Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 592

Both Li Yuan and Li Er are immediate emperors, who attach great importance to the military array.

For the treatment and pension of wounded soldiers, Datang has formulated strict laws to protect these wounded soldiers.

For example, for the wounded soldiers in the battle, the sparse discussion of the law of the Tang Dynasty clearly stipulates that "all Ding craftsmen are in service and guarding against people. If the officials, servants and maidservants are ill, the chief secretary will not do it. Please give the medical rescuers 40 lashes; therefore, the dead will be punished for one year."

In other words, whether on the battlefield or stationed at the border, if a soldier is injured and does not receive timely treatment, his superior will be punished. If he dies, the person responsible may be sentenced to one year\'s imprisonment.

In the military, there are more special statistics and records, including the number of patients, their condition and recovery, to manage the injured soldiers.

The army also stipulates: "if you throw away sick children, do not clean up, do not raise feeders, the inspector of sick children and the person of sick children will each stick 100; if you bury them before they die, you will be beheaded."

As for those soldiers who are disabled or even killed in battle, there are also detailed pension schemes, whether it is the reward of money, cloth, land, cattle, tax relief, or even the arrangement of public office.

It can be seen that Li Er attached great importance to the wounded soldiers in the army.

Li Er still regretted that penicillin could not be used to reduce casualties in the army. Li forgot to worry, but it made Li Er raise his eyebrows unconsciously.

"What about Ziyou? Are there any other ways to reduce the casualties of soldiers?"

"Yes, uncle, as long as there are battlefield first aid, disinfection, bandage and other methods, it may not lead to soldiers and a large number of deaths due to injuries. My nephew estimates that it should be possible to reduce the 50% casualty rate."

Li Er asked: "Ziyou said disinfection, but it refers to the alcohol you used when you operated on Chengqian last time?"

"It\'s true that disinfecting with alcohol and dressing up in battlefield first aid can definitely reduce many casualties. But now the number of doctors in the army is too small, and their medical skills are worrying. My nephew begged my uncle to establish a military medical system, set up a military medical department, train military doctors and rescue guards, learn battlefield first aid, suture surgery, disinfection and other medical skills, so as to save the lives of our Tang soldiers Uncle, don\'t let the soldiers bleed and cry. "

Li forgot to worry about these words, but they were true.

It is also true that the medical system in the Tang army is unbearable.

The Tang system was installed, and the military doctors were dispatched by Taichang temple, but the number was very small.

"For every 500 or more soldiers and service places, one doctor is often given. For every 5000 or more, two doctors are given. From then on, the rate is 5000 plus one... For every two doctors, both injuries and doctors are given."

An army of 5000 people is only equipped with two doctors. What role can it play after a war?

Not to mention the extremely rough medical skills and treatment conditions. It is estimated that a handful of so-called Golden sore medicine will be treated.

Whether the soldiers can survive after being injured depends on God.

Li Er frowned: "Ziyou, I can understand the military doctor you said. Do you mean a doctor specially assigned to the army? What does it mean to save the guard?"

"Uncle, the ambulance soldiers are also soldiers. In addition to carrying weapons and attacking with the army, they also need to carry medicine bags with bandages, alcohol, golden sore medicine and other first-aid drugs. These ambulance soldiers need to specially learn the knowledge of battlefield first aid. When someone is injured, the ambulance soldiers can immediately rescue and stop bleeding, and then send them to the rear for medical treatment. In my little nephew It seems that one brigade for every 100 people in the army can be equipped with two rescue guards. In this way, the casualties in the battle array will be greatly reduced. "

After hearing his words, Li Er couldn\'t help standing up and pacing back and forth.

For a long time, Li Ercai slowly shook his head: "Ziyou, your idea is very good. I think the ambulance you said is very good, but it is difficult to achieve."

"Uncle, why is this?"

"I have hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the Tang Dynasty. If you think so, how many rescue guards do you need? At least tens of thousands of people? With so many soldiers who can rescue the wounded, can I learn from Han Xin and become a soldier? Even if I recruit soldiers with a little knowledge of words in the army for training, where can I find so many doctors of medicine to teach them first aid?"

Li Er\'s words are also true. The literacy rate of Datang is low, and fewer scholars are willing to learn medicine.

Even the Pacific Medical Department has only hundreds of students, of whom only more than 100 are medical students. These people have to study for seven years before they can graduate.

Teaching more than 100 people to study medicine is completely different from teaching tens of thousands of people to study medicine.

Tens of thousands of rescue guards, even if Li Er wanted to, couldn\'t find enough people to train.

Li forgot to worry, but smiled and suddenly changed the topic: "uncle, do you know why I bet with Mr. treasure?"

"Oh? Why?" Li Er didn\'t understand why he suddenly mentioned it.

Li forgot to worry about the thief and said with a smile, "Hey, uncle, I heard that Mr. treasure has countless disciples. Zhang\'s family has one vein and hundreds of disciples and grandchildren. Does uncle know about this?"

Li Er nodded, and then his eyes lit up. It seemed that he understood the meaning of Li forgetting worry.

"Uncle, sun Laoxian has also taught more than a dozen disciples. Are these doctors ready-made teachers? As long as my nephew wins the competition, Mr. treasure will have to learn from sun Laoxian. At that time, don\'t all the disciples of his Zhang family have to obey sun Laoxian\'s orders? My nephew intends to let these people learn surgery with sun Laoxian and become a doctor Sergeants are specially used to train military doctors and ambulance soldiers. In the future, military doctors will no longer be sent by Taichang temple, but will be sent by the military medical department after learning about battlefield first aid. In this way, the proportion of casualties among officers and soldiers in combat will be reduced. "

After listening to Li\'s explanation, Li Er realized that he had a gambling fight with Zhang Baozang and decided the reason for the gambling appointment. He couldn\'t help but twist his beard and smile.

"Ziyou, you\'ve done a good job. In that case, I\'m sure of it! After I discussed with Zhijie and Xuanling, I set up a military medical department to train military doctors and ambulance soldiers! But the doctor of the military medical department is up to you. If I can\'t win Zhang Gong and deceive those doctors, I\'ll settle with you."

"Hey, don\'t worry, uncle. I have penicillin in my hand. Mr. treasure will lose this bet."

Uncle and nephew looked at each other and couldn\'t help laughing

The next day, in the imperial medical department, Liu Shenwei and Li forget worry used the "divine medicine" penicillin to treat Xiao Yu\'s lung disease. The patients waiting for treatment have heard about it.

Although the therapeutic effect of this "divine medicine" has not been seen yet, people have a little more trust in Liu Shenwei, who is served by the Shangyao Bureau.

At the end of the visit on the fourth day, those patients who chose to invite Liu Shenwei to see the doctor and apply medicine were more than twice as many as Zhang Baozang. Angry, the old man Zhang Baozang looks more and more ugly