Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 589

Several patients who received skin test had negative reaction and could receive penicillin injection.

But the only middle-aged man who coughed more than once had a flush on his arm. This was a positive reaction of penicillin. Naturally, he could not continue the injection, otherwise he would die.

Li Qieyou shook his head regretfully: "this patient, please go back. This penicillin is not suitable for injection treatment."

Hearing that he could not accept Liu Shenwei\'s treatment, the middle-aged man flopped and knelt down to Li Qieyou, coughing and kowtowing.

"Your grace, your grace, help me, cough and cough... The villain is willing to test the medicine. No matter what the consequences are, the villain is willing. Please don\'t let the villain go back and lie down and die like this. Cough and cough... Cough, the villain would rather test the medicine, even if it kills him."

Li forgot to worry and shook his head.

If the penicillin skin test is positive, you can\'t continue to inject, otherwise you\'re not saving people, but harming people.

Anaphylactic shock can really kill people.

Li forgets worry, but he remembers that when he was a child, his mother had a colleague who died of anaphylactic shock because of penicillin injection. This matter has been mentioned by my mother from time to time after many years. Although it was a very unexpected small probability, since the skin test showed a positive reaction, we must not continue the injection.

However, no matter how Li forgot to worry about refusing, the middle-aged man just begged and banged his head.

Liu Shenwei looked at the man and understood his mood.

Had it not been for Xiao Yu\'s rich family, there would have been doctors from the imperial medical department and the Shangyao Bureau for diagnosis and treatment at any time. I\'m afraid that the disease of wind heat invading the lung would really be fatal if he took all kinds of soup and medicine.

These ordinary people only have LU Yan medical workers who sit in the medicine shop to see a doctor. Let\'s not mention the medical skills. It\'s difficult to bear the cost of seeing a doctor and getting medicine alone.

It is no exaggeration to say that pneumonia in Datang is not an incurable disease, but the folk cure of pneumonia is not much different from the incurable disease. It is probably waiting to die.

"Ziyou, are you sure it\'s positive? Didn\'t you tell me that another reaction of skin test is false positive?" Liu Shenwei asked in a low voice.

Li was stunned by his words. He did tell Liu Shenwei that the skin test results were mostly negative, positive and false positive.

In fact, there are not many people who are allergic to penicillin. He seems to remember that only about 10% of Huaxia\'s skin tests showed positive reactions, and most of them are false positive. The proportion of people who are really allergic to penicillin is only about 1%.

But he only knows what it is and doesn\'t know why.

In addition to knowing that no reaction is negative at all, you can inject. Where do you know what kind of reaction is false positive? What is positive?

To be on the safe side, Li forget worry naturally attributed all the skin test reactions to positive and did not give injections. This is the safest way.

"This..." Li forgot to worry for a moment, and didn\'t know how to answer.

He looked at the middle-aged man\'s arm carefully again. Only a blush appeared. It seemed that there were no other symptoms.

Li forgot his worries and hesitated for a moment. He didn\'t know what to do.

The middle-aged man begged hard, and even Xiao Yu couldn\'t bear it: "Huxian uncle, is this man really unable to apply medicine for treatment? I think he\'s very pitiful. You\'ll send him back, and I\'m afraid he\'ll live soon. It\'s better to write a life and death contract, ask him to sign a pledge, and then Liu Fengyu let go of the treatment. If something unbearable happens, it\'s no wonder Huxian uncle and Liu Fengyu."

Xiao Yu\'s words fell in the middle-aged man\'s ears. He quickly replied, "I\'m willing, cough, cough, cough... As long as you are willing to treat, even if you can\'t cure it, there will be no complaints in case of an accident."

At this point, Li forgot to worry. He simply crossed his heart, gritted his teeth and nodded and agreed.

"Well, go and find your family members and explain the risks of treatment. If there is an accident, you can\'t blame me."

"This is nature, this is nature, thank you." the middle-aged man quickly got up from the ground and ran to the lobby of the imperial medical department to call his family.

Soon, a woman followed the middle-aged man into the lobby. The tears on her face had not been erased, so she knelt down to Li forgetful worry and others: "please let go to heal my husband, life and death. If anything happens, the people and women will have no complaints."

This is obviously the mother-in-law and aunt of a middle-aged man. For her words, Li Qieyou can only shake his head and sigh.

Now, we have to try hard to see if the middle-aged man\'s life is hard or not.

If it is a false positive reaction, there is naturally no problem. If it is a true positive reaction, once penicillin anaphylactic shock occurs, it is really difficult to save the immortal. We can only watch the middle-aged man die.

He again explained the possible reaction after penicillin injection to the couple. Finally, the doctor of the imperial medical department was asked to help the middle-aged couple write a life and death contract and let them press their fingerprints.

After tossing for a while, Li forgot to worry and motioned the woman to step down. Liu Shenwei began to prepare to give drugs to a group of patients with pneumonia.

It was still the same process, although these patients were surprised to take off their pants in public. But where did they dare not obey, they could only blush their old faces, take turns to take turns under the gaze of hundreds of people, take off their pants and let Liu Shenwei have an injection.

Xiao Yu was also watching. Naturally, he saw him for the first time. He was very confused.

The imperial doctor\'s order on one side had been seen twice. He knew something about it, so he quickly explained to Xiao Yu: "the new drug developed by Xiao Gong and sun Laoxian is different from ordinary. The needle is hollow. You can directly inject the drug into the patient\'s body through this bamboo tube."

"Is this medicine really so magical?"

"I don\'t know about other diseases. But the willow infected by a former school captain did recover in two days. Both the officer and the people in the imperial medical department can testify."

Xiao Yu nodded and continued to watch Liu Shenwei give the patient an injection.

It was still such a rude move. Li forgot to worry. He was ashamed. He didn\'t see it.

Even Xiao Yu, who was watching, couldn\'t help but frown with the patient\'s painful expression. Obviously, he was surprised by Liu Shenwei\'s injection method.

Several patients with pneumonia successfully completed the injection, and it was the middle-aged man\'s turn.

Li forgot to worry, hesitated again and again, nodded to Liu Shenwei and motioned to continue injecting penicillin.

Everyone was nervous at this time. For a moment, no one spoke in the lobby of the imperial medical department. They all stared at Liu Shenwei and the middle-aged man nervously.

This made Liu Shenwei a little nervous. He held a syringe and gesticulated on the middle-aged man\'s ass for a long time, but he didn\'t stick it down.

People\'s eyes also moved back and forth several times with the needle tube in Liu Shenwei\'s hand. When he was nervous, he heard the middle-aged man suddenly howl, which frightened Liu Shenwei\'s hands and almost didn\'t stab the needle into the back of his hand