Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 590

Liu Shenwei recovered. He hasn\'t pierced the needle yet. What\'s the man\'s ghost name?

He was so angry that he slapped the middle-aged man on the head: "what\'s your ghost name? I haven\'t pierced it yet."

When the middle-aged man heard the speech, he was stunned and murmured, "I, I see those who sat before. After sitting up, they all shouted so loudly. I, I thought it was the rule."

His words first stunned the people and then burst into laughter, which diluted the previous tense atmosphere.

Liu Shenwei\'s face turned red with anger. He didn\'t think about it. He simply plunged the needle in his hand into the middle-aged man\'s ass.

"Ah..." this time, the middle-aged man cried out again. He could understand why those people would cry out just now. It\'s really painful.

Under the violence of Liu Shenwei, a syringe of penicillin was quickly injected into the middle-aged man.

Li Qieyou motioned him to put on his pants: "go and call your wife in and stay here for a while. If you don\'t have anything for half an hour, you\'ll break through the gate of hell. Whether you can live depends on your life."

The middle-aged man has already been psychologically prepared. For him, if he can\'t cure the disease, he will wait for death and drag down his family.

It\'s better to understand today. If you live, you\'ll pick up a life for nothing. If you really can\'t stand it, your mother-in-law and aunt can suffer less.

He knelt down respectfully and kowtowed to Li forgetful worry and Liu Shenwei, and then went out of the lobby to find his wife.

Outside the lobby, his wife had been weeping silently. Seeing that he came out, she hurriedly came forward and helped him: "what\'s the matter, Mr. Da Lang? I\'ve given you medicine. What\'s wrong with you?"

The middle-aged man nodded: "if you can live for half an hour, you may still be able to save your life. If... Hey, my mother, I\'m dragging you down. Just in case, cough... Cough, cough, marry again with some children. I, I\'ll just ask for someone good for the children, OK?"

"Dalang, what nonsense are you talking about? If you\'re gone, I\'ll naturally pull some children to grow up. If you go there, just wait for me until I raise the child, and then go to you." the woman cried bitterly. She held the middle-aged man\'s sleeve with both hands and refused to let go, as if her husband would leave her as soon as she let go.

In this way, they helped each other and stood outside the lobby of the imperial medical department, crying and talking, which made Li forget worry and others feel bad.

Liu Shenwei even felt that the corners of his eyes were wet. He couldn\'t help asking, "Ziyou, if there is really an allergic reaction you said, can\'t you save it?"

Li forgets worry and slowly shakes his head. What can Datang do to save him with this medical condition?

He really couldn\'t bear to see the couple again. He simply turned his head, arched his hands at Xiao Yu and said, "Xiao Gong, I think those patients can recover in three or two days, or four or five days. Xiao Gong can continue to take soup medicine these days. When he sees the effect in a few days, he can rest assured."

To his surprise, the old man Xiao Yu suddenly rolled up his sleeve: "come on, give me that skin test!"

"Xiao Gong, what do you mean?" Li forgot to worry for a moment.

"I don\'t have to wait for those patients to be cured by injection and penicillin injection. I\'ve been aboveboard all my life, but I almost made a big mistake today. Since those people can use the medicine, why can\'t I use it? It\'s disgusting to let people test the medicine for me! Ha ha, but I don\'t regret it. If I can cure those patients, it\'s also a good story. Come on, Liu Fengyu, give it to me I\'ll have a skin test! "

Xiao Yu\'s words surprised Zhang Baocang, the imperial doctor and others, and spoke one after another to dissuade them.

"Xiao Gong, no, but wait a few more days. It\'s not too late to use the medicine when the effect comes out."

"Xiao Gong thinks twice. Penicillin is a new drug. I\'d better wait."

Xiao Xuan shook his head firmly: "I\'m already ashamed to let the people test the medicine. Don\'t persuade me again. Since the people can use the medicine, why can\'t I use it? Liu Fengyu, please give me a skin test."

Liu Shenwei hesitated and gave a needle to the people, which is different from giving a needle to a big man like Xiao Yu.

But Li forgot to worry and solemnly bowed to Xiao Xiang: "Xiao Gong is righteous! This penicillin is a good medicine, which can live countless people. Since Xiao Gong dares to test the medicine for all the people in the world, are we not responsible?"

He turned to look at Liu Shenwei: "brother Shenwei, please have a skin test for Xiao Gong. If there is any accident, I should apologize to the saint."

Li forgot to worry about this, but Liu Shenwei\'s eyes were almost red: "Ziyou, what are you talking about? The medicine is for me. Naturally, it\'s my responsibility. What\'s your business? Go away. It has nothing to do with you!"

With that, he pushed Li forgetful worry aside, picked up alcohol and began to disinfect Xiao Yu\'s wrist.

Xiao Xuan laughed: "ha ha, what does this have to do with you two? I asked you to use this medicine. If there is any problem, I will bear it myself. Listen, everyone. If I use the medicine, but anything happens, it has nothing to do with Huxian uncle and Liu Fengyu, please prove it at that time."

Xiao Yu\'s words moved the teachers and students of the imperial medical department one after another, and all bowed to him: "Xiao Gong is righteous!"

At this point, Zhang Baozang and the imperial doctor\'s order can only look at each other, sigh and stop.

Liu Shenwei stabilized his mind. It was rare for him to move gently. He stabbed the needle into the skin above Xiao Yu\'s wrist and injected some penicillin.

A doctor from the imperial medical department came forward and helped Xiao to sit down and rest. In the lobby, the atmosphere seemed a little tense.

A quarter of an hour later, Li forgot to worry and came forward to check. He couldn\'t help breathing.

Negative, no response!

He held his excitement and nodded at Liu Shenwei: "brother Shenwei, negative!"

All the teachers and students of the imperial medical department clapped their hands when they heard the speech. The tense atmosphere in the lobby was relaxed.

"Xiao Gong, please untie your trouser belt and I\'ll give you medicine and needles." Liu Shenwei also took a breath and smiled at Xiao.

Xiao Xuan laughed: "unexpectedly, I have to undress in public. What are you staring at me for? I\'m not the little lady of pingkang square. Go away!"

His jokes made everyone laugh and embarrassed to come and stare at the old man\'s ass.

After Liu Shenwei gave Xiao Xuan penicillin, he asked: "Xiao Gong, please continue to take the mulberry apricot soup, drink more warm water, eat less spicy food, keep warm and prevent catching cold. In a few days, this disease of wind heat invading the lung should be cured."

"OK, OK, I want to see how Taoist sun\'s magic medicine works. Ha ha."

Li forgot to worry and let Xiao Yu rest in the lobby for a quarter of an hour. Seeing that there was no adverse reaction, he was ready to send him out.

Just holding Xiao Yu to the outside of the hall, he heard a doctor from the imperial medical department suddenly exclaim: "no..."