Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 582

Datang imperial medical department is not only a "hospital" for hundreds of officials, but also a medical school with the earliest establishment and the largest scale in the history of the world. It has both medical treatment and teaching.

In the Tang Dynasty, there were more than 300 teachers and students in the imperial medical department.

The chief of the imperial medical department is the imperial medical order, and the deputy is the imperial medical Cheng. There are also doctors, teaching assistants, teachers and workers of the imperial medical department.

There are two departments of medicine and pharmacy in the imperial medical department. Under the medical department, there are four departments: medicine, acupuncture, massage and incantation.

Medical science naturally teaches medical skills. The acupuncture department studies acupuncture and massage. Needless to say, it studies massage and massage technology.

What makes Li forget his worries most is the mantra and prohibition department, which learns the mantra and prohibition technique that the ghost knows what to do. What surprised him more was that even Sun Simiao, the king of medicine, thought that the forbidden mantra "one of the laws of Si, the body is mysterious, detailed in its speech, and inhumane, so it can\'t be pushed and known, but the effect is beyond expression when implemented according to the law..."

Well, who makes the medicine King Sun Simiao a Taoist? It\'s understandable to believe in these things.

But Li forgot to worry and vowed that if he became ill in the future, if anyone used some bullshit curse to cure him, he would throw the man out.

After receiving Zhang Baocang\'s notice, the imperial medical order of the imperial medical department was overjoyed and immediately expressed full cooperation. The only requirement was to allow teachers and students of the medical department to watch Zhang Baocang\'s competition with Li forgetful and Liu Shenwei.

In this regard, Zhang Baozang naturally nodded and agreed. He originally wanted to come to Chang\'an city to re-establish the reputation of Zhang\'s medical skill and eliminate the negative impact brought by his disciple Geng Hong.

And Li forgets worry and Liu Shenwei, naturally there is no reason to refuse.

On the day of the competition, nearly 200 teachers and students from the medical department of the imperial medical department went out early to welcome Zhang Baozang, Li forgetful and Liu Shenwei.

Li and Liu Shenwei, led by Niu Wu and a series of episodes, rode to the imperial medical department in Taichang temple. When they saw this scene, Li was not only surprised.

This meow seems to be holding flowers and shouting "welcome, welcome, warm welcome".

Isn\'t it too enthusiastic for this medical order and a group of medical students?

He didn\'t know that even Liu Shenwei, a great doctor like Zhang Baozang, is now a Feng Yu of Shangyao Bureau. In the eyes of all the teachers and students of imperial medicine, he belongs to a great Daniel doctor.

It is an absolutely rare opportunity for such doctors to see a doctor for ten days. They naturally cherish it.

When Zhang Baocang led several disciples to the imperial medical department, the teachers and students of the imperial medical department became more and more enthusiastic. Surrounded by Zhang Baocang, they went to the imperial medical department.

"Mr. treasure, I have informed those patients to come to the imperial medical department for consultation today. But I don\'t know how Mr. treasure plans to compete with Huxian Bo and Liu Fengyu?" the imperial medical order asked attentively.

Zhang Baocang proudly looked at Li forgetful: "Huxian uncle, you say, I don\'t care."

Li forgot to worry and said with a smile, "it\'s simple. Since it\'s a competition, it\'s naturally the patient who comes in. We ask in turn, issue a prescription, and let the patient choose whose prescription to use. In short, in ten days, whoever cures more patients will win. How about Mr. treasure?"


Li forgot to worry and smiled more brightly: "in that case, let\'s start. Mr. treasure is the elder. It\'s the so-called elder comes first and the younger comes later. Then Mr. treasure will inquire first, and brother Shenwei and I will see later."

Zhang Baozang naturally had no problem with this and led the way to the lobby of the imperial medical department. In the huge lobby, Zhang Baozang, Li forgetful and Liu Shenwei sat on the left and right sides respectively, waiting for the patient\'s home for consultation.

