Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 593

The fifth and sixth days are still the same.

Zhang Baocang\'s face was almost black, but there was nothing he could do.

Just like Liu Shenwei a few days ago, he can\'t force those patients to come here for consultation.

Xiao Yu and those patients with pneumonia in Chang\'an city still come to the imperial medical department for injections every day. It has to be said that the effect of penicillin is too significant for people without antibodies in Tang Dynasty.

Later pneumonia patients often need about ten days of treatment to recover. Xiao Yu and those patients have only been injected with penicillin for three days, but they are all right.

Even the middle-aged man who coughed the most and had completely given up waiting to die now not only looked good, but also coughed less and less.

This day, Liu Shenwei finished injecting penicillin into Xiao Yu again, gave him a pulse diagnosis again, and said with a smile, "Xiao Gong, you have the disease of wind heat invading the lung. You can recover with two more injections."

Zhang Baocang, who was on one side, also came over and felt Xiao Yu\'s pulse. For a long time, the old man quietly put down his arm, sighed, said nothing and walked back silently.

Zhang Baozang has regretted it. The medical gambling that he thought was safe now seems to be more dangerous than good.

At the thought of kowtowing to Sun Simiao if he lost, Zhang Baozang felt his heart twitch.

But he can\'t think of any way to recover his decline. In the face of penicillin, which should not appear at all, even if he is a famous doctor, he can only shout helplessly.

When the competition between the two sides entered the seventh day, there were almost no people looking for Zhang Baozang to ask for medicine.

There is no other reason. Some of the patients who received penicillin injection and wind heat invading the lung have recovered.

Pneumonia, even if it can be treated in Datang, is a long process. Later pneumonia will have to be hospitalized for less than half a month, not to mention Datang.

Now, in just four days, a patient has recovered, which is a miracle to everyone.

A group of teachers and students from the imperial medical department are no longer surrounded by Zhang Baozang. Hundreds of people gathered around Liu Shenwei and served tea and water for him and Li forgetful, hoping to learn such magical medicine.

Some clever doctors even volunteered to help Liu Shenwei inject medicine into the patient after seeing Liu Shenwei injected several times.

For Liu Shenwei\'s "cruel" injection technique, Li forget worry already feel speechless. Now look at those young doctors who clumsily gave injections to the patients under the guidance of Liu Shenwei. Li forgets worry and can\'t help feeling heartache for those patients.


He picked up his tea cup and took a sip of tea. He just couldn\'t hear the patient\'s scream

On the eighth day, Xiao Yu\'s pneumonia healed. The people who had come to test the medicine also recovered from pneumonia

Now in Chang\'an City, everyone began to talk about penicillin, a divine medicine. According to legend, this is a magic medicine that can make people white bones, raw meat and come back from the dead. It is a fairy pill that the old fairy Sun Simiao asked from heaven.

For these unreliable anecdotes, Li forget worry can only shake his head and smile bitterly.

The consequence is that the threshold of the imperial medical department is almost trampled flat by the patients.

Even if the imperial medical department only sees doctors for hundreds of officials, in such a large Chang\'an City, hundreds of officials and their families, coupled with a large number of public officials, the number of people qualified to see doctors in the imperial medical department is also very large.

All these patients who came to seek medical advice went to Liu Shenwei and penicillin.

In fact, 90% of these patients do not use antibiotics such as penicillin at all. Even if they can use it, if it is not necessary, Li forgetful and Liu Shenwei are reluctant to give it to them.

The amount of penicillin extracted by Sun Simiao is really rare. It has been consumed in the past few days. For those patients who even had a cold and begged him to give him an injection of penicillin, Liu Shenwei flatly refused.

However, even so, Liu Shenwei, as Feng Yu of Shangyao Bureau and the eldest disciple of Sun Simiao, is not a yong hand. It was not difficult for him to cure these common patients who came to seek medicine without penicillin.

Zhang Baozang can only sigh about this situation.

On the eighth day, after the consultation in the imperial medical department, Zhang Baozang got up with the help of his disciples and walked to Li forgetful.

"Huxian uncle, there\'s no need to continue the competition. I lost. I\'m willing to admit defeat. I\'ll go to Taoist sun tomorrow and kowtow to the teacher."

After these words, several disciples beside Zhang Baozang were anxious.

"No, sir! Taoist sun\'s medical skills are nothing more than Bozhong..."

For the dissuasion of his disciples, Zhang Baozang waved his hand in dismay: "don\'t say it again. I can\'t even win Taoist sun\'s disciples. It\'s just a joke to say such words."

"Sir, Liu Fengyu only relies on penicillin. How can his medical skills be compared with that of his teacher?"

"Confused! Since Taoist priest sun can develop such a miraculous medicine as penicillin, it shows that his medical skills are superior to me. How do I teach you on weekdays? Everyone who is a doctor has a gentle nature and will be humble!"

"Yes, I know my mistake."

After Zhang Baozang taught his disciples, he arched his hands at Li forgetful and Liu Shenwei, and the disciples helped him out.

Looking at the old man\'s emaciated back, Li forgot to worry, but he felt that although the treasure was arrogant, it did not lose the style of a famous doctor. Originally, the bad feeling towards him was alleviated.

After Zhang Baozang left, Li forgetful and Liu Shenwei looked at each other and smiled.

"Imperial doctor\'s order, since Mr. treasure has conceded defeat, there is no need to continue the ten day appointment. Brother Shenwei and I will not come to the imperial doctor\'s office tomorrow." Li forgets worry and is really impatient after spending eight days in Chang\'an city.

Now that Zhang Baozang has conceded defeat, there is no need to compare with him in the remaining two days. He is still in a hurry to go back to Dingzhou village.

As soon as the imperial doctor ordered him to listen to this, he shook his head again and again: "Huxian uncle, never. At the beginning, I asked people to inform the patient that Liu Fengyu was in the imperial doctor\'s office for ten days. It\'s only eight days, and there are two days left. How can we cancel it? Those patients can\'t bother me? Please Huxian uncle and Liu Fengyu, stick to it for two more days."

On the one hand, as he said, it is difficult for the patient to explain. On the other hand, he is reluctant to give teachers and students the opportunity to learn.

Although there is still a gap between Liu Shenwei\'s medical skills and Zhang Baozang\'s, there is a considerable gap between Liu Shenwei\'s medical skills and those of doctors and doctors in the imperial medical department.

In the past few days, even if the penicillin was discarded, it was only Liu Shenwei\'s medical consultation and dialectical medicine, which benefited a lot of teachers and students in the imperial medical department.

In this way, how can the imperial doctor order let Li forget his worries and Liu Shenwei leave in advance.

In this regard, Li forget worry can only feel his nose, nodded and agreed. Two days after agreeing, he continued to sit in the imperial medical department.

But Li forgot to worry and agreed to continue to sit in the imperial medical department, which gave him a great surprise