Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 581

With the help of several disciples, Zhang Baozang said goodbye. After leaving, Sun Simiao frowned and looked at Li QIAOYOU.

"Ziyou, why are you suffering? Mr. treasure is a doctor, and I may not be able to win with him, not to mention the child of Shenwei. How did you and Shenwei win Mr. treasure?"

Li forgot to worry, but he said with a smile, "this is not old immortal sun. Do you lend me the courage?"

Sun Simiao did not understand: "what does this have to do with poverty?"

"Hey, hey, it\'s not old immortal sun. You made this penicillin. How dare I put forward such a bet?"

"Oh? Ziyou, you are so confident in penicillin? This medicine has not been used in the patient." Sun Simiao thought it was still inappropriate.

Li forgetful worry can only shrug his shoulders. The Tang Dynasty has no conditions for pharmacological experiments. There\'s nothing to say. Do clinical experiments directly. Anyway, it\'s no worse.

Just as Niu Yong was injured before, if he didn\'t have cephalosporin in his hand, wouldn\'t he have to watch Niu Yong die of inflammation?

In addition, penicillin skin test can effectively prevent allergic shock.

"Don\'t worry, immortal sun. I know how to use penicillin. I\'ll go to Chang\'an City first and tell you in detail when I come back."

Li forgot to worry and didn\'t have time to talk to Sun Simiao. He just asked Sun Simiao to prepare penicillin for him. He had to go to Chang\'an city immediately and find a craftsman who would be the supervisor to make a needle.

Without a syringe, even penicillin would be useless.

After all, the penicillin refined by Sun Simiao is a medicine, not an oral tablet. There is no other way except intramuscular injection.

Out of the obvious micro, Li forgot to worry, and directly led Niu Wu and several episodes to Chang\'an city.

Now he is familiar with the prison, and the officials and craftsmen who will be prison naturally know that Huxian Bo must want to do something new here.

Sure enough, when Li Qieyou found the craftsman and put forward his own requirements, all the craftsmen were depressed.

Who is sure that such a fine thing can be made?

An old craftsman pondered and asked, "Huxian uncle, can this be made of gold?"

Gold? Making needles? Li Qieyou felt some egg pain.

However, as long as he can make a suitable needle, he can\'t care so much. Gold is gold.

"Can you make it with gold?"

"Yes, what I want to go down is that the gold is soft. First beat the gold into gold foil, then wrap it with copper wire, beat it into the needle shape you need, and finally pull out the copper wire, which should be able to form the hollow needle you want."

Li forgets to worry about it. It\'s feasible, but he wonders, "won\'t the needle made of pure gold be very soft? Can it pierce into the human body?"

"When you go down, silver will be added to enhance the hardness."

"That\'s good. Then start making it immediately. Be sure to help me make it in three days. Sir, I will reward you very much!"

If Li forgets to worry, the craftsman naturally nods and pats his chest to ensure that it will be done in three days.

Now the craftsmen who will be the prison are willing to help Li forget worry. The biggest reason is that he gives more reward.

These craftsmen are all local craftsmen with only a meager salary every month. And help Li forget you to create those objects. Li forget you never stingy with money.

The craftsman who helped Li forget to worry polish the crystal lens of the microscope gave a hundred Guan copper coins at one time as a reward.

With such material stimulation, these craftsmen are naturally willing to work hard to help Li forget worry.

With the assurance that he would be the supervisor and craftsman, Li forgot his worries and ran to the Shangyao bureau to find Liu Shenwei and tell him what happened today.

When Liu Shenwei listened to Zhang Baozang, he was so angry that he jumped his feet and angrily scolded Zhang Baozang for his disrespect.

"Ziyou, I will try my best to compete with the old thief! I will not embarrass the teacher!" said Liu Shenwei, looking at Li forget you with some worry: "However, Ziyu, you still have some waves. You shouldn\'t bet with the old thief like this. If you lose, I don\'t deserve to be served by the Shangyao Bureau. It doesn\'t matter, but you want to lose ten thousand liang of gold and kowtow to admit your mistake with the old thief. How can you do this?"

"Hey, brother Shenwei, that\'s why you have to win." Li forgot to worry and smiled.

Liu Shenwei couldn\'t help but be a little surprised: "Ziyou, although he is confident in his brother\'s medical skills, the old thief practiced medicine all his life. His medical skills are not weaker than his teacher. I, I\'m afraid in case..."

Li forgot to worry and smiled more and more brightly: "brother Shenwei, do you remember why old immortal sun went to Dingzhou village to build Xianwei?"

Liu Shenwei didn\'t understand what he meant, but he still nodded: "naturally, it\'s to study your microscope. Ziyou, the microscope you made for your teacher is really a good thing. Hey hey, when can you make one for your brother."

Li forgot his worries and said nothing. The goods were still thinking about the microscope. He turned his eyes and said, "except the microscope?"

"In addition to the microscope? That\'s penicillin. In order to get the penicillin you said, the teacher wasted the boss\'s Kung Fu. Now..." Liu Shenwei suddenly understood and stared incredulously: "Ziyou, what do you mean, but the teacher developed penicillin?"

"Ha ha, that\'s right!" Li forgot to worry very much. He pulled out the folding fan from his waist, shuddered and shook it open, and made a feather fan like nylon: "otherwise, when I\'m full, I\'ll bet with the treasure to try my medical skills? You don\'t know what my two brushes can do. Hey hey, but with this penicillin and your medical skills, brother Shenwei will make the treasure suffer a great loss!"

Liu Shenwei nodded excitedly: "if penicillin really has the effect you said, it will make the old thief Zhang Baozang look good."

He suddenly remembered something and looked at Li QIAOYOU suspiciously: "Ziyou, why did you let the old thief lose and worship under the teacher\'s door? Didn\'t you take advantage of the old thief?"

"Hey, hey, I have my own intention. In short, it\'s not a bad thing. Besides, although this treasure is a little narrow-minded, it\'s a bit capable of medical skills. It\'s not humiliating to worship old immortal sun."

The reason why Li forgot to worry about Zhang Baocang\'s request to worship Sun Simiao as a teacher was not to humiliate him, but to see Zhang Baocang\'s disciples and grandchildren.

Every time Li forgets to worry, he feels distressed when he sees Niu Yong\'s one arm and those disabled old soldiers in Dingzhou village.

Since ancient times in China, the so-called military doctors have been unreliable. Most of the disabilities of these old soldiers are caused by quacks.

Li forgets to worry, but knows that Li Er will continue to use troops in the future. He couldn\'t stop it, so he wanted to do something for those soldiers who fought for the Tang Dynasty.

Surgery, alcohol and penicillin are all medical skills and good medicines that can save the lives of countless soldiers.

But no matter how good medical skills and medicines are, they also need people to implement them.

Datang is not a future generation. There are enough medical staff, so Li forgets worry. In addition to thinking about Sun Simiao\'s disciples, he thinks of many of Zhang Baozang\'s disciples.

As long as Zhang Baozang kowtows and worships the teacher, his disciples and grandchildren are all brought by Li forgetful sorrow?

However, these words will not be explained to Liu Shenwei.

Liu Shenwei didn\'t think much. After confirming that he wanted to compete with the treasure in three days, he simply took a leave in the Shangyao Bureau. He ran back to Dingzhou village with Li forgetful and asked his teacher Sun Simiao for advice.

Three days passed in a hurry. On the day when the two sides agreed to compete