The more than 200 teachers and students of the imperial medical department crowded the originally spacious lobby to a full capacity, which was very lively.

"The imperial doctor ordered that the patient come in." Zhang Baozang said after sitting down.

Immediately, a doctor from the imperial medical department trotted out and asked the patient to come in for consultation.

The medical students of the imperial medical department are called doctors, which makes Li forget worry very interesting.

These patients came to see a doctor today after being notified in advance by the imperial medical department. The vast majority of them were patients who had come to the imperial medical department for medical treatment before, and the imperial medical department had nothing to do with them.

The imperial medical department is not open to the people of Chang\'an city. The people who can come for consultation are all the officials of the court and their relatives, as well as the generals of the forbidden army and the petty officials of the Yamen.

The first patient was invited in by the doctor of the imperial medical department, but he was a school captain of the right guard of the forbidden army.

With a dead gray face, the captain bowed to Zhang treasure and sat down in front of several cases.

Zhang Baozang stretched out two fingers and put them on his pulse gate, but his eyebrows soon wrinkled into a ball. He inquired about the captain\'s condition again, and finally shook his head.

"Hey, you are a dirty disease! There is no medicine for the disease of flowers and willows, and I can\'t help you."

Zhang Baozang\'s words made the teachers and students of the imperial medical department shake their heads. Looking for flowers and asking willows is the pronoun of whoring and sleeping prostitutes in ancient times, and the venereal diseases in ancient times are also collectively referred to as flowers and willows.

For the disease of flowers and willows, it is said that Hua Tuo can cure it, and even that Hua Tuo can make "those who have fallen off can be reborn". It\'s impossible to think about it. Hua Tuo can do this only if he is a doctor in the future and uses cloning technology.

In short, there was no medicine for this disease in ancient times, except that Hua Tuo, a miracle doctor, was said to be able to cure flowers and willows.

In fact, the school captain had already asked all kinds of doctors, whether it was the imperial medical department or those Lu Yan medical workers in the market, and all the answers were the same.

Today, he also heard that the miracle Doctor Zhang Baozang was going to come to the imperial medical department for treatment, so he came to have a try with the hope of just in case.

Listening to Zhang Baocang\'s words, the captain\'s face became more gray. He stood up silently, bowed to Zhang Baocang, and was ready to leave.

"Wait, the school captain, why don\'t you come to Liu Fengyu for treatment?" Li forgets worry. As soon as he sees the man leaving, he quickly calls him.

When the captain heard the speech, he was surprised: "I dare ask Huxian uncle, can Liu Fengyu cure this disease?"

Li forgets worry and Liu Shenwei haven\'t spoken yet, but Zhang Baocang can\'t help laughing.

"Ha ha, I\'ve been practicing medicine for more than 60 years and haven\'t heard that the disease of flowers and willows can be cured. Huxian uncle, why do you try to be brave and let the sick family hope and be disappointed again? It\'s not the work of doctors."

Zhang Baozang\'s words made the imperial medical order of the imperial medical department, as well as the teachers and students, nod secretly and think he was right.

As a doctor, the former sages said, "whoever is a doctor has a gentle nature, will be modest, move with courtesy, be gentle, have no self arrogance, and can\'t be pretentious."

Knowing that the flower willow is an incurable disease, naturally we should not let the patient have hope and disappointment. This is indeed immoral.

Li forgot to worry but said with a smile: "Mr. treasure, you can\'t cure it. How do you know that Liu Fengyu can\'t? Don\'t neglect your illness because it\'s small, and don\'t shrink back because it\'s serious. Mr. treasure shook his head and sighed when he heard that it\'s a disease of flowers and willows. It\'s not the work of doctors."

His words made Zhang Baozang speechless, so he could only hum coldly: "hum, Huxian uncle is so clever. I want to see how you and Liu Fengyu can treat the disease of flowers and willows!"