Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 578

Sun Simiao\'s words made Li forget his worries and his voice trembled.

"Old immortal sun, what are you talking about?"

"Penicillin is the magic medicine you said. I made it according to your method, but I don\'t know how to use it. Please explain it in detail." Sun Simiao twisted his beard and smiled.

Li forgot to worry and sat down on the floor. His lips trembled. "It\'s really penicillin? Old immortal sun, it\'s no joke. Have you ever had a efficacy test?"

He gave it to Sun Simiao at the beginning. The so-called method of manufacturing penicillin was only learned from TV dramas. He didn\'t know whether it was true or whether the screenwriter was making it up.

The reason for this and Sun Simiao said, on the one hand, they want to leave the old way and give themselves and their beautiful bosses a "medical insurance".

Second, it\'s just in case. What if Sun Simiao, the king of medicine, really got penicillin out?

However, Li Qieyou did not hold much hope for this.

After all, it would take more than a thousand years in advance. With Datang\'s current scientific and technological strength, it is really unimaginable to make penicillin, a divine medicine.

So when Sun Simiao said that he had made penicillin, Li forgetful worry would be so impolite.

"Well, according to Ziyou\'s previous words, I took out the septic dirt from those patients and smeared it on the crystal tablets. The penicillin was also smeared on it. Now seven days later, no penicillin has appeared in any area coated with penicillin. According to Ziyou\'s previous words, this should be a success? I\'ve also seen it under the microscope, and the area coated with penicillin In the region, there are really no grape like bacteria. "

Sun Simiao said, pointing to the microscope and motioning Li forgetful to see it himself.

Without saying a word, Li forgot to worry, jumped in front of the microscope and adjusted the lower eyepiece... The clear boundary can be clearly seen on the crystal piece as the objective lens.

The area coated with penicillin is clean, but outside it is a cluster of grape bacteria. Li forgets worry to remember, this is Staphylococcus, the most common pyogenic cocci.

There is no doubt that the penicillin made by Sun Simiao is really effective!

Li Qieyou\'s fingers trembled. Penicillin, this is a life-saving medicine! Especially in Datang!

"Sun, sun old fairy, it\'s really penicillin. You, you really made it! Old fairy, you really deserve to be the king of medicine!"

As soon as Li forgot to worry, he even called out Sun Simiao\'s honorific titles for later generations.

In this regard, Sun Simiao just twisted his beard and laughed: "Ziyou is serious. I\'m not a king of medicine. Please tell Ziyou how to use penicillin?"

"Injection!" Li forgot to worry naturally replied.

Sun Simiao did not understand: "what is injection?"

Li forgot to worry and was dumbfounded. Injection is to inject the medicine into the human body with a syringe. But Tang, where are we going to get needles?

The needle cylinder is simple, and you can make do with a bamboo cylinder.

Li Qieyou estimated that with carpenter Liu\'s technology, it would not be a problem to make some bamboo syringes from bamboo. Although it is not as transparent and intuitive as later glass, it can also be used.

The trouble is the needle. It must be hollow and so small. Li Qieyou is not sure whether the craftsmen of Datang can make such a delicate needle.

This matter can only be supervised again. We can consult with those skilled craftsmen to see if we can make the needle.

Li forgot to worry about it. He was going to explain to Sun Simiao what a syringe is and what an injection is, but he saw a grandson of Sun Simiao hurried in.

"Shigong, there is a visitor."

Sun Simiao frowned unhappily: "didn\'t I say that? I didn\'t see a guest today. Didn\'t I see that I was talking to Huxian uncle?"

The disciple hesitated and continued to say, "it\'s Mr. treasure. He said he would argue with Shigong and ask justice for his disciples."

Li forgets to worry. What trouble does Sun Simiao get into? Why does anyone want to be fair for his disciples?

Sun Simiao frowned when he heard the speech: "when did I bully his disciples? What justice do you want?"

"Mr. treasure said that Geng Hong, who was killed by the sage\'s staff, Geng Fengyu was his disciple."

The words of Sun Simiao\'s disciple made Li forget his worries and couldn\'t help but be stunned.

Geng Hong, Geng Fengyu, was killed by Li erzhang because he coerced Li Er with the aristocratic family and gave false evidence that Li Chengqian had died. What does this have to do with Sun Simiao?

Who is this Mr. treasure? Also a doctor?

Li Qieyou felt that the name seemed familiar, but he couldn\'t remember it. He spoke to Sun Simiao and asked, "old immortal sun, who is this Mr. treasure?"

Sun Simiao shook his head and smiled bitterly. He explained, "Hey, Mr. Baozang is also a famous doctor in the world. His surname is Zhang Baozang, and his word is Dan. He is from Liyang. Mr. Baozang is now 70 years old. He used to be an official in the Dynasty and served as the Secretary of Honglu temple. Now he has resigned and returned home. But I don\'t know why he found poor Tao today. What does Geng Hong\'s death have to do with poor Tao?"

Li forgot to worry about hearing the speech, but he remembered that this treasure was also a famous doctor in the early Tang Dynasty. It was also recorded in history, but he didn\'t expect that Geng Hong was his disciple.

"Old immortal sun, I\'m afraid there\'s some misunderstanding?"

"Maybe so, Ziyou, just sit for a moment and come when you go." Sun Simiao stood up and prepared to meet the Zhang Baozang with his disciple.

Thinking that Geng Hong\'s death seemed to have something to do with himself, Li forgot to worry and stood up: "old immortal sun, I\'ll go with you. If there is any misunderstanding, I can help you explain."

Sun Simiao didn\'t refuse either. He nodded slightly and walked out. Li forgot to worry and hurriedly followed.

Led by Sun Simiao\'s disciple, they went to the elegant room of the Taoist temple.

An old man with white hair and beard was sitting in the elegant room, and several middle-aged people were waiting on him.

As soon as the old man saw Sun Simiao appear, he snorted coldly: "I\'ve seen Taoist sun. Someone came uninvited today to ask for an explanation for my disappointing disciple."

Sun Simiao was not annoyed by his attitude: "Mr. treasure, I\'m afraid there is some misunderstanding. It has nothing to do with poverty to make disciple Geng Hong die."

"Why doesn\'t it matter? It\'s clear that you misled the saint and let the saint die in anger. My poor disciple! How can you, an elder, deny it like this?"

Li forgot to worry. He couldn\'t help interrupting: "Mr. treasure, Geng Hong\'s death is entirely his own fault. What does it have to do with old immortal sun? Even if old immortal sun cured the prince\'s intestinal carbuncle, it has nothing to do with Geng Hong\'s death. How can he blame old immortal sun?"

Zhang Baozang was very unhappy when he heard Li Qieyou\'s words: "do you have a share in interrupting when I talk to Taoist sun? Taoist sun, that\'s how you teach your disciples?"

Sun Simiao twisted his beard and smiled: "ha ha, I can\'t teach a disciple like Huxian Bo. Mr. treasure misunderstood. This is Huxian Kaiguo County Bo, Li forgets his worries."

"Oh? You\'re Li forgetful? That\'s just right. I won\'t have to go again. I want to talk to you today!" Zhang Baocang not only didn\'t restrain his attitude after hearing Li forgetful\'s identity, but glared at Li forgetful and became more and more impolite.

Li forgot to worry, but he was stunned. Did he take himself too seriously? What a big breath!