Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 585

Then an old man was invited in. Li forgot to worry. He didn\'t know him, but it can be seen from his official clothes that he was an official of the six grades of the Tang Dynasty.

Zhang Baocang gave the old man a pulse diagnosis and determined that he had a disharmony between the spleen and stomach, a deficiency and fullness of the flanks, and Qi dysentery.

"Your disease is Qi dysentery, but it\'s not difficult to treat it. You can recover by taking the decoction of milk." Zhang Baocang said with a smile.

The old official naturally thanked him again and again, but this dysentery was not easy to cure.

At least many doctors of the imperial medical department failed to treat the disease repeatedly, so today he heard that Zhang Baozang and Liu Fengyu were attending the imperial medical department, so he hurried to seek medical advice.

Seeing that Zhang Baocang said he could cure it, he was naturally overjoyed and hurriedly asked Zhang Baocang to prescribe a prescription for him.

Zhang Baozang was not in a hurry, but twisted his beard and smiled: "no hurry, today I\'m trying medicine with Liu Fengyu and Huxian bobi. You\'d better ask Liu Fengyu to diagnose and treat you again."

Naturally, the old official could only obey Zhang Baozang\'s orders and ask Liu Shenwei to diagnose and treat him again.

Qi dysentery is not a disease that penicillin can cure, but Liu Shenwei is naturally not a quack. As Sun Simiao\'s eldest disciple, Qi dysentery can\'t defeat him.

But as mentioned before, there is only one patient. Who will treat it naturally depends on how the patient chooses.

After a little hesitation, the old official saluted Liu Shenwei and Li forgetful, and asked Zhang Baocang to write a prescription for himself.

It\'s not that he doesn\'t trust Liu Shenwei, but that he trusts Zhang Baozang more.

For one thing, although Liu Shenwei was a royal servant of Shangyao Bureau, Zhang Baocang was more famous as a miracle doctor. His disciple Geng Hong was also a royal servant of Shangyao Bureau before.

Second, doctors, especially traditional Chinese medicine, are always popular as they get older. Even in later generations, patients are still more willing to see an old traditional Chinese medicine.

In this regard, Li forget worry can only helplessly shrug his shoulders and refuse to comment.

Zhang Baocang was proud to twist his beard when he sent away the grateful old official, and a group of teachers and students of the imperial medical department were busy recording Zhang Baocang\'s prescriptions with paper and pen.

But let Li forget to worry, did not expect that the next day, it was almost the same.

All patients chose to ask Zhang Baozang to see them.

This makes the expression on Zhang Baozang\'s face more and more proud, but Liu Shenwei has nothing to do about it.

"Ziyou, your decision is unreliable. All the patients go to see the old thief. If it goes on like this, you and I will lose in ten days!"

Li Qieyou was also depressed. He really didn\'t expect this. I didn\'t expect that I had made a dragon killing knife like penicillin, but it was useless.

Those patients would rather go to the old man Zhang Baozang for treatment than let Liu Shenwei treat them not far away.

Even some patients can recover in a day or two after injection of penicillin, but it is useless to let Li forget his worries and break his mouth.

Li forgets to worry that he is too big because he has penicillin in his hand. If you had known this, you should see a patient with Zhang Baozang alone, and you wouldn\'t have come to the point where there are no patients for consultation.

For a whole day, he and Liu Shenwei could only look at the patients and ran to the old man Zhang Baocang for medical treatment. Even the teachers and students of the imperial medical department gathered behind Zhang Baozang, holding paper and pen, and carefully recorded, for fear of missing the opportunity to learn from famous doctors.

Until the evening drum sounded and everyone was ready to disperse, the old man Zhang Baocang stood up with the help of his disciples.

After all, he is a 70 year old man. In the past, he saw so many patients in one day, but he was very tired.

However, even if the body is tired, Zhang Baocang\'s mood is quite happy. Looking at Li forgetful and Liu Shenwei, he doesn\'t forget to ridicule.

"How did Huxian uncle and Liu Fengyu achieve today? Oh, I forgot. Today you two only saw one Hualiu patient. Ha ha, it\'s really interesting. Hualiu can also be cured. I\'m looking forward to the recovery of the school captain."

For Zhang Baocang\'s sarcastic words, it is rare that Li forget you didn\'t return. He just looked away from the old man calmly and took the aggrieved Liu Shenwei away quickly.

Now the situation is better than people. It\'s meaningless to say more words. It\'s just a joke.

Li forget worry can only pray that tomorrow\'s patients don\'t pit their father so much and give themselves and Liu Shenwei a chance to play.

However, the situation remained the same the next day, except that when the school captain came for another injection, he attracted the onlookers of teachers and students of the imperial medical department for a while. At other times, there was almost no one around Li forgetful and Liu Shenwei.

Those patients who can\'t be cured by the imperial medical department on weekdays, when they learn that Zhang Baozang, a famous doctor, is coming for his name.

Even if there is a disease that Zhang Baozang cannot cure, Liu Shenwei also has no choice.

Most of these are old-age chronic diseases, which makes Li forgetful who holds penicillin helpless.

After all, penicillin is only an antibiotic, not a real panacea. It can cure all diseases. Penicillin really doesn\'t have any effect on those elderly chronic diseases.

At the end of the day, Liu Shenwei was better than yesterday. At least two or three patients still believed that the Shangyao Bureau was in the name of the emperor and asked Liu Shenwei to see him.

On Zhang Baozang\'s side, more than a dozen patients sought medical advice.

Not to mention the number of patients eventually cured, just the number of patients treated here. Now Zhang Baozang is 30 or 40, while Li forget worry and Liu Shenwei are only three or four.

This naturally made Zhang Baocang laugh more and more proud. Before going out, he didn\'t forget to tease Li forgetful: "Huxian uncle, don\'t forget that ten thousand liang of gold. Although I\'m not greedy for money, someone has to give me ten thousand liang of gold, but I don\'t respect it. Huxian uncle\'s family has a great cause. It\'s said in Chang\'an that there are Jinshan and Yinshan in Huxian uncle\'s house. I want to lose some gold to me. It\'s nothing for Huxian uncle, ha ha."

Liu Shenwei was so angry with the old man that he almost wanted to roll up his sleeves. Instead, Li forgot to worry and grabbed him. He said calmly, "haven\'t you heard of Mr. treasure? As the saying goes, winning first is not winning, and then winning is gold. I\'ll see you in ten days."

Li forgets to worry about the surface is very calm, in fact, his heart has been too anxious.

He has been thinking that if this is still the case tomorrow, he has to go to Chumo and others to help him arrange some patients for consultation and become a "medical care".

Otherwise, if you lose like this, you will not only lose your wife, but also accompany the soldiers. What you originally planned will be ruined.

But no one expected that on the third day, when people gathered in the lobby of the imperial medical department again and were preparing to start today\'s consultation, they rushed into a person from outside the gate of the imperial medical department. While running, they shouted: "miracle doctor, miracle doctor! It\'s true that the miracle doctor is alive! The Taoist ancestor is alive, please accept a worship!"

This movement not only made the patients waiting for treatment in the imperial medical department look at one after another, but also hundreds of teachers and students of the imperial medical department in the lobby