Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 588

"Wait, Huxian uncle and Xiao Gong have the same identity as Xiao Ke. How many people have used penicillin? You are so bold and dare to use it on Xiao Gong? If there is a mistake, can Huxian uncle bear the responsibility? Liu Fengyu, I ask you, can there be a precedent for the diseases that Huxian uncle said that penicillin can cure? How many patients have been cured?"

Zhang Baocang\'s query is not wrong. Although Xiao Yu is now just the Prime Minister of Li Er, he is not an ordinary person.

Born in his capacity, you can\'t take it lightly.

Zhang Baocang said this, but let Liu Shenwei not be old face red, Zhang Zhang mouth, half day did not speak.

Although he was not angry about the treasure, as a kind man, he could not tell a lie. Liu Shenwei was asked to talk nonsense without conscience and guarantee that penicillin had countless people alive. He couldn\'t tell the lie.

Zhang Baozang is old and refined. When he sees Liu Shenwei\'s appearance of Ai Ai, he doesn\'t understand it.

I\'m afraid this penicillin hasn\'t been used in the patient at all? Even if it was to cure the captain, it was the first time to use it.

He guessed that it was the first time penicillin was used on patients to cure the school captain. Although the effect is surprisingly good, how can we say that penicillin can cure the diseases claimed by Li forget worry?

For Zhang Baocang\'s criticism, Li forget worry also has some egg pain.

Nima, if he is an ordinary patient, he dares to pat his chest and say it can be cured. But Xiao Yu\'s status is noble. He can\'t guarantee with such empty teeth. His words are groundless.

But it\'s hard for Li to forget about it. He is determined to treat Xiao Yu with penicillin.

"Ha ha, Mr. treasure is old and prudent, which is not wrong. But as Mr. treasure said, this penicillin has not been used in patients with wind heat invading the lung. But..."

Li Qieyou said here and paused deliberately.

His words made Xiao Yu look cold. Naturally, he refused to try the new drug and become a "white mouse". But when he heard Li forgetting worry, a glimmer of hope rose in his heart. He quickly spoke and asked, "Huxian uncle, but what?"

"But it\'s not difficult to prove it." Li forgot to worry and said with a smile: "in Chang\'an City, there are naturally many patients suffering from wind heat invading the lung. As long as you find some patients who are willing to let Liu Fengyu treat them and inject penicillin, Duke Xiao can see the effect in a few days. At that time, Duke Xiao can rest assured and let Liu Fengyu take the medicine boldly?"

Li forgot to worry about these words, but it made Xiao Yu\'s eyes brighten and couldn\'t help nodding: "Huxian uncle, if so, I\'d like to!"

Zhang Baozang\'s face is black. That\'s not what he meant.

If you really find those patients and are cured by penicillin, don\'t you make trouble for yourself?

He and Li forget worry and bet that who will cure more patients in ten days.

Nowadays, most patients are looking for Zhang Baozang to see a doctor. How can he give such an opportunity to make Li forget worry add many "war fruits"?

But before Zhang Baozang came up with a reason to stop it, he heard the imperial doctor\'s order applauding: "OK, it\'s very good! Let\'s hand it over to the imperial medical department. Please wait a moment. I\'ll let the doctors go to those Li Fang to find the patients suffering from wind heat invading the lung and bring them to Liu Fengyu for treatment."

There are more than 100 medical doctors in the imperial medical department alone. In Datang, it is not easy to become a doctor recognized by the court.

After completing the basic courses such as Su Wen and Shen Nong\'s herbal classic, we will study professional courses in different subjects. According to the six classics of the Tang Dynasty, "physical therapy takes seven years, less small and sore for five years, and the disease of ears, eyes, mouth and teeth combined with horn method takes two years."

In other words, these doctors have to study in the imperial medical department for two to seven years according to their disciplines.

Moreover, the requirements of the imperial medical department are strict. There are examinations every month, every quarter and every year. According to the six classics of the Tang Dynasty, "a doctor\'s monthly test, a doctor\'s order, a prime minister\'s test, and a prime minister\'s year-end general test are too often. If you see an official too much, you\'ll listen to the replacement. If you don\'t succeed in learning for nine years, you\'ll retreat from your true colors."

If you can\'t learn it for nine years, you\'ll be expelled!

This is much more stringent than later universities.

Learning medicine is not a dead study. You must have enough clinical experience. But where is the imperial medical department? It\'s all for officials. How dare these doctors who are still studying to see patients?

Therefore, the doctors of the imperial medical department were arranged to go to the medicine shops in each lane of Chang\'an city to see a doctor.

Although the doctors of the imperial medical department are medical students, they have received formal medical education and training, and their level is much better than those Lu Yan medical workers.

These doctors of the imperial medical department went to Lifang medicine shop for internship and treatment, which is naturally loved by the people of Chang\'an city. They are also very clear about the patients in each lane of Chang\'an city.

As soon as the imperial doctor ordered this, several medical doctors immediately stood up, bowed and said, "go back to the imperial doctor\'s order, Xiao Gong, Huxian Bo and Liu Fengyu. I know a patient with lung disease caused by wind heat. His family is poor and has no money for treatment. If Liu Fengyu is willing to treat him, he will."

"I also know a patient with wind heat invading the lung..."

The words of several doctors made Xiao Yu overjoyed and turned his expectant eyes to Li forgetful.

Of course, Li forgets worry and will not refuse. He smiles and nods: "please go and invite those patients quickly. You can test the medicine today. If you hurry, you can see the effect in two or three days."

The imperial doctor immediately nodded, arranged a carriage for the doctors, and asked them to find the patients to come to the imperial doctor\'s office.

The doctors immediately took orders and trotted out. After a while, the carriages arranged by the imperial medical department turned around one after another and brought back four or five patients.

These patients are ordinary people in Chang\'an city. They have no money to treat after suffering from wind heat invading the lung. They basically belong to the state of waiting for death.

I heard that Feng Yu of Shangyao bureau is willing to help them treat for free. There is no reason to disagree.

As for what medicine to use, whether it is a new drug or not, they don\'t care at all.

Anyway, left and right are waiting to die. They are naturally willing to try.

Zhang Baozang, with a gloomy face, diagnosed the pulse of these days one by one, and determined that they were indeed equivalent to Xiao Yu\'s disease, which was caused by wind heat invading the lung.

Liu Shenwei also diagnosed the people and nodded to Li forgetful, "Ziyou, these people have the same symptoms, just like Xiao Gong."

"Well, let\'s give them a skin test first."

Li forgets worry without hesitation. Although it seems immoral to experiment with the people, in fact, in terms of the medical conditions of Datang, his willingness to treat these people waiting to die already belongs to the heart of Bodhisattva.

Even if there was an accident during the treatment, the sick family members could not say a word except kowtow and thank them.

Medical trouble? Don\'t think about it. It\'s determined that it can\'t happen in Datang.

Under Xiao Xuan\'s earnest gaze, Liu Shenwei once again conducted a penicillin skin test for the five or six patients in front of everyone.

However, the accident happened