Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 583

For Zhang Baocang\'s words, Li forgot to look up and waved directly to the school captain.

With a glimmer of hope, the school captain walked up to Li forgetful and Liu Shenwei and bowed: "please Liu Fengyu for a diagnosis and treatment."

Liu Shenwei motioned him to sit down and take a pulse for diagnosis. After some diagnosis, he nodded: "there\'s nothing wrong. It\'s really a disease of flowers and willows."

His words made the captain look ugly again, stood up silently, arched their hands again, and prepared to leave.

Li forgot his worries and said, "where are you going? I\'m not going to cure this disease?"

"What? Huxian uncle, what did you just say?" the colonel who was just about to turn around and leave was shocked by Li forgetful\'s words. He turned his head and asked, "I, can I cure this disease?"

"Of course!" Li forgot to worry and nodded affirmatively.

Isn\'t it a flower willow? In this era, there is no syphilis in China. It is probably gonorrhea. Penicillin is symptomatic!

Li forgot his worries and even secretly rejoiced. It was a coincidence that he had a good start. Flower willow is an incurable disease in ancient times, but penicillin, an antibiotic, is a good medicine for the disease.

Even Liu Shenwei was stunned by his words, came to Li forgetful worry\'s ear and asked in a low voice, "Ziyou, are you kidding? Penicillin can really cure the disease of flowers and willows?"

"Brother Shenwei, don\'t worry. Naturally, I can. I\'m sure."

When Liu Shenwei heard the speech, his face also showed joy.

But at this time, in the lobby of the imperial medical department, it was boiling with Li forgetful\'s words.

More than 200 teachers and students of the imperial medical department all whispered and talked one after another.

"Doctor, I dare to ask Huxian Bo just said that there is a precedent for curing the disease of flowers and willows?"

"Hey, I haven\'t heard of Hua Tuo\'s miraculous medicine to cure the disease of flowers and willows until now. Huxian Bo said this..." the doctor didn\'t go on, but his constant shaking of his head showed his attitude. Obviously, he didn\'t believe what Li forgot to worry said.

"Yes, I\'ve also seen many medical classics. Have you ever heard that this flower willow can be cured?"

"I\'m afraid what Huxian uncle said is untrue. Even Mr. treasure said that Hualiu can\'t be cured. Is Liu Fengyu better at medicine than Mr. treasure?"

"It\'s hard to say whether Liu Fengyu has the secret recipe for healing flowers and willows with fifteen prescriptions, which was lost by the miracle doctor Hua Tuo? Liu Fengyu\'s teacher is Sun Simiao and sun Daochang."

"Well, it\'s not impossible."

The words of the teachers and students of the imperial medical department naturally came into the school captain\'s ears, which made him suddenly freeze with the surprise on his face.

Zhang Baocang was even more excited by Li\'s forgetful words and got up: "absurd! It\'s ridiculous! How can this disease of flowers and willows be cured? Huxian Bo, how dare you talk so nonsense?"

His words made the captain lose his mind and turned to leave.

Li forgot to worry, but he didn\'t pay attention to the doubts of the people, and didn\'t hear Zhang Baocang\'s words.

He showed eight white teeth to the captain: "Sir Ben said that if you can cure it, you can cure it. Do you believe what they said and are ready to go back to die, or are you ready to let Liu Fengyu help you with the treatment? Choose for yourself."

Naturally, the captain didn\'t believe what Li forgot to worry about, but who was willing to wait for death? Even if there is only one percent hope, he hopes to cure his disease.

The school captain knelt down directly to Liu Shenwei and Li forgetful: "I treat, treat, and ask Liu Fengyu to treat me."

Li forgot to worry and said with a smile, "there\'s no need to be polite. Get up. Liu Fengyu can diagnose and treat you."

"Yes, yes, please also ask Liu Feng to give me medicine and prescribe it for me."

Li forgot to worry and waved his hand: "there\'s no need to take medicine. Just a few injections."

The school captain and everyone in the imperial medical department were stunned... How many shots? What do you mean? Is it acupuncture? Can this cure willows?

Zhang Baozang looked even more disdainful when he heard the speech: "absurd. Acupuncture can cure the disease of flowers and willows? It\'s nonsense! Imperial medical order, you are also a medical student. Have you ever heard of it?"

The imperial doctor slowly shook his head. Even in ancient books and legends, he had never heard of such a thing. It is said that Hua Tuo can cure flowers and willows. There are 15 secret prescriptions, but acupuncture can\'t cure them.

In their surprised eyes, Liu Shenwei took out a bamboo tube and put a golden needle on it.

"Come on, let\'s have a skin test first to see if you can get an injection." Li Qieyou motioned the captain to roll up his sleeve, then asked Liu Shenwei to disinfect his arm with alcohol, stabbed the needle under the inner skin of the forearm above the captain\'s wrist, and injected a little penicillin.

Before the emergence of cephalosporin, skin tests should be carried out when penicillin is injected in Huaxia hospital in order to prevent allergic shock.

The reason why skin test was needed was mainly due to the low level of Chinese medicine at that time, the insufficient purity of penicillin and the impure quality. Penicillin imported from the west at that time did not need skin test when used.

Now, the penicillin made by Sun Simiao with local method, let alone the problem of purity. I really don\'t know how many things I can get without skin test and rash injection.

After Liu Shenwei pulled out the needle, the captain and everyone were confused. This treatment method is unheard of.

The imperial doctor\'s order simply came over and bowed to Li forgetfulness: "I dare ask Huxian uncle, what are you doing?"

"Give him a skin test."

"Well, what is a skin test?"

"Hehe, to cure the disease of flowers and willows, we must inject penicillin, a divine medicine developed by sun Daochang and sun Laoxian. This penicillin is a divine medicine with a price higher than gold. It is very magical. However, this penicillin also has side effects. Not everyone can bear its power. Therefore, we must first conduct a skin test above the wrist and inside the arm. Only those who do not respond can continue to inject penicillin."

The imperial doctor\'s order was confused and didn\'t understand anything about the side effects, but it also roughly understood the meaning. It probably means that medicine is three parts of poison.

As for what kind of penicillin, of course, he had never heard of the strange name. After listening to Li forgetful worry, he became more interested and hurriedly asked, "I don\'t know Huxian Boke\'s convenience to tell me what diseases can be cured by the penicillin developed by Taoist sun?"

"Bleeding, bleeding, various blood diseases, cough, wind cold attacking the lung, wind heat invading the lung, phlegm blocking the lung, willows, seven day wind... Penicillin can cure all these diseases." Li forgot to worry about a lot of diseases. He was stunned by the imperial doctor\'s order.

These diseases he mentioned were pneumonia and septicemia in the Tang Dynasty. In order to find out the names of these diseases, he consulted Liu Shenwei for a long time before he understood the name of future diseases in the Tang Dynasty.

As for why does he know these diseases? Isn\'t there a box of finished cephalosporins from the beautiful boss?

Although he finished eating, he didn\'t lose the package and instructions.

The effect of penicillin is roughly equivalent to that of cephalosporin. He confirms which diseases can be cured by penicillin according to the instructions of cephalosporin.

Li\'s words made more than 200 teachers and students in the imperial medical department look at each other and don\'t know what to say.

If penicillin can cure so many diseases, it\'s really a magic medicine, and the price should be higher than gold.

But can such medicine really exist?

I\'m afraid it\'s not a panacea given by the gods?