Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 586

Shouting "miracle doctor" rushed in, it was the captain who was infected with willows and had been penicillin for two days.

Li forgets sorrow and Liu Shenwei are also stunned. What does this goods shout mean? Has his flower willow disease healed?

The crowd watched in surprise and saw that the school captain ran to Li forgetful and Liu Shenwei and knelt down directly to them: "Huxian uncle, Liu Fengyu, they are really great doctors! I\'m good, I\'m good! I\'m really cured! Who says there\'s no medicine for this flower willow disease? Bah, blind his dog eye!"

When the captain finished, he turned his head and stared at Zhang treasure with resentment. His eyes were full of contempt.

Even Li QIAOYOU was stunned by his words.

Is the penicillin produced by Sun Simiao so effective? Gonorrhea has only been injected for two days?

Where did he know that patients with gonorrhea for the first time, even in later generations, can recover only after injection of penicillin in three or four days. For these people in Datang, they have never used antibiotics, which has an immediate effect, and its effect is not comparable to that of future generations.

When Liu Shenwei heard the speech, his face also changed. He hurriedly pulled the school captain to feel his pulse, and even asked the school captain to untie his trouser belt and take off his trousers to check.

The teachers and students of the imperial medical department were also shocked by the words of the school captain. The disease of flowers and willows, in everyone\'s cognition, is incurable.

Before, Li forgets worry and Liu Shenwei said that it can be cured. In fact, people don\'t believe it.

Even after witnessing Liu Shenwei injecting the captain twice, they still didn\'t believe it. He was even more skeptical of the penicillin mentioned by Li forgetful worry and felt that it was exaggerated.

This is not to blame for all the teachers and students of the imperial medical department. If any doctor later claimed that he had divine medicine to cure cancer, he only needed a few injections. Similarly, no one would believe it.

Instead of laughing like Zhang Baozang, it is already the respect for Li forgetful, the founder, and the Royal respect for Liu Shenwei, the Shangyao Bureau.

More than two hundred people gathered around and surrounded the school captain. Their hot eyes, like studying rare treasures, threw themselves at the school captain\'s lower body.

This time, the school captain didn\'t feel embarrassed. Instead, he showed his lower body proudly like a fierce soldier showing off his merits. He turned left and right and showed it to the public.

Li forgot to worry and was speechless. He really didn\'t see it and turned around quickly.

However, Liu Shenwei and a group of teachers and students from the imperial medical department all saw it carefully for fear of missing a little detail.

"Tut Tut, there is no redness, swelling and erosion. The previous erosion has scabbed and fallen off, and new meat has grown. The flower willow fruit is really cured! Incredible, incredible!"

"Doctor, how to explain this? Isn\'t there no medicine for willow?"

"Maybe he was misdiagnosed before? This person is not the disease of flowers and willows?" the doctor of the imperial medical department didn\'t know how to answer.

"It\'s impossible. Both Mr. treasure and Liu Fengyu are definitely diagnosed. Two days ago, this person\'s lower body was erosive, red and swollen, not a flower willow disease. What is it? Will Mr. treasure still make a wrong diagnosis?"

"Mr. treasure said that there was no medicine for flowers and willows. The school captain only worked for two days. Why did the flowers and willows recover?"

"This..." they couldn\'t discuss it with each other, so they turned to Zhang Baozang to see how Zhang Baozang, who has no medicine for flowers and willows, answered.

When the captain ran in, Zhang Baocang naturally heard his words. He couldn\'t help clicking in his heart and felt that things were bad.

At this time, he didn\'t care so much. With the help of his disciples, he stood up, separated the crowd and crowded next to the school captain.

The old man couldn\'t help but pull the captain\'s hand to feel his pulse. After a long time, he squatted down again and looked at the captain\'s lower body carefully.

"How? Zhang Baocang, three days ago, you kept saying that there was no medicine for someone. What else can you say now? Bah, quack!" the captain\'s saliva was about to spray on Zhang Baocang\'s face.

However, although his words were ugly, Zhang Baozang retorted without words.

Three days ago, he really said that there was no medicine for flowers and willows, and even ridiculed Li forgetful and Liu Shenwei.

If the captain is serious, he will beat Zhang Baozang, and others can\'t say a word. After all, you can\'t see a good disease and can\'t be cured. You also dissuade patients from going to other people for treatment, or even ridicule, which is very annoying.

If you want to change to a general doctor, the school captain may really have to beat him up.

In other words, because Zhang Baozang was old, and because he was once the Minister of Honglu temple, he didn\'t give him an old fist.

Zhang Baozang has nothing to say in the face of this iron fact. He still doesn\'t understand why the disease of flowers and willows can be cured. The mockery of the captain was silent, and the disciples helped him back to his position.

The teachers and students of the Imperial College of medicine were still skeptical about penicillin. Now the facts are in front of us. Who can not believe it?

The captain sentenced to "death" by Zhang Baozang miraculously recovered after only two shots, which had no less spiritual impact on everyone than the atomic bomb explosion.

After the captain put on his clothes again and thanked Li forgetful and Liu Shenwei again and again, he walked out of the lobby of the imperial medical department.

"Don\'t believe Zhang Baozang, the old liar. Bah, he\'s a quack! A family accidentally caught flowers and willows, but the old liar said that there was no medicine for him. As a result, Liu Fengyu and Huxian uncle of Shangyao bureau gave him two injections, and he recovered in only two days! Liu Fengyu is a miracle doctor! You should open your eyes if you want to go in for consultation Can be deceived by those quacks! "

Facing a crowd of patients waiting in the imperial medical department and preparing to see a doctor, the school captain shouted loudly, which caused a burst of exclamation from the patients and their families.

"This gentleman, is that true?"

"Nonsense, hundreds of people in the imperial medical department have said it with their own eyes. Is it still false? If you don\'t believe it, you can ask these doctors, medical workers and doctors of the imperial medical department to see if there is any falsehood? If someone says it is false, five thunders a day, you can\'t die!"

After listening to his vows, a patient immediately asked a familiar doctor and doctor in the imperial medical department for inquiry.

Naturally, everyone in the imperial medical department answered truthfully.

Three days ago, the school captain came to the clinic and was diagnosed as Hualiu by Zhang Baozang and Liu Shenwei. Zhang Baozang said that there was no medicine to cure. It is even more true that this person has fully recovered today.

It was proved by a group of doctors and doctors in the imperial medical department that the patients waiting for consultation could not help looking at each other. Is this really true?

Isn\'t that treasure a famous doctor?

Are they just people who deceive and steal the world?

The captain\'s words made Zhang Baozang\'s disciples almost want to rush out and fight with him. Why do they feel embarrassed when they scold their teachers as old liars and quacks?

Zhang Baozang\'s face was also pale, but he still had some sense. He grabbed his disciples and wouldn\'t let them go out to cause more trouble.

This time, he really went astray. He never expected that no one in the world could cure the disease. Li forgetful and Liu Shenwei could also cure it.

What kind of penicillin is really a magic medicine?