Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 591

"No, half an hour has passed. Why didn\'t the patient appear? Did..."

The doctor of the imperial medical department suddenly made a noise, which reminded everyone of the middle-aged man who had signed the life and death contract before.

According to Li Qieyou, if there is no accident in half an hour, it will be all right.

People were busy giving Xiao Xiao an injection before, but they forgot about it for a moment. With such a reminder from the doctor, all the people suddenly woke up.

Li forgot to worry and slapped the forehead. Damn it, did you forget the middle-aged man so much?

He was about to run to check the situation of the middle-aged man, but he heard a burst of crying from a woman outside the lobby of the imperial medical department. He couldn\'t help but make Li forget his worries, and his heart sank like water... It\'s broken!

The people in the imperial medical department were in a mess and rushed out of the lobby.

When they rushed out of the lobby, they didn\'t see the picture of the middle-aged man falling to the ground. At this time, outside the lobby, the couple are hugging their heads and crying

Nima, isn\'t it okay? What does it mean to cry so sad?

Li Qieyou couldn\'t help but have a black line. He thought the middle-aged man had been shocked by penicillin allergy.

"You two are mourning here? What are you crying for?" the doctor of the imperial medical department couldn\'t help scolding.

When he suddenly woke up, the crying couple looked up in amazement. They saw that they were surrounded by the crowd at an unknown time.

"Go back, go back to the noble. The villain and the bitch are just sad for a moment. It\'s hard to control themselves. Please forgive me for disturbing the noble people. For the sake of the little man\'s life, don\'t blame me, the bitch. She\'s just sad for a moment..."

Li forgot to worry and laughed angrily at his words: "go away, what shit will soon die? Didn\'t I say before? It\'s all right for half an hour. You can cure this disease. What are you yelling about? Go back! Remember to come here tomorrow and continue the injection. In a few days, your lung disease will recover."

"What, what? Don\'t deceive the villain, noble man. The villain really won\'t die?" the middle-aged man couldn\'t help shaking.

His mother-in-law grabbed his sleeve, not only didn\'t put away the cry, but cried louder.

"Dalang, did you hear what the noble man said? You won\'t die, you won\'t die!"

Li forgot to worry and turned his eyes. The middle-aged man was indeed a false positive in penicillin skin test. He also decided to take a risk because he saw that there was only a blush and no hard lump at the wrist skin test.

Now that the middle-aged man is all right, pneumonia can naturally recover.

After wailing for a long time, the couple finally vented their sadness for many days. They knelt down again, kowtowed respectfully to the people, and then helped each other to leave.

Li forgot to worry and looked at their backs. He couldn\'t help shaking his head and sighing. Datang is good for everything. It\'s the medical conditions that make people speechless. It\'s just a pneumonia, but it can kill people in Datang.

As for penicillin, although Sun Simiao has developed it, it can\'t be mass produced at all. That kind of artificial small-scale pharmacy is not only unstable, but also difficult to popularize.

Li forgets worry. It can be predicted that this penicillin will only be enjoyed by dignitaries for a long time in the future. As for ordinary people, they don\'t have to think about it at all.

As for the production method of diffusing penicillin, Li forgot to worry about it. It was not that he was reluctant, but that he dared not.

Penicillin extraction is very difficult, and the efficacy of artificially extracted penicillin is also unstable. If he hadn\'t observed that Staphylococcus was really killed under a microscope, he wouldn\'t dare to use penicillin on patients.

Even so, it is at great risk.

If you spread the penicillin extraction method rashly, you really don\'t know how many people will be killed.

There are not many doctors in Datang who are reliable.

When Li forgot his sorrow and sighed, Xiao Yu twisted his beard and smiled: "Huxian uncle, Liu Fengyu, you saved the couple, which is also a great merit."

"Xiao Gong praised me wrongly. It\'s also Xiao Gong\'s credit."

"Ha ha, I\'m really ashamed of this, but it\'s selfish for a while, but I\'m glad to have such good results."

Everyone sighed a few words and dispersed. But Li forgot his worries and returned to the residence of kaihuafang. He was summoned into the Tai Chi Palace by the waiter sent by Li Er.

His gambling fight with Zhang Baozang in the imperial medical department has naturally been reported to Li Er by the Baiqi division.

Li Eryuan also felt that he was out of his mind when Li forgot to worry and took Liu Shenwei to compete with Zhang Baozang.

But when Li Er learned that Li forgot to worry about using penicillin to the patient, he was surprised.

As early as when Li forgetful worry operated on Li Chengqian\'s appendix in order to cure him, he reported penicillin with Li Er. At that time, he only said that Sun Simiao was developing it.

Li Er was also very excited about the efficacy described, and even allocated a lot of copper money to Sun Simiao for research.

He didn\'t expect that penicillin, which could "prevent wound infection", was developed by Sun Simiao that day.

Li Er had planned to wait and see what the effect of penicillin was, but he didn\'t expect that penicillin, which was only used to "prevent wound infection", could cure the disease of flower willow.

He immediately ordered someone to recruit the school captain into the palace and asked the doctor of Shang pharmaceutical bureau to check it again. After confirming that he was really cured, Li Er\'s heart valued penicillin a little higher.

When Baiqi came to Tongbing again, Huxian Bo wanted to use penicillin to cure Xiao Yu\'s lung disease caused by wind heat. Li Er could no longer sit still. He also ignored the fact that the twilight drum had sounded in Chang\'an City, so he ordered Mituo to send someone to find Li forgetful and enter the palace.

In the Liangyi Hall of Taiji palace, Li forgot to worry and respectfully saluted Li Er. He smiled and asked, "uncle, what\'s the matter with you in such a hurry to recruit your nephew into the palace?"

"Hum, you bastard, penicillin is so important. Why don\'t you come and communicate with me?"

Li forgot to worry and said with a smile, "Hey, uncle, the penicillin was just made by sun Laoxian, and the effect has not been determined. How can I rashly report it to my uncle? My nephew wanted to report it to my uncle when he saw the actual effect of penicillin after the competition with Zhang Baozang."

"Come on, tell me quickly what the penicillin does? You bastard are also brave. You dare to use the new drug just developed on Duke Xiao. If there\'s a good or bad, I\'ll see how you explain it." Li Er glared at him angrily.

Li forgot to worry and touched his nose: "uncle, that\'s not Xiao Gong\'s great righteousness. Can\'t you bear to see the people test the medicine for him?"

When he saw that Li Er was going to blow his beard and stare again, he quickly turned off the topic: "uncle, this penicillin is a rare good thing. In addition to what my nephew said before, it can pre send wound pus infection, but also cure all kinds of diseases..."

Li forgot his worries and told Li Er what he knew about the disease that penicillin could cure. Li Er was stunned.

"This penicillin is really a magic medicine! Ziyou, what is the price of penicillin? It may be produced on a large scale?"

Li forgot to worry and shook his head with a bitter smile. "Uncle, this is the biggest problem. Penicillin is difficult to extract and expensive. It\'s comparable to gold. It\'s really difficult to popularize."

Li Er was not very disappointed when he heard the speech, but sighed with a sigh: "since it is a divine medicine, it is rare in quantity and expensive, but it is also normal. It\'s a pity. I thought that if I could promote this medicine in the army, the casualties of my Tang officers and soldiers would be reduced by 70% or 80%. Alas, it\'s a pity."

Li forgot to worry and shook his head slowly: "uncle, this may not be..."