Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 584

In fact, in Datang, skin test for patients is also a risky thing.

Not to mention the crude homemade penicillin, even in later China, when the early medical conditions were not perfect, patients died and anaphylactic shock. Among these fatal patients, 25% of them died due to shock reaction during skin test.

Of course, compared with the patients saved by penicillin, this side effect can only be ignored.

In Datang, many diseases have no penicillin, and the death rate is 100%. This is also the basis for Li forgetful to use penicillin directly to cure people.

Anyway, you don\'t need penicillin to die. It\'s better to have a fight. There\'s a good chance of survival.

After giving the captain a skin test, Li forgot to worry and was a little nervous.

This is the first time penicillin is used. No one can tell what will happen.

Although anaphylactic shock and even death are rare in skin test, they are small probability events.

But if it does appear, there is really no way. We can only watch the captain die.

After all, in case of anaphylactic shock, later patients can be injected with adrenaline for first aid. But Datang has a fart of adrenaline. If something happens, you can\'t do anything but watch.

Fortunately, a quarter of an hour later, there was no response at the place where the skin test was carried out on the inner side of the captain\'s arm, which means that the skin test is negative and can be injected.

If there are local bulges, redness and lumps, it is a positive reaction, and penicillin cannot be injected.

Li forgot to worry about carefully looking at the captain\'s arm and nodded to Liu Shenwei: "brother Shenwei, negative, you can inject."

He had already taught Liu Shenwei about the common sense of penicillin injection.

Liu Shenwei nodded and took out the bamboo syringe again to prepare for injection.

"Come here, take off your pants, expose your hips and sit on this stool on your side."

Liu Shenwei\'s words made the school captain stupid.

Is this really healing?

He even thought of the good of Longyang in the army... Although he was not good at that, he knew it roughly.

After listening to Liu Shenwei\'s words, the school captain not only didn\'t untie his trouser belt, but also squeezed his trouser head with his hand and looked at Liu Shenwei with a wary face: "Liu, Liu Fengyu, you have to take off your pants for treatment?"

Not to mention the captain\'s ignorance, the 200 teachers and students of the imperial medical department in the lobby were also ignorant. Zhang Baozang was also confused.

Take off your pants for treatment? Who has seen this?

But Liu Fengyu is as good as Longyang, but he won\'t show it in front of more than 200 people, will he?

Liu Shenwei didn\'t react yet. What did the captain and the people mean by their eyes? Seeing the captain\'s tardiness, he shouted impatiently, "hurry up, what\'s the ink? Do you want to treat the disease?"

When he shouted, the captain was very helpless. He listened to his orders, untied his trouser belt, took off his trousers, and sat on the stool reluctantly.

Naturally, all the teachers and students of the imperial medical department came and surrounded Li forgetful, Liu Shenwei and the school captain.

Although they were all men, they exposed their ass and were surrounded by hundreds of people, which also turned the captain\'s face green.

But as a patient, there is really no "human rights" to talk about at this time. He can only bear it. Once his eyes are closed, he should not know.

Naturally, only Liu Shenwei can do such a thing as giving an injection to the patient.

Of course, how to give an injection is also what Li forgetful taught Liu Shenwei. In fact, where does Li forget to worry? At most, I know to empty the air in the syringe before injection.

He doesn\'t study medicine. The so-called injection experience is just his experience of being injected in the hospital. I\'ve seen how the nurses operate.

Li forgot to worry too much. He probably explained how to inject medicine into the patient, so he asked Niu Wu to catch a pig and Liu Shenwei to experiment by himself.

Liu Shenwei is also helpless about Li forget worry, an unreliable teaching method. However, he can only stick needles in the pig\'s ass according to Li forgetful.

Today, Liu Shenwei also rushed to the shelves and used a needle on a living person for the first time.

If the school captain knew that Liu Fengyu had only been injected into the pig\'s ass before, would he jump up and run away with his pants?

If we want to go to future generations, such unreliable medical practices as Li forgetful and Liu Shenwei will definitely be arrested and sentenced to illegal medical practice.

Fortunately, it was 1300 years ago. Not only did no one bother them, but all the teachers and students of the highest Medical University in Datang also stared at Liu Shenwei\'s every move with curious eyes.

Liu Shenwei wiped the captain\'s ass with alcohol, did not hesitate to lift the syringe and prick it down, roughly pressed the syringe and injected the medicine into the captain\'s body.

Rao Shi, the school captain, was also a man who had experienced a sea of knife mountain blood and didn\'t frown by the knife. He cried out in pain, and the sweat on his forehead immediately dropped.

Li forgot to worry and looked at Liu Shenwei\'s operation. He was also in a cold sweat.

Paralyzed, Wan has been ill all his life. He can\'t let this product inject himself. It\'s really scary!

How gentle is the injection of the younger sister of future nurses? Even skilled nurses don\'t feel much about injections.

Liu Shenwei\'s goods are good. He moves fiercely. It\'s like killing his father with the school captain. It\'s too scary.

In the syringe made of bamboo, Liu Shenwei pushed the medicine to the end, and then pulled out the gold needle with great pride.

Li forgot to worry and dared to swear that the place where the needle was inserted on the captain\'s ass was bleeding

Liu Shenwei took off the gold needle and put it into alcohol to soak and disinfect according to Li forgetful\'s instructions.

There\'s no way. In three days, the craftsman who will be the supervisor made three gold needles. Besides, it\'s made of gold. It can\'t be used as a disposable, can it? It can only be reused after disinfection.

It\'s a bamboo syringe. It\'s not rare. Liu Shenwei threw it aside.

"Well, come back at this time tomorrow and beat penicillin for several days. Your flower willow will be fine. But remember, you can\'t have a room before you get well. Also, don\'t go to the place of fireworks in the future! Get into this dirty disease!" Liu Shenwei taught him rudely.

The captain naturally nodded again and again. After thanking Li forgetful and Liu Shenwei again and again, he limped to the outside. I can\'t be lame. My ass really hurts

After the captain left, a group of students from the imperial medical department immediately started the curious baby mode, and all kinds of problems were thrown out.

"Liu Fengyu, that\'s all right? No more medicine?"

"Is this penicillin so magical? In a few days, it can cure willows?"

"Liu Fengyu, what is this bamboo tube?"

"Liu Fengyu..."

For this situation, Zhang Baozang\'s face was as heavy as water, but he just snorted coldly: "hum, I don\'t know what it is. You will believe such nonsense? I will never believe that penicillin can have such an effect. What kind of injection is even more inexplicable! When did such a treatment appear in the ancient books of doctors?"

Li forgot to worry and didn\'t bother to refute. It\'s no use. I\'ll see you in a few days!

After making a fuss for a long time, Zhang Baozang asked the imperial doctor to order him to invite the next patient to come in for consultation