire, so he didn\'t burn him.

At that time, the brigade commander came to the wine shop to put out the fire.

Speaking of it, this brigade commander is also his life-saving benefactor.

Li forgot to worry and waved to lvshuai: "come in, what are you doing outside the door? But what\'s wrong? You need to come for consultation? I remember you. Are you lvshuai from Xishi?"

The brigade commander naturally recognized Li forgot his worries and quickly respectfully saluted: "see the transferred County uncle, the lower official is the brigade commander of Wuhou shop in Xishi, with a surname of Peng and a name of yuankui."

"Peng lvshuai, Hu people\'s wine shop that day. Thank you for leading people to put out the fire."

"Huxian uncle is kind. That\'s my duty. I can\'t thank you."

Li forgot to worry and said with a smile, "when I came to the imperial medical department today, Peng lvshuai wanted to be consulted?"

When he said this, the brigade commander pinched for a while, then whetted haw and said, "the lower officer is not feeling well recently. I\'m afraid he\'s infected with flowers and willows. Listen, I heard that Liu Fengyu has divine medicine to cure, so, so..."

Li forgets his worries and is speechless. These damn guys are full of flirtatious and dirty diseases. Datang doesn\'t have any safety measures like condoms. It deserves these bastards to get sick!

Peng yuankui is also his life-saving benefactor. Li forget worry will not sit idly by.

"Let Liu Fengyu examine you, you bastards, can\'t you be honest?" Li forgetful asked Liu Shenwei to examine him.

Peng yuankui smiled and dared not reply. He honestly walked up to Liu Shenwei, stretched out his hand to feel his pulse according to his instructions, and took off his pants for Liu Shenwei to check.

Li forgets worry. Naturally, he is not interested in seeing an old man "walking birds" and drinking tea on his own. The teachers and students of the imperial medical department think they are eager to learn and all gather close together to check their condition.

After careful examination, Liu Shenwei couldn\'t help but make a strange noise: "strange, it seems that he has never seen the disease of flowers and willows. Why has he festered between his two strands?"

"What Liu Fengyu said is that it doesn\'t seem to be the disease of flowers and willows."

Hearing what a group of doctors said, Peng yuankui couldn\'t help feeling a little frightened: "Liu Fengyu and the imperial medical order, I, can I still be saved?"

"Don\'t worry. Wait until I study it carefully. Do you have any other discomfort?"

Peng yuankui hesitated and honestly replied, "these two days, some tinnitus, some blurred eyes, low back pain, poor urination. Some connective tissue also grew on his body, which seems... It seems to have the symptoms of ulceration."

Hearing what he said, Liu Shenwei quickly asked him to take off his clothes.

Li forget worry is leisurely drinking tea outside the crowd. When he hears the dialogue between Liu Shenwei and Peng yuankui, he can\'t help but be stunned.

This disease is really not gonorrhea. How can it be like a disease that should not appear?

Li forgot to worry, put down his teacup, got up and separated the teachers and students gathered around Peng yuankui. He squeezed in and looked at Peng yuankui. He couldn\'t help being startled by the big sores and ulcers on Peng yuankui.

If he didn\'t admit his mistake, it should be syphilis?

And according to Peng lvshuai\'s description, he has tinnitus and decreased vision, which are typical symptoms of syphilis patients.

In later universities, there were health education classes in order to let college students know about these diseases, but the teachers who gave the lectures once showed them slides of these sexually transmitted diseases.

Li forgets you very clearly, because the disease is really disgusting.

He likes reading history books. He once read that Tongzhi emperor of the Qing Dynasty died of syphilis. It is said that he was festering when he died. It was very tragic.

But how can this be syphilis? It doesn\'t make sense!

You know, syphilis is not a disease native to China. Later studies have proved that it originated in the new world of America.

It was only after Columbus discovered the American continent on the great voyage that the crew had an infection with the local natives that they brought the disease back to the European continent. Later, while opening the Chinese route, Europeans also brought syphilis to China.

But now it\'s only A.D. 628. How can there be a syphilis patient in Chang\'an city of the Tang Dynasty in the second year of Zhenguan?

Is this shit?

Li\'s voice trembled: "Peng lvshuai, tell me honestly, how did you catch this disease?"

"This..." Peng yuankui was suddenly asked about it. He didn\'t know how to speak.

"Hum! Don\'t you tell me honestly? I tell you, this disease is also a kind of flower willow disease, called syphilis, but I don\'t have this disease at all in Datang. Honestly, how did you catch this disease?"

Li forgot his worries and was so frightened that Peng yuankui Putong knelt down: "bomingcha, Huxian County, is a businessman in the western city. Please, please go to his house for a dinner. After getting drunk, the concubine Yunyu, who slept with the businessman, got sick when she came back."

Liu Shenwei asked curiously, "Ziyou, you call this disease syphilis? It\'s also one of the flower willow diseases. Why have I never heard of this disease?"

The imperial doctor\'s order on one side also said: "yes, I have never seen the description of syphilis in doctors\' classics."

For Liu Shenwei\'s inquiry with the imperial doctor\'s order, Li forgets to worry and opens his mouth. He doesn\'t know how to answer. He can only say vaguely: "I can\'t say a word or two clearly. In short, this is a highly infectious willow disease. Brother Shenwei, hurry to have a skin test for Peng lvshuai and prepare to inject penicillin. This disease will kill people."

Hearing that his illness would be fatal, Peng yuankui was so frightened that he kowtowed repeatedly: "please Liu Fengyu save me!"

Liu Shenwei didn\'t hesitate to listen to Li forgetful worry. He immediately gave Peng yuankui a skin test and injected penicillin.

Li forgot to worry and motioned Peng yuankui to put on his clothes, and subconsciously left him a few steps away. Although syphilis is mainly transmitted through blood, Li forget worry always feels too close to him.

"Well, within ten days, go to Liu Fengyu and inject penicillin every day. You can recover from this disease. Don\'t worry. Now, take me to the merchant immediately! It\'s no small matter!"